Be back in a bit


Embracing the Mystery
Reaction score
Under the Stars
I'm going through some personal stuff right now and I'm going to mostly take a break from all online activity for a little bit, probably a few weeks. I'll be around and reading stuff but I might not post much.

Thanks for all the great conversation, and I'll "see" you all more in August sometime.

Peace to all,
Dear Path--

Hope things go well. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You will be missed.

i go thru the same thing then i get sucked back into it like an addiction.:cool:

stay cool, take your time & i will miss you too.
Sincerely hope you get through them - do please come back to us, especially for emotional support - we are diverse, but we are still a community.
Hi path of one, you'll be greatly missed but do take your time and take good care. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and please pop in from time to time if you can just to let us know how things are going. Brian is right--this is a community and you are part of it whether you are posting or not.

Kindest Regards, path of one!

My best of wishes for you, I will keep you in my prayers as well. Hurry back, you will be missed very much around here.
this was in the Tribune last week & i thought of you Path.
It is good to be alone in a garden at dawn or dark, so that all its shy presences may haunt you and possess you in reverie of suspended thought.
-James Douglas 1753-1819