*Parsha Project Rules and Basic Info*

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In the Jewish tradition, the Torah is read all the way through every year, one section for each week. This format is being used for an interfaith study and dialogue on the text itself. The following are the rules for participation.

1. (a.).ALL Traditions are welcome, and all of the interpretations each tradition brings. If you see Christ in the text, or Krishna, or even the Great Goddess, or even if you come from no religious background at all, you are welcome. You may also feel free to go beyond what might be understood as the literal or even implied meaning of the text in order to derive meaning if this suits you, as this is the practice of some traditions.

(b.) If one background's voice is consistantly dominating the dialogue and thus preventing actual dialogue, there may be moderator intervention.

2. Copying from other texts (e.g. The Gospels, The Prophets, The Upanishads, The Quran, The Talmud) in order to compare with the parsha is okay. Copying someone else's comparison (e.g. a recent analysis of scripture) is not okay because it moves away from dialogue. It is okay to say something in someone else's name using your own words. Please don't feel discouraged from borrowing the interpretations of important commentators and dropping their names. Just express it in your own words.

3. Please be respectful of all viewpoints represented in the dialogue.

4. Don't bring an ulterior agenda to the discussion. Don't try to use it as a way to gain converts or to incite hate against any group.

5. Do share whatever comes up for you so that all voices can be heard.

The old parsha ends on Saturday. The new one will begin on Sunday. You can find information about the current parsha here:


The date you see if for the Saturday at the end of the week. It is not the beginning, but the end of the parsha.

This thread may be edited at any time.

Peace and Blessings.

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