What religion is this?


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I have recently started dating a wonderful man. But I an a bit confused by his religion, or lack of a name of his Church/relegion. I have went to a Bible study(not with him), but have yet to asked to attend Sunday service. There is no Formal Church building, they worship in peoples homes or in public places (town halls, schools). They do not beleive in passing a plate for donations, their leaders have no homes (they stay with church members), have only the clothing on their backs and suitcases(they are not paid). The women wear dresses, no make up, no jewlery, have long hair worn up in a bun. They have some sort of Convention Fall & Spring (comming up next month).I am a bit worried, as to why he wont attend services or Bible study with me, and why I cant get a answer as to the religion. He is very positive about his beleifs, and I can appreciate the dedication he has for his relegion, but something seems to set of a red flag up to me. Can any one offer any advice or a name of this Church?:confused:
ehauerwas said:
I have recently started dating a wonderful man. But I an a bit confused by his religion, or lack of a name of his Church/relegion. I have went to a Bible study(not with him), but have yet to asked to attend Sunday service. There is no Formal Church building, they worship in peoples homes or in public places (town halls, schools). They do not beleive in passing a plate for donations, their leaders have no homes (they stay with church members), have only the clothing on their backs and suitcases(they are not paid). The women wear dresses, no make up, no jewlery, have long hair worn up in a bun. They have some sort of Convention Fall & Spring (comming up next month).I am a bit worried, as to why he wont attend services or Bible study with me, and why I cant get a answer as to the religion. He is very positive about his beleifs, and I can appreciate the dedication he has for his relegion, but something seems to set of a red flag up to me. Can any one offer any advice or a name of this Church?:confused:

Not much to go on. Could google for the convention and the site if you know where it is. Sounds like a "back to basics" variety of some sort. I assume a Christian denomination since you mention Bible study. I agree, if he's reluctant to tell you the name of the denomination, something is odd.. a very small group may not have a name, but if they're large enough for a convention, booking space might be a bit difficult "I want to book convention space" "What's the name of your group?" "Uhh...."

... Bruce
I have tried to look for the convention, but with out a exact date (not give to me) in Eau Claire Wisconsin some time in September, I found nothing. I do belive it is Christian based because they very much teach things to be done just like Jesus did in the Bible. They preach strict obedience, from what I learned from the meetings I attended. Obedience was a word that was used many many times. The teachers do not have homes, but as in Biblical times are given a place to stay with the followers. They have no formal Church building, but worship in homes or public places. For a person like myself to be looking for a new church home I feel that I am not being given all the facts. I have been attending other churches over the last year, and most have made me feel like they were willing to share their beleifs with me. Im confused!
Wow! I have never heard of this religion before. Are they from another country with different beliefs? I strongly wish to learn more about this man and his faiths.
Kindest Regards, ehauerwas, and welcome to CR!

I am not positive, but I believe what you are describing sounds to me like the Society of Friends, which I believe also goes by the name Quaker. I could be mistaken, and I also have Mennonite running through my brain with your description. At least that is two lines to consider. If I am mistaken, I still wish you well in your search and in your journey!
there is another old movement called 'holiness' (sp?) that kind of sounds in part like it by the description of the dress. it could be a simple break from an existing church somewhere & that is why you dont know about them. when people break off they end up in small groups like that in homes.
a convention could mean anything.

obedience could mean, going to the wood shed for a beating.:eek:

2 cents
Kindest Regards, Bandit! Long time no hear from!

obedience could mean, going to the wood shed for a beating.
Good point. It pays to be careful. Perhaps it is something like this that is causing our friend concern?

Another group that crossed my mind considering this is the Amish. But they are pretty evident by not driving automobiles (sometimes pickup trucks, but never cars), and the lack of electricity on their properties.

It is tough to say with such a scanty description. All Christian denominations get a little fuzzy around the edges and seem to blend into their neighbors...at least to outsiders.

I have done some research from what you have suggested, Dont think it is Quaker, Menninite/Amish, as all have cars, electric lights ect. Could not find anything on Holiness that was not Penicostal. Not sure why he would be so secret about what the name of his religion, and introducing me to the memebers of his group. Something just does not seem right.

Obviously it is impossible for any of us to comment too deeply, but if your instincts tell you that something is not right, I'd personally recommend you listen to them and act appropriately.
amen on that. Could be some kinda cult. But honestly me and a friend have been discussing starting a church like this..... not you know like holiness or quaker styles, but getting away from the normal Church Building aspect, and going into the world rather than begging them to come to us. Witnessing For Christ Rather then witnessing for a denomination. No lables, no buildings, just Us and God. :D The Lord willing anyways.But I have to agree with Brian.... If something inside doesnt seem write.... I'd get more info before I went any further.... to many phsyco's and phsycotic cults roaming about noadays.

God bless
ehauerwas said:
I have recently started dating a wonderful man. But I an a bit confused by his religion, or lack of a name of his Church/relegion. I have went to a Bible study(not with him), but have yet to asked to attend Sunday service. There is no Formal Church building, they worship in peoples homes or in public places (town halls, schools). They do not beleive in passing a plate for donations, their leaders have no homes (they stay with church members), have only the clothing on their backs and suitcases(they are not paid). The women wear dresses, no make up, no jewlery, have long hair worn up in a bun. They have some sort of Convention Fall & Spring (comming up next month).I am a bit worried, as to why he wont attend services or Bible study with me, and why I cant get a answer as to the religion. He is very positive about his beleifs, and I can appreciate the dedication he has for his relegion, but something seems to set of a red flag up to me. Can any one offer any advice or a name of this Church?:confused:

I would suggest that, consideration on this issue should be taken with great care and thought. If an individual (as wonderful as they first appear), insists on secrecy, especially in an area such as religion, what else might that person keep secret as well...not a very good way to start an intimate relationship.

Not taking you into his confidence, certainly smacks of lack of trust, and this is a relatively straight forward and positive issue...

my two cents.


I don't know if this is it, but I did find one religious conference going on in Eau Claire, WI, in September: The Great Lakes Baptist Conference Pastor's Prayer Gathering. This doesn't seem too likely, though, since it sounds like this is just for pastors. If he was a minister, I would think he would at least tell you that.

I couldn't find anything out about this denomination's beliefs. Here's the link to a site about the conference:"eau+claire"+wisconsin+september&hl=en

Good luck.
At school there were two boys whose families were of a religion I was unfamiliar with. The two things that stood out to me then was that these boys were unable to watch TV with us and their families used to have gatherings on Saturdays or Sundays in their homes. They have an amazing outlook.
I am just wondering if this is similar?
I think that I have found the name of the religion. I think it is calld the Two by twos (aka Cooneyites, "friends" The church with no name). They have "conventions" but they are held at farms in barns or tents and are for the professing only as are Sunday morning meetings & Wednesday prayer meetings. They have "Bible studys" where outsiders/non professing are allowed to attend. Women wear hair in buns, no make up, jewlery, no pants only plain dresses, cannot have jobs of athority, ect. This explains alot of my friends not wanting to take me to Church. I am no longer seeing him, I was too independant to just go along with what he said I should beleive in with out question. After the research I have done, I was right to have red flags go up about this Non deniminational Christan Church. If anyone has any other information about this Church or any close to this one (as my friend had a beard, tv, radios, & played in a band) please infrom me.
ehauerwas said:
I think that I have found the name of the religion. I think it is calld the Two by twos (aka Cooneyites, "friends" The church with no name). They have "conventions" but they are held at farms in barns or tents and are for the professing only as are Sunday morning meetings & Wednesday prayer meetings. They have "Bible studys" where outsiders/non professing are allowed to attend. Women wear hair in buns, no make up, jewlery, no pants only plain dresses, cannot have jobs of athority, ect. This explains alot of my friends not wanting to take me to Church. I am no longer seeing him, I was too independant to just go along with what he said I should beleive in with out question. After the research I have done, I was right to have red flags go up about this Non deniminational Christan Church. If anyone has any other information about this Church or any close to this one (as my friend had a beard, tv, radios, & played in a band) please infrom me.

the no name church religion. cooneyites. hmmmm

glad you figured that out. my church does not have a religion either but it does have a name.
glad you are independant & not being forced to wear a bun on your head.:)