Money root to all evil.


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Before we get the philosophical smart asses, saying it's not money itself that is evil of course it's not.. However what I'm trying to say is if you have evil at the end of the road the only root to get to it is through money. I think that the money is root to all evil saying has a lot more in common with Christianity then any other religion. Money the root to all evil? Yes I say it is. Without money we still be depending on cultivating land and trading fairly but money gives us the opportunity to take a promised owed value and this is what triggers off entrepreneurial activity. Does this modern life style give us happiness? Or does it give is us false security and temporary high with destructive consequences and great oppertunity for people to screw us. As Greeks philosophers said humans are happiest when with one with nature.

Let me also point out that we are heading towards a dark age! Imagine that, with all technological advances recently there has been a big drop in advances since 200 years ago. And even though we are advancing it's dropped to a very slow rate. Just because something seems to be what it is, doesn't really mean it is.

Does my question of whether evil could have existed prior to money make me one the "smart asses" you were explaining to?
of course it was there, but humans take that root through money and or self benifit?
Forgive me if this has been covered before, but just for clarification; from a Christian point of view, love of money is a root of evils, not the root of all evil, in accordance with a proper translation of I Timothy 6:10. Desire for money or gain gives rise to many evils, but there are certainly evils that are absent such a desire (violence, sexual assaults, etc.).

Jaiket, just as an aside, I noticed your designated location. I love Terry Pratchett and I think I've read just about everything he has written.
I wouldn't say that money is a root to evil, but instead an option. There are plenty of people with money who gladly donate it to worthy causes, being completely selfless.

The want for money, however, is what I would say is the most powerful source of evil. This want, as with most lusts, can turn a normal human into a raving lunatic who doesn't have any sense as to how they are affecting the world around them. This selfish outlook fueled by greed creates this sense of evil.
Kindest Regards, all!

Welcome to CR Artur.

from a Christian point of view, love of money is a root of evils, not the root of all evil, in accordance with a proper translation of I Timothy 6:10.
I have heard this before, the implication that money of itself is the root of evil. The verse referred to here shows it is the love of money that is the root of evil. The love of money is also called greed. Therefore, greed is the root of all evil.

Otherwise, just send all your money to me, and I will have it blessed for you (after it passes through my bank account)... ;)

To paraphrase Solomon, a man is entitled to what he has rightfully earned. Money in the sense of wealth is God's blessing upon us. As with most blessings, it is what we do with it that matters. If we become willing to hook and crook to increase our wealth, then we have become victim to our covetous desires as we victimize others by stealing more than our rightful due. A workman is worthy of his hire.

No doubt there are wicked businesses, and wicked people who take advantage at every opportunity to fleece their victims. But not all are so. Most people work to support their families. Most businesses are in business to earn a profit so that honest, hardworking people can support their families. I do not begrudge a person or business profiting on a business transaction. Where I do have concern, is with business or person not fulfilling their end of a bargain. Those that "take the money and run" with no intent to fulfill their promise are the ones I believe are overcome with their greed.

My two cents, keep the change! :)
Personally, I am of the belief that Evil people happen to like money, they give it a bad name, but nice people can have money too and not become evil.

Bill Gates is a very rich man, he does a lot of charity work, and when he dies I believe he is leaving it all to charity. Hardly a route to Evil (or a root of Evil, whichever it is)
Yeah apprently he's leaving something like only 1% to his children... 1% is plently enough and I think there are many people in the world that would make good use of the money. Totally excellent of him.. Unless it's a PR scam for us to buy more Microsoft products ;)
getwallyfied said:
The want for money, however, is what I would say is the most powerful source of evil.
Good comment - and I think the Buddhists would use "suffering" in lieu of "evil".
But money is like a necessity in today's world, without it ure dead, or u go around doing evil, stealing, kidnapping, bribery etc etc.. yes need for money can be evil!
In my view, money or the love of it leads to evil because money (medium of exchange) is the means to power. Buying, selling, trading -- these are the paths that lead to ownership. She who owns, controls. She who controls, has influence; has power.

Humans by nature love power and do not do very well at exercising it for the common good.

I maintain that, for the vast majority of us, loving money is a synonym for loving power. This is, in turn, a synonym (if you will) for selfishness -- for putting oneself up against God.

It really doesn't matter whether money or the love of it is the root or a root of evil. I think the distinction, while valid, is unimportant when compared to the fact that wanting power causes suffering. This is what is at the root (pun intended) of the reason for making the statement in the first place.

Disagree? Set me straight. I like a lively conversation.


Frankly, like the Buddhist explanation better-it's not about the money; it's about the mind. Those caught up in greed/craving will be those led around by the nose by it. Culturally, capitalistically-oriented societies, like America-tend to over-emphasize it. Though, how much of our culture here is due to the capitalistic bent and how much is due to the strongly individualistic/achievement-oriented flavor in general, hard to tell. But that combo I do think tends to add to more alientation from self and others here than might be found in alot of other cultures. Have a good one, Earl
ITs selfishness, pride, and hate. The root is not the means. Love of money is evidence of evil, like glutiny, greed of anything is a sign of selfishness. When Satan said in his heart I will exalt my throne above Gods he became selfish and full of pride. The same applies to us, is it just me or does it seem the more money we have the more we need. Look at big businesses they do whatever to get richer. So in all honesty selfishness, and pride is the root to all evil. Excessive money, food or whatever are just the symptoms.

Hope this was of help,

Mt 22:21 ...He said to them, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

I think many are guilty of making money their God which is hard not to do since we cannot seem to do anything without a steady flow of cash. For me personally.. I have never had the desire to be wealthy ... Money has never been the epitome of prosperity to me. I have always trusted that God will provide for my needs because everything I have is from Him. He has never failed me on this. I have seen great wrong done because of money.. from many types of people..Christians as well as people of other faiths. It just reaffirms my beliefs.
Faithfulservant said:
Mt 22:21 ...He said to them, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

I think many are guilty of making money their God which is hard not to do since we cannot seem to do anything without a steady flow of cash. For me personally.. I have never had the desire to be wealthy ... Money has never been the epitome of prosperity to me. I have always trusted that God will provide for my needs because everything I have is from Him. He has never failed me on this. I have seen great wrong done because of money.. from many types of people..Christians as well as people of other faiths. It just reaffirms my beliefs.

Juan I think is right in that it is not the symbol (is that not what money is?), but the intent behind. Greed is one of the Seven deadly sins. Money on the other hand can get one involved in just about all of those deadly sins, so I can see why money could be considered the/a root of evil or of all evil.


I think that this thread has suffered from a bit of a typographical error and people are taking different understandings of the quote in question.

I think the word is root, not route.

To say that money is a route to evil would mean that if you had money, you could use it to to achieve evil. Possibly even that to have a love of money places you
irrevocably on the path which will certainly leed to evil.

The actual quote was

"love of money is a root of evils"

root, as in tree root. A beginning, a foundation, a necessary anchor.

To me, this quote says that a love of money is an essential part of an evil heart, but not the only part, it takes more to be evil.
I dont not believe that money is the root of all evil, I believe human nature is.
Money was invented by humans so while it is not the "root" of evil i beleive it helps to perpetuate many of the evil things that go on in this world.

The want of money leads to theivery and violence

The lack of money leads poverty and starvation

the possesion of money (ussually) leads to power and corruption

but we canot say that money is the cause of these things. for if we were all good people money would make society much nicer, But it is not so. In the world today those with the possesion of money (the corperations) do not care for those who lack money and so a huge cycle of poverty and violence is built around a philosophy based on greed and selfishness.
I have to agree with you Jeff, Human nature is the "evil".
In good people, money would be used for good things and possibly help others, whereas in greedy people, money is used simply to benifit themselves and their own wealth. I don't see money as the problem, I think the problem is the nature of the person who has the money.
Power is not evil .Everybody need power and ability for their own ends.
There are no idealogies that cannot manage to use money to their own goals therefore it does not exclude those moralities "good" and cannot be evil.

If money are evil then all abilities are evil and so would voluntary isolation from groups be evil and indepence would be evil.

Also why should money be used for others?
If there were any reason to,
then there would be economicaly reason too.

We all have personal motivations that we must satisfy to feed our ego and stenghten our mind. In short fun.

Greed is not really evil nor is excess.
Greed and excess is a part of such pradoxal ideas such as perfection and goodness

To not be greedy is to only live on a minimum
and eventually altruists must care for another persons purely selfish needs
so what is the point?

People need money to describe and preserve needs that are not shared by others and therefore are definition point of our personalites next to the sum of our abilities. Without the ego and our abilties we are not persons.

Without capitalism there would be no way to communicate individual desire and no way to preserve the objects of those desires.

So money, greed and excess are virtues for culture, tolerance and personal developement.
presser_kun said:
Humans by nature love power...

My take on this is:
The Ego loves power - Humans spiritually do not.

I see money fostering the ego and therefore associated with attaining material wealth and power.

Are we all aspiring to more than we really need?

Why is there such an imbalance in society?