Pat Robertson, and his comments on TV


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Pat Robertson suggested that the United States go and assasinate a President of another country, on the 700 Club (a "Christian" TV program on cable and sattelite). He also stated previously that feminism, caused women to divorce their spouses, kill their babies, practice witchcraft and become lesbians.

At first I thought it was media hyperbole...nope. I heard the sound bytes, and he did make these statements.

What effect did his statments have on the United States? He was one of the central discussions at the White House, The Pentagon, and the chamber floors. The United States had to officially distance its self from he and his rhetoric, and emphasis had to be made on his being a "private citizen", but I submit, he caused some damage (black eye comes to mind) for the United States.

Is this the kind of representation Christians want the world to see us as? Is this the kind of message Christians want to present to the of intolerance, radical behavior, and debasement of others?

What might your thoughts be on Mr. Robertson's statements?


Pat Robertson on the "700 Club" on May 6, 1985:

Audience Participant: "I've been reading through the Book of Numbers recently, and come across that passage in Chapter 31 about the destruction of the Midianites. How do you explain that apparent travesty of the destruction of that people with the just and holy God?"

Pat Robertson: The wars of extermination have given a lot of people trouble unless they understand fully what was going on. The people in the land of Palestine were very wicked. They were given over to idolatry. They sacrificed their children. They had all kinds of abominable sex practices. They were having sex apparently with animals. They were having sex men with men and women with women. They were committing adultery and fornication. They were serving idols. As I say, they were offering their children up, and they were forsaking God.

God told the Israelites to kill them all: men, women and children; to destroy them. And that seems like a terrible thing to do. Is it or isn't it? Well, let us assume that there were two thousand of them or ten thousand of them living in the land, or whatever number, I don't have the exact number, but pick a number. And God said, "Kill them all." Well, that would seem hard, wouldn't it? But that would be 10,000 people who probably would go to hell. But if they stayed and reproduced, in thirty, forty or fifty or sixty or a hundred more years there could conceivably be ... ten thousand would grow to a hundred, a hundred thousand conceivably could grow to a million, and there would be a million people who would have to spend an eternity in Hell! And it is far more merciful to take away a few than to see in the future a hundred years down the road, and say, "Well, I'll have to take away a million people, that will be forever apart from God because the abomination is there." It's like a contagion. God saw that there was no cure for it. It wasn't going to change, and all they would do is cause trouble for the Israelites and pull the Israelites away from God and prevent the truth of God from reaching the earth. And so God in love -- and that was a loving thing -- took away a small number that he might not have to take away a large number.
I'd submit his comments are no different in their heart/mind-set than radical jihadists. I also would submit slippage into a religion of hate is much easier when you begin from a fundamentalist position. Bless us all, Earl
Well, I can tell you that his version of Christianity, I want nothing to do with. Jesus (founder of Christian followers), never spoke this way, never implied this type of thinking. Now if Mr. Robertson ever steps out of the OT, and attempts to claim Revelation as his justification, he should be reminded that Revelation, makes it clear that man's assistance is not required, nor tolerated. Christ is gonna do that stuff all by him self.

This actually is astounding, that such a high profile personage, in the US, considered "respectable", speaks so insanely (my strong opinion).

I am curious what Dr. Dobson, and Janet Partial would have to say about such statements...not much I suspect, but then again, who knows...

To think that Mr. Robertson, considered running for president...reminds me of "Escape from L.A.", with Kurt Russel...


he is a butthead & cant hear past his own foot in his mouth.
reminds me of that verse in Matt. ..."i never knew you".
and there are several big shots out there today that just dont get it.

ah. i feel better now.
Well, I hate to get really theologically philosopical here, but I can only respond from my heart with quotes from those I believe understand:

I have never thought that Pat"s thoughts were wrapped very carefully--

Do y'all think the world takes him seriously? ( yes, I know there is a large chunk of the U.S. that does--and so does this also matter?)


InLove said:
Well, I hate to get really theologically philosopical here, but I can only respond from my heart with quotes from those I believe understand:

I have never thought that Pat"s thoughts were wrapped very carefully--

Do y'all think the world takes him seriously? ( yes, I know there is a large chunk of the U.S. that does--and so does this also matter?)



Well, the People and government of Venezuela take him very seriously...:eek:
What's most disconcerting is what he's done for the general non-Christian's opinion of religious leadership in America. How much easier is it to flip through the channels and think "hypocritical nut job" every time a pastor says a word? As a very public figure his ethics taint the public view. It's very sad.
YES I thought the media may have took his comments and blew them out of proportion..... WOW I never really know Robertson was like that.... WOW I dont think he is representing Christianity well at all.... He is now as bad as Jesse Jackson, and who is the other guy Sharpton(not sure if that is the write name).

Not sure about the feminism comment didnt hear about that one from him, but have heard some figures about the numbers of divorce, and fatherless Kids sense the feminist movements, and Also I've noticed how dumb they make males look in comercial,sitcoms, and movies now. Honestly I guess its no different then how they also like to pick on Blondes. I'm cool with more women heros in the movies.... well at least some of them.

Anyways Do you think Robertson was worried about His witness for Christ when he made the Assinate statement? I may have to agree with Bandit to answer my own question.
Curios Mike said:
YES I thought the media may have took his comments and blew them out of proportion..... WOW I never really know Robertson was like that.... WOW I dont think he is representing Christianity well at all.... He is now as bad as Jesse Jackson, and who is the other guy Sharpton(not sure if that is the write name).

Not sure about the feminism comment didnt hear about that one from him, but have heard some figures about the numbers of divorce, and fatherless Kids sense the feminist movements, and Also I've noticed how dumb they make males look in comercial,sitcoms, and movies now. Honestly I guess its no different then how they also like to pick on Blondes. I'm cool with more women heros in the movies.... well at least some of them.

Anyways Do you think Robertson was worried about His witness for Christ when he made the Assinate statement? I may have to agree with Bandit to answer my own question.

I think the man has gone beyond Christ. He has placed himself as a god, judging over mankind, and has determined man as falling short of his particular idea of glory. He shows his true colors when he opens his mouth (and apparently has done so for the last 25 years). I don't know what Mr. Robertson is, but a practicing Christian, he ain't.
You mean something like this:
Matt 12:33-35
34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.