A Pagan Prayer


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Here's a really beautiful prayer I just had to pass along:

Dear Goddess & God,

Help us remember that the "jerk" who cut us off in traffic last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious moments with her children.

Help us to remember that the peirced, tattoed, disinterested young man who can't make change correctly, is a worried 19 year old college student, balancing his apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting his student loans for next semester.

Remind us, Goddess & God, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot every day (who really ought to get a job) is a slave to addictions that we can only imagine in our worst nightmares.

Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store aisles and blocking our shopping progress are savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they go shopping together.

Goddess, remind us each day that, of all the gifts we have the greatest gift is love. It is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. Open our hearts not to just those who are close to us, but to all humanity. Let us be slow to judge and quick to forgive, show patience, empathy and love.

So Mote It Be!
That is actually a very good prayer - it's all too easy to belittle other people. I personally prefer to give everyone the benefit. This is a particularly vivid way of doing so. Glad to see it up. :)
I said:
That is actually a very good prayer - it's all too easy to belittle other people. I personally prefer to give everyone the benefit. This is a particularly vivid way of doing so. Glad to see it up. :)

Ditto! Which is why I was so surprised to see someother pagan in a Group I belong to, tear it to sgreads, and conclude by calling it "the fluffiest thing she'd ever seen!" She was absolutely unable to take anything pleasent from it in any way, which I couldn't understand...
I really think you should reconsider some of the groups you actually belong in. :)

You're not on Usenet, are you? No moderators in a group is usually a bad idea - except for those who like to click tongues at people.
I said:
I really think you should reconsider some of the groups you actually belong in. :)

You're not on Usenet, are you? No moderators in a group is usually a bad idea - except for those who like to click tongues at people.

Nope, these usually happen in DelphiForums or YahooGroups. However, before these sudden, and unexpected, unpleasantries, the Group[s are perfectly wonderful and the people (aside from the nay-sayers) a pure joy! Otherwise, I would. :cool:
I'm going to have to check out DelphiForums later - get a look no the place. I have family shopping to do first today, though. :)

Beliefnet...a pot pourri. Not keen on the message board sytem. Been there to drop links to here a couple of times, but I can't get used to the place otherwise.
WiccanWade said:
Ditto! Which is why I was so surprised to see someother pagan in a Group I belong to, tear it to sgreads, and conclude by calling it "the fluffiest thing she'd ever seen!" She was absolutely unable to take anything pleasent from it in any way, which I couldn't understand...

The whole "fluffy bashing" trend is one of my biggest pet peeves right now. I could go on and on about it, but instead I'll just suggest anyone who is interested check out my rant about it on my website here. (if you want to check out the rest of the site, just go to http://www.witchgrotto.com/ )

It annoys me to no end that people who are setting themselves up as elders/teachers/initiates by claiming to "know better" set such poor examples as role models of spiritual maturity when they publicly bash others like that. There is a difference between debating and bashing, and those who happily "bash fluffy bunnies" clearly don't know the difference.
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bgruagach said:
The whole "fluffy bashing" trend is one of my biggest pet peeves right now. I could go on and on about it, but instead I'll just suggest anyone who is interested check out my rant about it on my website...

Oh, I couldn't agree more! It's so sad to see, yet, if one dares to say anything, well...you become the object of their further rage and accusations!

bgruagach said:
It annoys me to no end that people who are setting themselves up as elders/teachers/initiates by claiming to "know better" set such poor examples as role models of spiritual maturity when they publicly bash others like that. There is a difference between debating and bashing, and those who happily "bash fluffy bunnies" clearly don't know the difference.

Very well said... :cool:
Oh, by the way, Ben, laurie Cabot's book "Power Of The Witch" happens to be one of my most beloved books, and truly one of the better book available to those new to The Craft, and even experienced practitioners, alike, IMHO, for a variety oif reasons... ;) I can't recommend it enough, and have loved it ever since I first read it. Thankfully, I am thankful that it found it's way to me, and...quite honestly, I may very well not have believed in what we call "spells" were it not for her book. :)
I had a look at Delphi groups this morning and simply can't handle the use of frames, the ads for pyramid schemes, and the constant barrage of "pay to remove advertising". Very much the poor man's MSN. Places like this are much better. :)
I said:
I had a look at Delphi groups this morning and simply can't handle the use of frames, the ads for pyramid schemes, and the constant barrage of "pay to remove advertising". Very much the poor man's MSN. Places like this are much better. :)

Oh, Delphi Forums, YahooGroups, and Belifnet, all seem to be flooded (the pagan Groups) with really cruelpeople, whom all back each other up, et al.
WiccanWade said:
Oh, Delphi Forums, YahooGroups, and Belifnet, all seem to be flooded (the pagan Groups) with really cruelpeople, whom all back each other up, et al.

I've found several really decent groups on MSN. One is Ask A Witch and the other is the Sacred Covens Circle. Both groups are very informative, especially for the new wiccan.
Blue Heron said:
I've found several really decent groups on MSN. One is Ask A Witch and the other is the Sacred Covens Circle. Both groups are very informative, especially for the new wiccan.

I agree! MSN Groups seem to be the only system truly devoid of such flaming!!!
As someone who used to manage some MSN groups, let alone be a member of countless others, I can assure you that flaming is as part of MSN as anywhere else!

Ultimately, it's simply a matter of how much the people who set up and run such groups actually care to get involved to ensure civilised discussion.
Well, Wiccan Wade, I'm afraid I couldn't resist. I just reposted your prayer on Straight Dope changing the terminology to Christian terminology and asking my fellow Christians if they'd be willing to pray it. It may be un-Christian of me, but I think it might be fun to see the reactions of some folks when they hear its origin.

I think it's a good prayer. There are some things which I believe all human beings are called to do, regardless of what names they hang on their religion. That prayer sums them up nicely. Unfortunately, some human beings use their religion as an excuse to hang being a jerk on. I want to think Wiccans are less likely to do so, but that's due to exposure to WHKeith and his wife. Oh well. Thanks for keeping me from closing my eyes.

Very good prayer, IMHO valid for many other denominations.

Understanding others is one fo the reasons why I systematically use public transportation, when I could go from my airconditionned appartment to my underground garage, take my airconditioned car (which I don't have, but could), drive to the undersground garage of my airconditioned office, and back again in the evening. ;)

Bashing "fluffy bunnies" is, IMHO again, bordering the ludicrous, in addition to being offensive. What's most important is that what you believes feels right for you. Of course, this is a harsh world, but it is no reason for being cynical about it! :mad: On the contrary! There are actually single mothers, beggars, and poor people. The least we can do to them is to show them the same respect that we expect from others.

Baud said:
Of course, this is a harsh world, but it is no reason for being cynical about it! :mad: On the contrary! There are actually single mothers, beggars, and poor people. The least we can do to them is to show them the same respect that we expect from others.

Someone once said (I don't know who, unfortunately) that we will not be judged by how well we treat the priviledged, but how we treat those who are the most disadvantaged of all.

It's one of those ideas that I think should be more widely discussed. It might help with a lot of the problems we see today in the world, if more people actually took it to heart.
Baud said:
Bashing "fluffy bunnies" is, IMHO again, bordering the ludicrous, in addition to being offensive. What's most important is that what you believes feels right for you. Of course, this is a harsh world, but it is no reason for being cynical about it! :mad: On the contrary! There are actually single mothers, beggars, and poor people. The least we can do to them is to show them the same respect that we expect from others.

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!
Wiccan Wade, I've got a question for you. How do those who've been criticizing you for this prayer feel the Rule of 3 applies to it? It would seem to me that putting cynicism and bitterness into the world is asking for a rather unpleasant return in Wiccan terms.

Seige said:
Wiccan Wade, I've got a question for you. How do those who've been criticizing you for this prayer feel the Rule of 3 applies to it? It would seem to me that putting cynicism and bitterness into the world is asking for a rather unpleasant return in Wiccan terms.


Oh, she wasn't a Wiccan, she was a Druid, whom, from all accounts, like being such a, well...I'm sure you know like a what! It ryhmes with "itch". And, she's a MAJOR know-it-all (from all accounts), at least she thinks she does...