A universal Jesus?


from far far away
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Please delete or move if inappropriate; the following is just something I have been wondering about.

A universal Jesus?

There are billions of planets out there suitable for life [don’t know the equation], thus if we view Christianity from a universal perspective, can we still believe that Jesus was the Son of God or ‘a’ son of god?

Point 1. Was Jesus born on all of the planets with intelligent life?

2. If not then are most of the beings in the universe damned?

3. If he was [which would probably be mathematically impossible], then are they all humans?

4. Would they also be Romans & Jews with exactly the same history as earth history, or is the bible different on other planets?

I use these points to ask the following: was Jesus just a human like us – even if extraordinary! Should the bible be considered to be a philosophical works rather than taken literally! Maybe some of the bible is wrong! The same applies to the Koran or any other book, no one has or ever will know the absolute truth nor will they ever do so [I hope]. This is because there are aspects of ‘existence’/reality that go beyond definition, writings are mans interpretation of god’s word & therefore fallible.

From A biblical point of Veiw their is only 1 begotten Son of God. But the Bible refers to angels ,fallen angels, and Christians as sons of God.
only begotten:
1 John 4:8-10
9 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.

Job 1:6
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.

Gal 4:5-7
6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" 7 Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Point 1. Was Jesus born on all of the planets with intelligent life? look below
2. If not then are most of the beings in the universe damned? Maybe they are all angelic

3. If he was [which would probably be mathematically impossible], then are they all humans? Tru, but His fullfilling just 100 of the prophecies he fullfileed is mathamatically impossible also

4. Would they also be Romans & Jews with exactly the same history as earth history, or is the bible different on other planets? Possibly would be different... maybe not even a bible. Did we find any Bibles among the aztecs, mayans, or other Tribes in the new world?

Maybe this is what you are looking for:
Rev 20:12
12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.
Their are other books in the judgement. So where ever you are you may not have knowledge of the whole Truth, but obviously their is enough truth you will know to be judged.

Hope this helps.:)
I use these points to ask the following: was Jesus just a human like us – even if extraordinary! Should the bible be considered to be a philosophical works rather than taken literally! Maybe some of the bible is wrong! The same applies to the Koran or any other book, no one has or ever will know the absolute truth nor will they ever do so [I hope]. This is because there are aspects of ‘existence’/reality that go beyond definition, writings are mans interpretation of god’s word & therefore fallible.

That depends if one wishes to place God in a box, limiting His existence to that of Human capacity.

I also opine that it is impossible for a finite being (that's us), to comprehend the infinite (that's God).

As for your "habitable" planet conclusion, well we haven't found one yet (though I hope we do). And because man is so insecure in himself, I suspect that if they have found one, or found life other than on earth, it's going to be quite awhile before we're told about it.

Concerning the "fallibility" of the Bible (which I find ironic), I fail to see how a collection of stories that all lead up to teaching man to love eachother and try to walk a righteous path, can be considered "flawed". ;)

Just because man on earth turned away from God, and had to be "redeemed" by extrordinary means, doesn't mean that other sentient life would have made the same mistake.

Jesus does speak of another "fold" that will be brought together with his flock here, and that cryptic statement can be looked at many different ways.

Would they also be Romans & Jews with exactly the same history as earth history, or is the bible different on other planets?

Only in Star Trek I episodes I suspect.
:p yes of course I have left myself wide open to such jesticulations with this one! Still a valid argument though.

Curious mike: my point is that there is no one son of god & that we all are!

Job 1:6
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.


Maybe they are all angelic? I can’t imagine that this is so anymore than it is on earth!

Thanx for taking the question seriously – it’s a vast universe out there – some say even infinite.

Quahom1: we may understand infinity & anything else perceivable if the spirit is both ‘individual’ and universal! We may not have found any habitable planets, yet surely there are billions of they or else god would have created the universe as the medieval thinkers perceived it.

As for the fallibility of the bible – once it is written it is lost, the truth is naked! A meaning or concept even if infinite is still minute in comparison to the whole. The bible and other religious texts all have there good points yet history has told us of the negatives e.g. witch burning & persecution.

It’s easy to mock with star treck analogies but that doesn’t answer the question.

I am not here to attack just to learn! i apologize if anyone saw it that way.:)

The point is adressed quite nicely in Rama 2 by Arthur C Clarke. It's all Science Fiction of course, but in the story a devout catholic is part of a team going to investigate an extra-terrestrial spacecraft.

This is only a small part of the overall story, but the conclusion drawn is that since God created us imperfect, there is no reason to believe that God would create the aliens differently. As such, the Aliens would need a saviour also.
Actually I wasn't mocking. There is an episode in the original series that presents a modern time Rome, with Ceasar, and the followers of the "Sun", only to find out at the end of the story, that they were followers of the "Son" of God. There is a second episode that parallels the West and the East, or the Yangs and the Cooms (Yankees, and Communists), even to the point of the Yangs having a flag identical to the United States, and the holy words written in "Latin", ...Nos populus, gratia vultus magis perficio jugum...

We the People, in order to form a more perfect union...

I don't ken where one can declare the infinite to be minute. The "minute infinite" is a contradiction of terms, or an "oxymoron"...(sort of like military intelligence) ;)

It is impossible for man to comprehend totally the infinite. We have a beginning, the infinite does not. We require a point of reference, wherein infinity has none.

Truth is not naked. More like a double edged sword.

The fallibility of which you speak is not the Bible. It is man. The Bible and other scriptures harm no one, people do.

Who's to say God didn't create the universe to be man's backyard some day?

Anything is possible. Probability is what narrows the field. However I will concede that that which is not impossible, regardless of how improbable, must be true.
Sorry for the cracks of a Star Trek Jesus.

Seriously, though, I would be quite surprised if God didn't create life on other planets, in other solar systems, in other galaxies. But it also makes me think of an alternative reality, namely a world where Adam and Eve DIDN'T fall. In Genesis 4:22-23, as God banishes Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, He says, "...Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now LEST HE PUT FOR HIS HAND, AND TAKE ALSO OF THE TREE OF LIFE, AND EAT, AND LIVE FOREVER: Therefore the Lord God sent them forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

I've always wondered what the world would be like IF Adam and Eve partook of the tree of life before they partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Could it be possible that in some other world out there, in very similiar conditions, God may have created creatures after His own image and that these creatures may have PASSED the initial test that led to Man's eventual downfall here on Earth? If so, what kind of world would that be?
Quahom1: I remember that episode a little – I see what you mean now.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on the point of ‘the truth is naked’ its fundamental to my beliefs and probably the opposite to the belief in the word of god as being written, although it is also like a double edged sword [in a different context].

We cannot comprehend the infinite because the act of comprehension belongs to the realm of dualistic thought as you inferred [if I may presume]. Yet as the spirit is universal & we are part of it, we may enter it as the womb of the earth mother from whence things are manifest. Although this is adding pagan ideas to what can be seen in a purer view as the ‘void’ or emptiness that has no boundaries and is stateless – nirvana.

As you may note, I am using various religions as a basis then casting them into the fire, that I will hopefully end up with a pure universal understanding.

The idea of the universe being mans backyard is somewhat humano-centric [ha I like making words up].

Thanx for the interesting replies! I do take in what people say even if it doesn’t always sound that way.:)

Dondi: interesting idea! [perhaps heaven is like that – innocent] How would we know good if not to compare it to evil? this lesson is necessarily a short one imho this is why life is short – perhaps.


I would suppose that as human history is ... seasoned... with God's Messengers, this would be true of all places where something is capable of knowing of God as we can.