God LOVE - Beautiful story !

Salim Syed

Islamic Perspective
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UK Slough
It is related that Jesus, peace be upon him, one day passed by a hill in which he saw a cave. He drew near it and found in it a devotee whose back was bent, whose body was wasted, and in whom austerity had reached it's utmost limits. Jesus greeted him and wondered at the evidences of his devotion which he saw.
So Jesus said to him, 'How long have you been in this place ?' He replied , 'For seventy years I have been asking Him for one thing which He has not granted me yet. Perhaps you, O Spirit of God, may intercede for me concerning it; then possibly it may be granted'.

Jesus said: 'What is your requirement ? ' He replied, 'I asked Him to let me taste the amount of one atom of His pure love'. Jesus said to him, 'I shall pray to God for you about that.'

So he prayed for him that night, and God, Exalted and Mighty is He, revealed to him, 'I have accepted your intercession and granted your request'.
Jesus, peace be upon him, returned to him to the place after some days to see what the condition of the devotee was, and saw the cave had fallen in and a great fissure had appeared in the ground below it. Jesus, peace be upon him, went down into that fissure and went some leagues in it and saw the devotee in a cave under that hill, standing with his eyes staring and his mouth open. The Jesus, peace be upon him, greeted him, but he did not answer.

While Jesus was wondering at his condition a voice said to him, 'O Jesus, he asked Us for something like an atom of Our pure love, and We knew that he was not able for that, so We gave him a seventieth part of an atom, and he is bewildered in it thus; so what would it have been like if We had given him more than that ?'

Just thought I would share that with you ...
Salim Syed said:
It is related that Jesus, peace be upon him, one day passed by a hill in which he saw a cave. He drew near it and found in it a devotee whose back was bent, whose body was wasted, and in whom austerity had reached it's utmost limits. Jesus greeted him and wondered at the evidences of his devotion which he saw.
So Jesus said to him, 'How long have you been in this place ?' He replied , 'For seventy years I have been asking Him for one thing which He has not granted me yet. Perhaps you, O Spirit of God, may intercede for me concerning it; then possibly it may be granted'.

Jesus said: 'What is your requirement ? ' He replied, 'I asked Him to let me taste the amount of one atom of His pure love'. Jesus said to him, 'I shall pray to God for you about that.'

So he prayed for him that night, and God, Exalted and Mighty is He, revealed to him, 'I have accepted your intercession and granted your request'.
Jesus, peace be upon him, returned to him to the place after some days to see what the condition of the devotee was, and saw the cave had fallen in and a great fissure had appeared in the ground below it. Jesus, peace be upon him, went down into that fissure and went some leagues in it and saw the devotee in a cave under that hill, standing with his eyes staring and his mouth open. The Jesus, peace be upon him, greeted him, but he did not answer.

While Jesus was wondering at his condition a voice said to him, 'O Jesus, he asked Us for something like an atom of Our pure love, and We knew that he was not able for that, so We gave him a seventieth part of an atom, and he is bewildered in it thus; so what would it have been like if We had given him more than that ?'

Just thought I would share that with you ...
Just a thought for you Salim Syed, ;)

If you are interested in more stories of beauty and love from the life of Jesus...consider reading the New Testament's Gospels. I can think of over two dozen right off the bat...but that is your call.


I have lots of version of the Holy Bible at home. I have read alot of the stories. Yes without doubt there are many lovely stories that I would agree on. All religions must have one source as God is not the creator of confusion, so all religious scriptors must have beautiful morals and stories.

I thought I would share this story as most Christians would never have read this and actually most Muslims as well (this is not in the Quran).

As I see on this forum, people seem to love the LOVE and PEACE side of religion, so I thought I would share it.

There are as many ways to God (Almighty and Exalted is He) as there are grains of sand in the desert.

I also wanted to add a peace on LOVE as my other questions are quite difficult topics and wanted to end the night on a +ve note....

Pray you all have a lovely day and keep you safe, I will sign off soon it's 1230 in the morning here.

Has been great sharing views and opinions, please forgive me if I have unknowingly offended anyone, was not my intention.

Any mistakes in my quotes or facts are mine.....
Also my wife is a convert (was Catholic), and my mother and father in-law are still Catholic, my mother and her family are all Christians or Atheists.

(although very few of them engage in religious topics, in theUK it's hard to find devoted Christians - I find).

So I have a little understanding of Christianity (however religious discussion in the family is not a very good idea), the Internet is much easier going.

Salim Syed said:
Also my wife is a convert (was Catholic), and my mother and father in-law are still Catholic, my mother and her family are all Christians or Atheists.

(although very few of them engage in religious topics, in theUK it's hard to find devoted Christians - I find).

So I have a little understanding of Christianity (however religious discussion in the family is not a very good idea), the Internet is much easier going.

Any time. Allah ahk bar! :D


I'm curious - what is the source of the story?
There are many stories which are 'Islamic traditions', I think they are not in the Quran (God's words) or Hadith (Prophet Muhammad's words).

I found them in a book called 'Jesus prophet of Islam' by Ahmad Thomson (an English convert to Islam who is a Barrister).
