The Reputation of Christ


at peace
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Peace Be Upon All Here—

Hi, everyone. I have posted this on the Christian board because, as a Christian, the reputation of Christ is very important to me. That does not mean that I would not welcome sincere and peaceful comments from anyone of any faith.

For those of you who profess that Jesus is Christ, your Lord and Savior, the Lamb of God and King of Kings, this one’s for you:

If we are doers of the Word, and not merely hearers, then how shall we represent Him? Do we sometimes fly His flag but neglect to salute it with our lives? What about the tongue? What does the tongue say about our hearts?

As Christians, do you think that we are more apt to go forcefully try to dig the speck out of the eye of someone of another faith, when sometimes one of “our own” cannot see because there is the trunk of a redwood clouding his vision?

When I say "one of our own", I also mean each one of us personally.

And finally, if we are indeed believers in the Kingdom of Heaven, if we believe that God is Love, how should we conduct our lives? Is it dangerous for us to attempt to understand the hearts of non-believers?

I could go on and on, but this is probably enough to start a conversation. One in which I am sincerely invested.:)

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Too late to edit--logged out. So I will have to add it here.

When I say "one of our own", I also mean each one of us personally.

Just thought I would clear that up while I still can, before we derail immediately.:)

InLove said:
Peace Be Upon All Here—

Hi, everyone. I have posted this on the Christian board because, as a Christian, the reputation of Christ is very important to me. That does not mean that I would not welcome sincere and peaceful comments from anyone of any faith.

For those of you who profess that Jesus is Christ, your Lord and Savior, the Lamb of God and King of Kings, this one’s for you:

If we are doers of the Word, and not merely hearers, then how shall we represent Him? Do we sometimes fly His flag but neglect to salute it with our lives? What about the tongue? What does the tongue say about our hearts?

As Christians, do you think that we are more apt to go forcefully try to dig the speck out of the eye of someone of another faith, when sometimes one of “our own” cannot see because there is the trunk of a redwood clouding his vision?

When I say "one of our own", I also mean each one of us personally.

And finally, if we are indeed believers in the Kingdom of Heaven, if we believe that God is Love, how should we conduct our lives? Is it dangerous for us to attempt to understand the hearts of non-believers?

I could go on and on, but this is probably enough to start a conversation. One in which I am sincerely invested.:)

First, I fixed your post because you ran out of time to edit the first one. If that was a mistake, I apologize and will reset everything back exactly the way it was...

Second, I don't think alot of Christians really know what Christianity is about. Why? look around. There are people in every home town in this land that are suffering. I mean they hurt real bad, and prim and proper "Christian folk" don't want to get down and dirty with them. Ever smell a dirty horse or cow? You can handle it (most folk can)...but a dirty stinky human? No way. How about a chronic drunk, or a human with serious sickness in their bones? How about the kids who form gangs as a way of protecting self, and defying the harshness of the world against them?

I don't think it is going to church religiously on Sunday, or the Sabbath, nor do I think it is religiously saying one's prayers. I don't think it is simply taking care of one's own. It is reaching out, despite the possibility of getting burned.

Do some of you remember the Star Trek episode (original series), titled "GEM" ? The Alien was an empath with extraordinary abilites to heal. She was mute, but she could take away the injury of one (but had to accept that injury into herself, in the process). Anyway for little injuries of others, she had no problem healing (and taking the pain herself). But when the good Doctor McCoy was dying from the torture he'd received, Gem recoiled from healing him. The cost in her mind (initially, a life for a life), was too much, and she backed away. Finally, she overcame her own fear of death and aided the good doctor (and it nearly did kill her).

Gene Roddenberry (the author of Star Trek), loved to play upon the principals, politics and religious philosophies of the day when he created his "wagon train to the stars". In this "Gem" episode, I think he was saying that Christians need to put up or shut up.

my two cents.


I agree with you Q. Being a Christian in these days is a down and dirty job and it would cost us each a lot more if we were doing it right. In another thread we're talking about faith vs. works and well I agree with the folks who are saying we are saved by grace and that is that. However, when it comes to spreading the love and compassion of Christ, works and not words is where it is at. I guess I belong to the build a better mousetrap school of evangelism. Right now many people believe that no God is an improvement over God and Christians should be asking themselves why this is.

lunamoth said:
I agree with you Q. Being a Christian in these days is a down and dirty job and it would cost us each a lot more if we were doing it right. In another thread we're talking about faith vs. works and well I agree with the folks who are saying we are saved by grace and that is that. However, when it comes to spreading the love and compassion of Christ, works and not words is where it is at. I guess I belong to the build a better mousetrap school of evangelism. Right now many people believe that no God is an improvement over God and Christians should be asking themselves why this is.

Perhaps the question better asked might be, how to build a better Human...

But that cuts in to pesonal time....
Hi, y'all--Peace

(and thanks for replying to this thread--with everything else going on, I hadn't even seen that it got any answers.)

I started this thread because I keep seeing, time after time, people who talk and talk and use Christianity as their podium, but all they seem to do is hurt the purpose of the message as a whole. I try not to get upset about anything, but there is a whole, self-proclaimed world of non-Christians out there, and dare I say that the number one reason for this is the actions and words of self-proclaimed Christians? What was it Gandhi said? (that's rhetorical--I know what he said.)

I love Jesus (in case anyone has any doubts about that). I want to present the Truth to the world as much as anyone. I just think we get so caught up in our own "divisions" so much that we often defeat (in the eyes of the world) the very message we would share. And I also think we do not listen enough.

I could go on forever about this--but it is late, and I am still blessed and limited by this physical body God created for me. In it, I believe He intends me to learn, and sometimes speak. In it, He also proves to me that, while I am in Spirit, my flesh still needs rest (that includes my nerves and brain cells).

More later, and again--thanks.

Hi, Guys--(Oh, yeah, and peace to all here:) )

Yes, Q, it takes guts. And often, experience. Very often. I don't quite know how to say this, but it wasn't you (or even JJM;) --hey JJ:) ) that I was frustrated with.

I just cannot understand--I mean, it is really not within me-- why people of any faith (especially those who claim to love Christ) would come here and just start bashing believers of any faith other than his or her own. I just don't see the point--and when they do it in the name of Jesus, well, I guess I (yes, me--InLove and InPeace and all that) just see a little red (the blood of Christ?)

Anyway, I have been working hard over the U.S. holiday. I do not usually do that--but this year is different. Trying to finish a mission, I suppose....

Thanks, Quahom1 and lunamoth--my brother and sister...

(Oh, by the way, Q--I try to make it a point to, when I can, catch up on stuff I would have liked to have seen the first time. I have been catching up on Star Trek whenever possible--I love the bald-headed sexy guy--wish I could speel:D his name--(I know his name) And I even like the guy with the tribbles--so sue me....

I gotta go rest now, y'all--can ya tell? And luna--thanks for the hug on another thread I may not find for months--

i find no fault, was the verdict. the masses still hated him, no matter what good he did. but he made a difference in some.

Jesus reputation made a difference in me, but i still have faults & i want to try to be more & more like him. he always spoke in snippets to the crowds because he knew he would be wasting his time trying to explain the depth, except to his disciples. because Jesus knew after they were filled with the promise of the Holy Ghost, they would understand his teaching & become more like him.
Hi Bandit!

How was your trip?

I have not had lots of time to be on CR the past couple of days. Read some of your posts, but no time yet to respond.

Anyway, take care, dear one--

it was GREAT InLOVE ! food, fireworks, friends, fellowship, some family & fun. all F's except for swimming. & all just three hours from home. You must go to the Michigan Dunes State Park some time.

it is ok. you dont have to respond. i am the alien & my blood is green but i have no weapons & good breath .:)
Kindest Regards, Bandit!

Glad to hear you had a nice weekend!
i am the alien & my blood is green but i have no weapons & good breath.
Sometimes I wonder if and how many of us are aliens and don't know it...

And then there's the Anasazi...
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Bandit!

Glad to hear you had a nice weekend!

Sometimes I wonder if and how many of us are aliens and don't know it...

And then there's the Anasazi...
i think i am an alien, because i know i cannot get certain things across. but more like i am not going to spend my life trying to chisel down the great wall(s) of china.

jesus was like an alien in some of his ways. 'for they are not of the world even as i am not of the world' (paraphrased)

yes it was an awesome weekend Juan hope yours was great too. I even came about 10 feet close to two wild deer. one had huge antlers. they usually run before you can get that close.
When I was younger. The church I was in Went to MCdonalds after service, it was super bowl sunday(football champianships in america) after we all finished eating a drunk man cam in. I know he had had alot to drink for one you could smell it, and 2 his eyeballs where about to pop out of his head. People always come to me 1st. He looked at the group and picked me out I was behind everyone:eek: . I was young and very scared becuase I heard people say becarefull when helping someone (this came after I helped a man back into his weelchair infront of a service station while on a date)(Apparently he had rob some folx in the past, I also tried to witness to him, he was also very drunk, and did manage to give me my 1st cussing out for Christ, I tell you this one to show why i was scared), and 2nd their where more expereinced Christians their at mcdonalds. )) Anyways back to my original story in Mcdonalds. He came and ask me for money for a cab. I hesitated and looked at my companions as if to say HELLLLPPPP!!!!!!!! Course everyone kept goin to the door as if to say ignor him. Needless to say I emptied out my wallet, and havnt really attend church regular sense. I've waivered in the faith(not of God or of Jesus), but havnt really been the same Christian as before. Thats not to say my own problems is their fualt, but it did have a negative affect for me towards religous people. But I agree with you 100%. We are suppost to be selfless, meek, humble, and take on servanthood! Being full of Love for God, and our neighbors. Granted the man probably used the money to get drunk, but I did something, and Didnt jesus state:

"Matt 25:37 "Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 "And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'
Good question, Curios Mike--and if I haven't had the chance to say so, welcome to CR. Funny, I was just about to reply to one of your threads, and now here you are on mine! How about that?

I had a similar experience, but when I was older--only last year, as a matter of fact. I learned something, and I am going to tell you what I learned. Having recently joined forces with a stranger who accosted me with help on a project simply because "the Holy Spirit moved him to do so", and having had an excellent experience in that particular case, my eyes and ears and heart were so open to it happening again. I believe God was very aware of my openness, and wanted to show me how I might handle the situation when it was not so sincere, or maybe even dangerous.

Now, at this time, I necessarily had to rely on the transit system in my area. I had never had to do this before, and even though I enjoyed learning how to catch the trains and buses (okay--never really got to the buses), I had always heard that if one did not know what one was doing, it could be really, really wierd and dangerous. This proved to be quite true. One afternoon, I was sitting on the patio of Taco Cabana, along the rail route, actually going over the manuscript which was the project that the Holy Spirit had prompted the first stranger (now my friend and partner) to ask me about. I was sitting in a corner, minding my own business, enjoying the fresh air and a cold drink, and even though the rest of the patio was empty, this woman came and sat down very close to me--open Bible in hand. She was talking to someone--not me. I listened, and she said words like "Yes, I will try this one (meaning me, I soon came to find out.) She looked at my chips and salsa, and my drink, and asked me about them. I offered her some. She then asked me if I had money for food. I told her (and I was not lying) that I only had three dollars, but she could have two--I needed the other for transportation. She took the money, and then moved closer to me. I was next to a stone "fence" of sorts, and she walked around on the other side, looking as if she was going to jump over--most likely with my purse, which was hanging on my chair on her side. I moved my purse, hung it over my knee, and crossed my other leg over the handle, thinking this would discourage her. She only sat back down beside me, opened the Bible again, and began talking to whatever spirit with whom she was communing, saying, " I did, I did--I have already tried this one. Okay, okay--I will try again." Then she asked me for bus fare. I told her I had already given her all I could. I told her that the manager of the resturant was sitting inside, and maybe she could talk to him about phoning someone if she needed help. This made no impact on the young woman, so I decided to take my papers, leave my food and drink there if she wanted it, and go inside. I was afraid that when I moved, she might assault me, but she didn't.

I went inside and told the manager that there was a young woman on the patio that seemed to need some kind of help. He said he had been watching the whole thing, and he would see what he could do.

In hindsight, I think what I should have done was immediately tell the woman that if she was hungry, I would be glad to go inside with her and order whatever food my two dollars could buy. I think that God let this happen so that I could learn how to faithfully handle situations like this in the future, without ignoring someone who might just need a little kindness as much as money or food, and without being a bad steward of whatever blessings He has given me. And without continuing to be a sitting duck for someone who might physically harm me or steal my I.D. (boy--I think whoever stole my I.D. might regret it, but anyway:) ).

Whether the young woman was actually communing with God or some other spirit, I do not know to this day. Anyway, I learned.

You were young when the incident at MacDonald's happened. You did not know how to handle it--I will venture to say that there were other Christians there who did not know how to handle it, either, regardless of their age or dedication. We never stop growing in the Lord, unless we choose to.

Does this help?

Profound. I learn something new everyday - this fruit must be the knowledge of good.
Yes This was the conclution I had after the man in the wheel chair, which happened a few years before I was married, the insadent at Mcy D's was about a year or two after I was married. My wife was pregnant so I had others to consider other then myself. LOL Seems the older I get, and the more kids I have the less boldness I have. Storms never scared me no matter how severe, but now if their is any hint of green(For those who dont know when their sky and air gets green and it starts to hail its a sign their is a tornado around or coming) I start swetting and worry about my kids. Boldness and wisdom where the things I prayed for most as a young man, now purity, and knowledge are the things in my prayers.

LOL Like I'm really old now. Anyways yes... I agree and have come to that same conclution I just try not to rely on older or other Christian as much as I used to. Ohhhh by the way, maybe the lady was an angel? The Bible does say we entertain angels unawarely.
The angel thought did cross my mind, especially when she was nowhere to be found when the manager went to look for her. :)
Soemthing similer happend to me and a friend of mine. The denom we attended was having a big ruckuss over nothing. They even split over it. I'm not goin to say becuase it was totally ridiculous and embarassing. Anyways the denom we attended has a theme park so to speak in the mountians. In this theme park they have the ten commandments on one mountian, and on another they have its doctorines on another mountian. We where reading the doctrine that they where fighting over so passionatly, and this man was walking up the moutnian and turned and saw us. He asked us what we thought. We told him what we thought(LOL I cant remember what we said) I dont think I agree with it, not sure he did or not then but I know he dont now. Fact is his believe system now is way different then where we used to go. But back to the story we answered and turn for just a second to read it again. When we turned back around he was gone. We went up, down and around that mountian and park and never found him. Then we both laughed, and srugged and said "well I gues thats was an encounter of the unaware kind".
The question InLove posted brought to my mind myself.. :) When I was first born again I was on fire for Christ.. I wanted everyone to feel what I felt and experience what I experienced.. I was so eager to bring everyone to Christ through any means possible that I didnt stop to ask God what HE wanted. Then my pastor gave a sermon at a crucial time in my spiritual growth that I know was directed at me.. It was humbling.

God determines who is called.. God determines who is saved.. The only job I have is to spread the gospel in a loving manner to those who are ready and willing to hear it. God leads those people to me. It was the case once again of taking God off the throne and putting myself on it... taking the initiative away from God.

Ok so then how do we as Christians attract those who crave that something that I know to be God.

What did Jesus do?

He led by example. He lived a sinless life...He prayed to the Father...He was baptized...He proclaimed Himself a servant to man giving of Himself unto death.. Now its not at all possible for me to lead a sinless life...but I can try to live righteously.. I can let the world see my Light.. I can be truly happy and at peace and tell others the key to that happiness and peace. And do you know that by allowing the others to come to ME asking ME... more have listened with willing ears than all the many times that that I pushed the message on unwilling ears.

Its Spiritual maturity.. God loved me as that excited spirit-filled new believer just as He loves the more spiritually grown me... and He shows me so much more now than He did then...I was in kindergarten..learning how to count and say my ABC's... basically the basics.. now Im into physics and calculus and my knowledge base is growing and He tells me just as much as Im ready to learn.. Im excited.. whats after physics and calculus? :)

Ok so when I look at people who force the good news of Jesus Christ in a fumbling manner.. its like a kindergartener trying to teach a pre-schooler how to divide or multiply intergers. Its not working.. I attempt to give them advice.. if they take it then its all good if they dont I say a prayer and give it to God.. Trusting that God will do damage control.. after all its in Gods hands anyways.

Right? :)
I learned a simple truth about witnessing. What one has to say is irrelevant at first, because deaf ears cannot hear. But the eyes, the eyes observe everything, with much scrutiny. Even a drunk man's eyes...

You may not think you did anything of constructive purpose Mike, but the fact is you acted (as best you knew how), for the Glory of God. What you determined to be a failure, God considers an absolute and fantastic Victory.

Courageous people are not fearless, they are courageous because they act in spite of their fear.

I believe that as surely as I am breathing, God used that situation for the betterment of all, including you and the drunk man, as well as everyone who witnessed what happened.

Now I'm going to tell you a story. See if you can't count how many people were affected...and don't think for one second that Christ wasn't in the middle of it :D

I just spent 6 hours from California to Maryland, talking with a South West flight attendant "dead heading" (flying home to Baltimore on the clock, but off duty). We touched on just about everything in life from the war to gay marriages, to God...and that is where we locked in and began discussing philosophy of God at length.

I swear to you, the back third of the plane's passengers were doing everything they could to not look like they were listening in on our conversation.

At one point, she turned to me and said, "There are very few people that can make others want to venture deeper and think outside the box dear, and you are one of those people."

To which I replied with a laugh, "I am outside the box madam, and can't seem to find my way in!"

Then she laughed, then became serious and said, "Don't, it is very very boring."

Outside the airport, a black man with grey/white dreadlocks and Gucci clothes walked by, and I looked at him, smiled and blurted out "Man, I wish I could grow my hair that long." (I never do things like that). He looked startled, then at my uniform, grinned and said, "Ah, but the price you paid not to is worth it sir, at least to me." Then he asked me for directions on how to get to the long term parking lot. But while he did so, his hand was on my shoulder, like a proud father might do to a family member. There was no sense of personal space invasion between either of us.

While in San Diego, I stopped to get gum and a sandwich from a 7-11, when a homeless man approached me (he was Vietnamese, wore a tattered military jacket, about 60 years old and smelled of alcohol). He asked in accented English if I could spare a couple of dollars. At first I started saying I couldn't help him (again I was in uniform), but then something told me I should, and trust that he wouldn't use it for booze. So I said I could help him, and gave a few dollars to him. He then looked at me and said, "I used to be a good soldier once." My heart went into my throat. Had I turned away from him, the damage my actions might have caused to an already fragile life...

I smiled at him, patted his arm and replied, "I know, and you still are, you've just forgotten." I have no idea where that came from, but the affect was immediate. He stood up straight, tugged at his jacket, smiled and said thank you.

Behind him, another Vietnamese (woman) vendor at a trinket stand was watching the both of us very closely, at first with a scowl, which later turned into a bemused grin. As the man walked away, the vendor bowed to me. I nodded my head back and got into the car. From the rear view mirror I watched her watch me drive out of sight, the grin not leaving her face.

While at the small boat conference, during breaks I told "sea stories". Everybody has sea stories, but when I told some of mine, I found self surrounded by the younger sailors, while the older people hung around the fringes. I once berated myself and apologized to the crowd for rambling. They would hear none of it, and pushed me to continue telling tales. The younger ones were like sponges, while the older crowd nodded their heads and smiled secret smiles, while remembering memories of their own...

We, all of us want and need to be counted, to be important to others. We want to matter. We want others to consider us as having worth. And it doesn't take a whole lot to convey to others that they mean something to us. A look, a smile, a conversation, a touch, a story, a positive comment...all more powerful than all the weapons of war man could possibly create. But it only works when applied one on one, or in small groups, and spreads from there. I am only beginning to understand the meaning of life. It is so cool!

And Christ is right there in the thick of it, ecouraging and applauding us to continue on...

That's my story, and i'm stickin' to it. :D

