Interesting Thought:

Proph 1

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Here are some Judeo-Chrisitan belifes that I find interesting. It does seem logical to me, what do you guys think?

2 Peter 3:8
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day."

So we know that 1,000 years for us = 1 day for the Lord. Let's move on:When you count the generations between Adam and Eve to Jesus, it is a period of 4,000 years = 4 days. And from Jesus to the present time we have 2,000 years = 2 days.So we have 6,000 years of history = 6 days of creation Revelation 20:4

"...and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."

On the 7th day God rested, at the second coming of Christ, Christ sets the Kingdom of God on earth, a Kingdom
that would last a thousand years.
1,000 years of peace on earth = 1 day of rest

Not Theory but Fact Hosea 6:1-2

Hosea 6:1-"Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us
up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

"After two days" = Christ will return after 2,000 years

"In the third day" = Christ will reign 1,000 years.
Proph 1 said:
Here are some Judeo-Chrisitan belifes that I find interesting. It does seem logical to me, what do you guys think?

2 Peter 3:8
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a

thousand years as one day."

So we know that 1,000 years for us = 1 day for the Lord. Let's move on:When you count the generations between Adam and Eve to Jesus, it is a period of 4,000 years = 4 days. And from Jesus to the present time we have 2,000 years = 2 days.So we have 6,000 years of history = 6 days of creation Revelation 20:4

"...and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."

On the 7th day God rested, at the second coming of Christ, Christ sets the Kingdom of God on earth, a Kingdom
that would last a thousand years.
1,000 years of peace on earth = 1 day of rest

Not Theory but Fact Hosea 6:1-2

Hosea 6:1-"Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us
up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."

"After two days" = Christ will return after 2,000 years

"In the third day" = Christ will reign 1,000 years.

Agreed that our thoughts, ways and time are not God's however, by your reconing, over over 12,000 years have passed since the "Beginning". That is about 5000 years past 7000. In other words it has been nearly two weeks God time...

The Bible also states that a thousand of God's years can be a day of man's. Finally, science has determined that the Earth is over Seven billion years of age. Interesting, that number Seven keeps coming up...and that for the first two billion years there was no life on earth. It started around the three billion mark and from the sea, followed by life on land and in the air. Then in the very recent past "earth time" (that is well into the end of the 6 billion year/beginning of the 7 billion year era), man popped up. Kind of goes right along with the six days of God's work followed by the seventh day of rest.

It is also interesting to note that man's life span has regularly gotten shorter as time went on, until recently (last 100 human years). We started off with about a thousand years then dropped to 120, then to three score and ten, or 70 years. That means that a man only gets to live for about 1 hour and 44 minutes of God's time. that is if God's day is based on 1000 of our Terran years.

I love working with numbers and speculatives...can't you tell? :D



on a side note. Did you know that we are only 6 people away from knowing every human on Earth, personally?
Hi, Peace,

So, Q, you are saying that perhaps we should "pay it forward?":)

Proph 1 said:
Wow, is that true? Will you elobrate?

According to analysis. It works like this:

You know six people personally. They in turn know six different people (each), who in turn know six different people (each).

Given that this is an exponential increase each time, and allowing for the fact that many people know the same person, so they can't be used in that fashion, within six generations of knowing people, the entire population of earth is eventually covered.

Same thing goes for being related to everyone on earth, but I can't remember if it is six people or ten people away from being related to everyone else (besides the obvious that we are all human).


Hello??? Like I asked Q--we pay it forward--maybe we do not do the math--maybe our left hand does not know what our right hand is doing? We give? What we know how? As much as we can? Q? (guess I would just like to hear from you:).) It has been a while.

In Peace,
InLove said:
Hi, Peace,

So, Q, you are saying that perhaps we should "pay it forward?":)


Reminds me of a country song, about not letting the chain of love end with you. Then there was a movie about a kid who started an experiment in "paying it forward", for class. What he got was much more than an A in class.

If you pay back, you are settling a debt, and that, the world understands. But when you pay it forward, it turns the world on its ear. That is uncharted territory for the world, and most don't know what to make of it, or how to react to it.

Yeah, I guess if you want to pleasantly puzzle people, pay it forward. ;)


InLove said:
Hello??? Like I asked Q--we pay it forward--maybe we do not do the math--maybe our left hand does not know what our right hand is doing? We give? What we know how? As much as we can? Q? (guess I would just like to hear from you:).) It has been a while.

In Peace,

What do ya mean? I ain't been ignoring ya! Honest! :D

At least I did not realize that I was. Sorry...:confused:


Hey, no worries, Q--I was just teasing, or maybe having a frustrating day. I gotta stop doing that!:eek:

Hi, Peace, Everyone--

Proph 1--I hope you will check your pm's. I owe you an apology. Can't read or post for a while, as far as I know. So I just thought it best to reconcile my own transgressions now, rather than wondering if I should have. Hope I did no harm, and if I did, I hope it is fixed now. <Sigh> I think I will call this my "apology phase"! :)
