

at peace
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Hi, Peace to All Here--

I must admit that I am a bit nervous about posting this question. But after a fair amount of consideration, I have decided to go ahead. I hope it does not seem silly--I am totally sincere.

Music is a big part of my life, and over time I have noticed that there are certain songs ( both with lyrics and without, but for my immediate purpose, I am talking about ones with words) that just seem to cast more of a "spell" than others (best way I know how to state it). Of course, I realize that it just may be my personal tastes, and I think I am about to show my "age" here to boot--and I am not even sure if everyone is familiar with the tunes I am going to bring up as examples, but I have always been more drawn to those performers who actually write their own lyrics. Among these (IMO) great, "spell-casting" artists are people like Edie Brickell, Joni Mitchell, Ann and Nancy Wilson, and, of course, Stevie Nicks. (There are some men, too:)).

I was just wondering if anyone else thinks so--and the conversation does not have to dwell on these particular artists--in fact, since my daughter married, I have been missing out on lots of new music that she always brought to my attention. (She is a "monotheistic" Wiccan and astrologist--I know it sounds strange, but she is.)

I guess I just wondered if anyone might like to discuss this subject?

Musicians and poets have been long considered magickally adept within Celtic culture.

If you haven't discovered them yet, you might want to check out the work on Celtic spirituality by husband-and-wife team John and Caitlin Matthews. They've published a number of books both together and separately that explore Celtic spirituality with a strong emphasis on Druidic and bardic lore. Lots of stuff in there about poetry and song as a form of expressive magick!
Hi, Peace to All Here--

Thank you so much, bgruagach. As a matter of fact, because you have mentioned the Matthews, I am delving back into some music I have missed terribly.

I am not good at remembering names anymore. I appreciate your post, and--by the way, I appreciate your presence here in this forum.

I would love to hear from anyone on this subject.

I think I have a sense of what you mean, In Love. Some songs (some with lyrics and some only instrumental) just really move me in some way. Music in general is connected to spirituality for me, and is magical in a way. In Druidry, music and the other arts, like poetry, are considered magical and spiritual. Bards would often deprive themselves of light, kind of like a light fast, until they became divinely inspired in their arts.

Of course some music affects people in interesting ways- I played trance music, tribal music, and some modern Christian praise music to my Primitive Religion class this year and helped them pick through the very different styles to hear the same basic, strong rhythmic beat that characterizes music that can help people trance. It's very interesting- praise songs with these characteristics often result in people getting spiritually hyped up, especially in large groups. Very similar to playing trance music for a large group.

BTW- love Stevie Nicks' "Sorcerer"...
i think it is in rhythm & percussion. chord progression is a big thing too. you can take the lyrics from one piece change the percussion & chords & it will have a different effect.
something acapella has a different effect.
look at jazz & you are all over the place with fused chords, bass line & rythms that do not make sense at first. i like the way they come together for a couple of measures, then go back into orbit.
i like conga & bongo, tambourine, clapping & i really enjoy a good bridge, the breaks & orchestra movements.

i think musicians do have a gift as well & the pieces are more apreciated by a musician. however, there are those who have a deep appreciation for the musician & vocalist in sharing there talent.
i also agree there is a 'spell' so to speak & it seems when a piece really does that, it always does that to someone.

i like the way a song always brings back a certain place in time & often a special person. what is really tough is when you hear something & can never find out the title & composer! so you spend 4 years waiting to hear it a few times trying to find out & that makes me crazy.

take Oh holy night. you can do that in typical 4/4 time & get your churchy/classical movement. Do it in 6/8 time or count it in triplets & you get more of a soul/blues effect.
i heard little drummer boy done in new age with all electric guitar & it was the coolest ever.

i will go with whitney houston doing the Lord is my shephard. that is my favorite version.
and, black magic woman -santana
...there are sooo many!:)
Music speaks to me in a "magical" way. Because of that, I am very careful of lyrics because even if I am not listening to the words, I am still easily influenced. I don't listen to rap because it moves me into a mode that is destructive to my spiritual faith. My body is swayed by piano and guitar. My heart aches with horns. I don't know where this comes from - my parents are not instrumental music listeners and my peers are into television. This is my personal thing. I find that I set and manipulate moods with music when I have guests and when I am alone. But I suppose that this is why music is universal, because it speaks a common language without words.
Hi, and Peace to All Here--

Thanks for the wonderful replies, everyone--

I have so much in my heart on this subject that it is difficult for me to decide what to write--and this weekend is so full of problems to solve--not so much my own, but just what has been brought to me.

I must be thinking totally "InLove" at the moment, so that I can actually be of some help, and not of hindrance.

Look forward to getting back to this thread--:)

I don't know is music "casts a spell" on people, but I will agree that it affects moods and attitudes. I will say that I think the way music affects a person is determined by the they grew up in culturally. Myself, I was exposed to Classical, Jazz, Classic Rock, Gospel, Country, and Bluegrass. My dad tended toward classical and big-band jazz. My mom toward country and blue grass. My older sister turned me on to classic rock. From these influences, other tastes formed like New Age, Modern Jazz, and Jazz Fusion. Gospel preferences were primarily hymns at an early age going to church, but progressed toward Contemporary Christian Gospel & Praise and Christian Rock.

I tend toward complex arrangements, probably because of the classical influence, so my classic rock preferences include such bands as Rush, Yes, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, the Who, and the later Beatles period. I find I seldom tolerate simple rhythms of "three-chord bands" unless it has a decent the melody and/or lyrics interest me.

I absolutely loathe rap, hip hop, heavy metal and hair bands, most big 80's music (it got too synth for me), most country (I guess some influences don't hold well, but I do like bluegrass, again because of the complexity). Whenever I hear these forms, it causes dissonance within my being.

There are certain songs that I tend to gravitate back to. Mainly because these tunes connect me with past memories. Or have moved me toward a certain mood when I hear them. Recently, I have been paying more attention to lyrics in songs as well as the melodic qualities.

So does certain songs cast spells on me. Maybe not in a compulsive manner, but I do find myself caught in the moment of the music.
Hi, Peace to All Here--

I must admit that I am a bit nervous about posting this question. But after a fair amount of consideration, I have decided to go ahead. I hope it does not seem silly--I am totally sincere.

Music is a big part of my life, and over time I have noticed that there are certain songs ( both with lyrics and without, but for my immediate purpose, I am talking about ones with words) that just seem to cast more of a "spell" than others (best way I know how to state it). Of course, I realize that it just may be my personal tastes, and I think I am about to show my "age" here to boot--and I am not even sure if everyone is familiar with the tunes I am going to bring up as examples, but I have always been more drawn to those performers who actually write their own lyrics. Among these (IMO) great, "spell-casting" artists are people like Edie Brickell, Joni Mitchell, Ann and Nancy Wilson, and, of course, Stevie Nicks. (There are some men, too:)).

I was just wondering if anyone else thinks so--and the conversation does not have to dwell on these particular artists--in fact, since my daughter married, I have been missing out on lots of new music that she always brought to my attention. (She is a "monotheistic" Wiccan and astrologist--I know it sounds strange, but she is.)

I guess I just wondered if anyone might like to discuss this subject?


I could play the Jew's harp at the Wedding :D
17th Angel said:
I could play the Jew's harp at the Wedding :D

Hey there, Angel!

I am smiling so much right now. Thanks. :)

I think that right after I started this thread, some REALLY BIG STUFF happened in my little bitty life. I guess I forgot all about this discussion.

(By the way, that is my youngest daughter I referred to in the OP. Her spiritual practices have changed a little since then, but she still would not "fit the mold" of many doctrines. ;))

I don't doubt for one minute that you two could have quite an in-depth discussion. Love to be a fly on the wall for that one!