A question to all Christians, anyone can answer though.


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Now I was reading the thread on Lucifarianism, and there were some links to some Satanic sites, and when I visted one it felt like my stomach sank and my heart started racing and I started to feel almost light headed and a little sick, now has anyone ever experienced this before and can anyone explain why or how this happens?
stevemb88 said:
Now I was reading the thread on Lucifarianism, and there were some links to some Satanic sites, and when I visted one it felt like my stomach sank and my heart started racing and I started to feel almost light headed and a little sick, now has anyone ever experienced this before and can anyone explain why or how this happens?

I used to be a Satanist.... So I have no idea what your speaking of. I would suggest it is just you. Say for example I could go on a really large roller coaster and not bat an eye lid... Someone else will almost likley be sick, or scream.... Certain things effect people differently. You may, it seems, never have experienced any sort of Satanic group of influence, so that could aslo lead you to worry and begin to react like you did. Take in account the majority of Satanic groups and sites represent Satan the wrong way, I don't really wish to get into this too much but, there are clueless Satanists, and True Satanists.... I have compared this with Christians, I have found there are understanding Christians and Blind Christians.... Anyway that is what I have found.... That is all.
Symbolism can be a very powerful tool, and persons involved in magickal practices - of which Satanist can sometimes be a part of - can use these aspects of symbolism precisely to acheive certain psychological effects in different people.

I guess it is metaphorically like use of music in different surroundings - sound that is discordant to one person may sound like music to another, and vice versa.

stevemb88 said:
Now I was reading the thread on Lucifarianism, and there were some links to some Satanic sites, and when I visted one it felt like my stomach sank and my heart started racing and I started to feel almost light headed and a little sick, now has anyone ever experienced this before and can anyone explain why or how this happens?

As Brian stated, one persons harmony is another's discord. However there is also something called discernment. Now not everyone has it, nor is the ability neccessary for all. But for you it may have been a warning bell, that you should not be where you were at, for what ever reasons.

just a thought.


I'd like to comment based on a similar experience of mine during college. I wouldn't say the circumstances were exactly the same, but there was certainly an overwhelming feeling of unpleasantness. In fact, it almost made me physically sick.

This occurred in a large group of people (a roomful, perhaps 40 or 50). There may have been some uneasiness prior to my experience, but then the entire room was asked to stand up, and people began stretching out their arms, and swaying. It was at this point that the entire atmosphere of the room became very thick, and in a decidedly unpleasant way.

Clearly, a tremendous swirl of emotion was set loose, and this moved - almost forceably - through my being. I nearly became nauseous, and though I tried to understand the motivation of those present, it only became clearer to me that here was a group misguided ... or rather, lacking the guidance that might prevent such emotionalism from taking control.

Nothing there was "evil" per se, but what these people were experiencing was certainly not the Holy Spirit. It was, rather, simply the swirl of the collective emotions (both conscious & unconscious) of those present. The motivation was good, but the result was not.

These were not Satanists, and they were not evil people. This was a charismatic Christian group, a bit over-zealous and eager to recruit. Really I had no inclination to be there - but I had been politely invited, and I prefer not to judge without at least some experience of the subject/person/item in question! ;)

So, having come from a Lutheran background (and a rather liberal one, actually), with very intellectual parents ... admittedly, yes, this was something different for me. But we are all familiar with the varying experiences a person can have when walking (blind, so to speak) into a room in which something profound has just occurred.

To wit, without speaking a word, we have all had "that sinking feeling" which is usuallly emotionally depleting (an energy drain, speaking of Vampires - another thread), and which follows some kind of negative event or discussion. Similarly, we are familiar with the reverse case, in which we can walk into a room (a friendly church group, or gathering of friends) and feel overwhelming better, uplifted, even envigorated! :)

But isn't it even more amazing that sometimes, when the setting is more or less neutral, a person can walk into a room "just beaming," as we say! They are "positively radiant," or "vibrant with energy" to use popular expressions. Hmmm ... I wonder, are we not stating a profound and literal truth? ;) Sadly, the reverse can also occur, though we may be less likely to notice until we find we feel exhausted, drained. In this way I believe we all affect each other, and one day this will be scientifically provable - and measurable. Woe to those who delight in causing suffering and misfortune when that day dawns!

One additional thing about my own experience: Yes, I believe we can easily pre-condition ourselves such that to an extent our expectations become manifested. This can affect us emotionally, but more likely, if I have already decided, "ah, these people are a bunch of fruitcakes," then I will simply come out of the event with my confirmation - although I may also "see the light," so to speak.

What I have found I cannot produce so easily, however, is that "gut feeling" that Faithfulservant mentions. Our solar plexus center does communicate a natural, almost instinctual response to our environment (people, places, things - all of which are & emanate energies). Thus, we should not ignore these natural cues. Keep in mind however, that my gut feeling when I get up in front of a classroom of students is to run & hide! :eek: lol That doesn't mean I should necessarily act on it, since they'll probably wonder what the hell's wrong with the PowerPoint instructor. :p

Perhaps the moral, trite as it sounds, is that we cannot judge a book by its cover, since indeed - by their fruits, ye shall know them. Don't we think the man's talking about plain old common sense? Geez (and where'd that expression come from, anyway??? -word)
taijasi said:
I'd like to comment based on a similar experience of mine during college. I wouldn't say the circumstances were exactly the same, but there was certainly an overwhelming feeling of unpleasantness. In fact, it almost made me physically sick.

This occurred in a large group of people (a roomful, perhaps 40 or 50). There may have been some uneasiness prior to my experience, but then the entire room was asked to stand up, and people began stretching out their arms, and swaying. It was at this point that the entire atmosphere of the room became very thick, and in a decidedly unpleasant way.

Clearly, a tremendous swirl of emotion was set loose, and this moved - almost forceably - through my being. I nearly became nauseous, and though I tried to understand the motivation of those present, it only became clearer to me that here was a group misguided ... or rather, lacking the guidance that might prevent such emotionalism from taking control.

Nothing there was "evil" per se, but what these people were experiencing was certainly not the Holy Spirit. It was, rather, simply the swirl of the collective emotions (both conscious & unconscious) of those present. The motivation was good, but the result was not.

These were not Satanists, and they were not evil people. This was a charismatic Christian group, a bit over-zealous and eager to recruit. Really I had no inclination to be there - but I had been politely invited, and I prefer not to judge without at least some experience of the subject/person/item in question! ;)

So, having come from a Lutheran background (and a rather liberal one, actually), with very intellectual parents ... admittedly, yes, this was something different for me. But we are all familiar with the varying experiences a person can have when walking (blind, so to speak) into a room in which something profound has just occurred.

To wit, without speaking a word, we have all had "that sinking feeling" which is usuallly emotionally depleting (an energy drain, speaking of Vampires - another thread), and which follows some kind of negative event or discussion. Similarly, we are familiar with the reverse case, in which we can walk into a room (a friendly church group, or gathering of friends) and feel overwhelming better, uplifted, even envigorated! :)

But isn't it even more amazing that sometimes, when the setting is more or less neutral, a person can walk into a room "just beaming," as we say! They are "positively radiant," or "vibrant with energy" to use popular expressions. Hmmm ... I wonder, are we not stating a profound and literal truth? ;) Sadly, the reverse can also occur, though we may be less likely to notice until we find we feel exhausted, drained. In this way I believe we all affect each other, and one day this will be scientifically provable - and measurable. Woe to those who delight in causing suffering and misfortune when that day dawns!

One additional thing about my own experience: Yes, I believe we can easily pre-condition ourselves such that to an extent our expectations become manifested. This can affect us emotionally, but more likely, if I have already decided, "ah, these people are a bunch of fruitcakes," then I will simply come out of the event with my confirmation - although I may also "see the light," so to speak.

What I have found I cannot produce so easily, however, is that "gut feeling" that Faithfulservant mentions. Our solar plexus center does communicate a natural, almost instinctual response to our environment (people, places, things - all of which are & emanate energies). Thus, we should not ignore these natural cues. Keep in mind however, that my gut feeling when I get up in front of a classroom of students is to run & hide! :eek: lol That doesn't mean I should necessarily act on it, since they'll probably wonder what the hell's wrong with the PowerPoint instructor. :p

Perhaps the moral, trite as it sounds, is that we cannot judge a book by its cover, since indeed - by their fruits, ye shall know them. Don't we think the man's talking about plain old common sense? Geez (and where'd that expression come from, anyway??? -word)


The power of will over the unsuspecting or unguarded, can be unsettling for both, even dangerous.

In 1984 I was sitting in a cafe on the 55th floor of the World Trade Center (Tower 2), waiting for my language class to start. There was a man sitting on a table in an unremodeled area of the tower, meditating. Next to him was a glass of water. After watching him for awhile, I got it in my head to try something. So I started thinking "Thirsty, so very thirsty". I pictured the painted desert of Arizona, a dry well, I recalled how hot it was in the south pacific desert islands, and the taste of salt water on cracked lips.

I was about to quit when I gave it one last mental "shout" "THIRSTY, NOW".

I never saw a man move so fast. He broke from his meditation, grabbed his glass (spilling most of it), and practically slammed it to his face. Then, as fast as he reacted, he stopped, stunned, water dripping from his chin onto his shirt, looking around in confusion, totally disoriented...

As quick as I could I lowered my eyes, and buried my face in my own coffee. I was more frightened than he. My heart was racing and my stomach lurched.

That was so wrong! I knew, I had invaded his privacy of thought, and felt I'd taken advantage of someone who's guard was down.

I never tried that again, with anyone. And I keep on my guard for others that might try it with me.

Powerful lesson to learn.


Interesting that you would say something like that, Quahom. I used to do that to my ex-husband while he was asleep. I still do it to people - mostly men in their moment of focus and small children to get them to look and smile at me. But I failed to think of it as an invasion of privacy. Interesting thought.

By the way, I think that when you get sick like that, it is something you're not supposed to venture, good or bad. When you are operating under a certain 'spririt', that 'spirit' has purpose and when you take the 'spirit' outside of it's purpose then that venture causes a conflict that is felt physically. I don't think everyone gets that feeling, only those who are conscious of their spiritual discernment (or those who are coming into the consciousness of their spiritual discernment).
On a similar note to follow taijasi - I often find that, when faced with a large social gathering for the first time, the sheer presence of the experience can seem frightening.

However, it is not so much that the group is to be feared, but simply that the immediate experience of so much "energy" of the situation is too much handle immediately, so the urge is to get away from it. However, eventually, you can slowly settle yourself into it and learn from the surroundings you are in. It's not so much a gut feeling, as much as a natural instinct, I think.

In fact, I'd suggest that a lot of spiritual learning goes through a similar process, where a person may fear to approach an opportunity offered simply because it seems so much to handle both spiritually and emotionally, but once grasped, the opportunity opens up new ways of learning.

I guess I possibly shouldn't say this, but I've noticed with limited drug use in the past, they also have similar stages - I always remember a clear "fear barrier" I had to be passed through with psychedlics, simply because the experience of awareness was so huge and different, and difficult to orientate to at first.

Additionally, even cannabis could cause feelings of paranoia, especially at first, again because the feeling of awareness in the experience of the moment was markedly different and required getting used to.

But, indeed, the gut reaction is something different. It's coming to a point where it's almost becoming a constant sense in it's own right in my everyday experience, especially when dealing with people.
truthseeker said:
Interesting that you would say something like that, Quahom. I used to do that to my ex-husband while he was asleep. I still do it to people - mostly men in their moment of focus and small children to get them to look and smile at me. But I failed to think of it as an invasion of privacy. Interesting thought.

By the way, I think that when you get sick like that, it is something you're not supposed to venture, good or bad. When you are operating under a certain 'spririt', that 'spirit' has purpose and when you take the 'spirit' outside of it's purpose then that venture causes a conflict that is felt physically. I don't think everyone gets that feeling, only those who are conscious of their spiritual discernment (or those who are coming into the consciousness of their spiritual discernment).

I guess if a man did it to a woman, there would be a definite violation of privacy. Men seem to be less inclined to feel violated. Women on the other hand...whole different matter. I will never do that to anyone, child or woman especially.

I won't do it to anyone, period.


I said:
Symbolism can be a very powerful tool, and persons involved in magickal practices - of which Satanist can sometimes be a part of - can use these aspects of symbolism precisely to acheive certain psychological effects in different people.
This is a very good point. In my experience, some (not all) who call themselves Satanists do so in large part for the shock value in the name. I too have reservations and don't spend a great deal of time looking into the teachings, but what little I have seen largely seems to be a distancing from traditional religious teaching for the purpose of elevating "self" into the position typically reserved for "God." That is, they attempt to justify to and for themselves unbridled selfish whims and "pleasures," whatever that may entail. All is OK, because there are no consequences. Of course, this is overly simplistic and biased, but it is how I understand it.
I'm very glad that this thread has generated so many responces:). Thank you everyone for your im put it is much obliged and please anyone else do continue.
Kindest Regards, Quahom!

That was so wrong! I knew, I had invaded his privacy of thought, and felt I'd taken advantage of someone who's guard was down.
I didn't know you had it in you!

I have known a few people in my time who claimed they could hear others thoughts, to the point of being uncomfortable in crowds. I don't know that I've done such, but I have had strange thoughts cross my bow from time to time from "nowhere." I haven't really tried to project my thoughts to someone else. Around these friends I find myself putting up certain mental blocks, whether or not to any good only they could say.

Instead of hearing other's thoughts, I see things. Like seeing an elderly woman walking down the street, only to find she is really a very attractive young woman when she comes close. Yet, her travelling companion doesn't change, I do not see some people in this way. They are strangers, I never meet them, so I can only guess if there may be meaning to my vision. I have had some suggestions by others regarding this...but it is likely I will never know. Maybe its just bad eyesight, yeah, that's it...

I do like second guessing people at work, like having things ready for them just before they need them. But that is experience and foresight ("radar!"), not mind-reading.

I do think it unusual sensing things before they happen, not something I can really explain. Coincidence, but uncommonly so. Why should I be thinking of the Kursk so deeply and solemnly, just days before another submarine accident? A coincidence no doubt lost on others, but I get things like that all too often to be merely coincidence alone. Its spooky sometimes.

BTW, is this off topic? If so, sorry.
I really liked the harmony and discord explanation.. thats exactly what it is but I didnt know how to describe it. btw Ive had that feeling around charismatics myself. Like it was just too much and not of the right thing.

Good thread.

Although we do get gut feelings, and have initial apprehensions, auto-suggestion, in the mind....whatever. We also have to realise that there is a real threat from evil spirits....these are Satan and his followers, the demons (fallen angels).

As a christian I guess that you understand this, if you have looked at Gods word though his inspired writings in the scriptures. You will certainly get a heavy and sick feeling if you have any contact with Satanic aspects. This is because the progenitors of all of this are the demons, and they make their presence felt.

"Satan keeps on transforming himself into an angel of light"... (2 Corinthians 11:14 )
Its not all that appears holy that is holy, hence spiritualistic meetings are not what they always seem. Time and time again I've come across people that experience the heavy dubious feelings after involving themselves with spirit contact, be it at a congregation with a good appearance, or an obvious demonic one (ouija etc.). Some have seen people transformed into other people on the platform, other shadowy forms present, and many become fearful of what happens. One woman I know has been 'haunted' by these depressive feelings and spirits ever since she was a child, she was made to view spooky goings on at a spiritualistic meeting at a young age.

"Keep your senses, be watchful. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone"...(1 Peter 5:8)

If you look at Acts 19: 11-19, you will see that many of the early Christians were formerly practicers of spiritism and the magical arts. To rid themselves of these demonic influences they had to dispose of the tangible items that had made them slaves to the demons. Some of these items were of great value, but they still got rid of them.

Demons have had their powers restricted by God, otherwise they would easily materialise and cause untold havoc, but if we allow them to enter our lives they will try to take over. They can get to us if we or someone else conjures them up....in seances and other forms of spiritism...Allowing ourselves to let them in. They come by way of objects or another medium used in conjuring.

I've experieced a poltergeist in my house and the heavy presence was very prominent. An ill feeling, and certainly frightening. Demons are at the root of most unnatural phenomena. They make out that they are past dead loved ones, and trick and deceive us e.t.c.
The spirit became threatening to my step daughter so we had to get rid of it by the same means that the early Christians did...ridding ourselves of all objects that we found to be a possible connection with the conjured spirit. It worked.
Any involvement with satanism, or all forms of spiritism, even visiting satanist websites should be avoided like the plague. The bible makes it very clear to avoid all types of contact .....anything that opens up the demons influence that lets them 'play' with us or lets us feel their bad presence.

Galatians 5:19-21: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, 20: idolatry,
>>practice of spiritism<<,
enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, 21: envies, drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these. As to these things I am forewarning you, the same way as I did forewarn you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom".
There are other scriptures about avoiding spiritism, written by God for our own protection.

Please don't take it amiss E99 if this sounds unpalatable, but I am getting clear warning signals from your posts. I am not disputing what you have to say about demons. What I am warning you against is being obsessed with them. Some people are drawn into abusive relationships for the thrill and the danger. I suspect that this is what you described in your initial post. I have met other Christians whose faith is based more on their fear of the devil than on their love of God. This is not good.

Take the advice of St Paul and fill your mind with thoughts of good, beautiful, noble, inspiring things. Turn your back on the dark side. Just don't go there.
Kindest Regards, all!

I think this is where the gift of discernment comes in.

I will step out on a limb for a moment. Spirit exists. The problem is that most of us cannot see beyond the veil. There are a few who claim they can, but the nature of the matter leaves this beyond proof. We either take these people at their word, or dismiss them. Most of these people claim discernment, that they can tell evil spirit apart from good spirit. I have my doubts, considering how easily our senses can be deceived. I also doubt, primarily because it is not one of my gifts to see beyond the veil.

If one accepts that spirit is real, and that spirit can be good or evil, and one cannot see that spirit in action, then one is left to one's own devices in considering this subject. Either such people take what is offered from sacred wisdom texts such as the Bible and applies them to their own understanding, or one attempts to rationalize the unexplainable phenomenon that occur from time to time in their lives and related from the experiences of others.

I agree, there is a tendency of some to become obsessed with the subject. No specific group, I have watched this obsession from across a spectrum of belief. One of my favorite professors is an atheist, and a professional ghost hunter. Go figure. *shrugs*

I cannot say my view is the correct one, but it works for me. I find comfort from drawing close to my God, and in doing so take on faith that evil has no encompassing control over me. Evil can, and does, throw obstacles in my path and challenges to my faith, but these I see as exercises to better develop my faith. Evil only holds the power over you that you give to it.

Evil's power stems from nothing. Evil takes, it cannot give. It can only give illusion. Evil can only harm if one allows it to harm, if one believes it can harm. Otherwise, for those who seek to discern such things (and this discernment can be prayed for and given), evil is known by its fruit, and the seeker tries as best they can to separate themselves from what they know to be evil.

Evil does not rule the world. Even in the darkest depths of the promises (threats?) of Revelations, evil does not hold the trump cards. God does.

Evil's only power is that of deception. Those who seek to discern can distinguish that deception, and ignore it. In those moments that decepetion cannot be ignored, discerners step around it. God provides a way.

So, I agree, we should not become overly occupied with finding demons lurking behind every bush. In simplicity, they do not exist. That evil that does exist, exists in specific places of power, seducing us with untoward cravings, illuding us with promises that are never meant to be fulfilled. Discerners see beyond this, having never witnessed with their earthly eyes any spirit.