Religious Symbols



Any help would be good.

i Have some sym bols which i think belong to specific religions but can't seem to find them anywhere on thenet (maybe i'm looking in all the wrong places?)...
I can only post a description, any ideas or links would be really helpful!

1. An eye in a triangle
2. a ring/circle, empty
3. a ring/circle with 3 stars within it
4. something kinda looking like a cobra

its all so hard and so vague but any help will do
Lukonia said:
Any help would be good.

i Have some sym bols which i think belong to specific religions but can't seem to find them anywhere on thenet (maybe i'm looking in all the wrong places?)...
I can only post a description, any ideas or links would be really helpful!

1. An eye in a triangle
2. a ring/circle, empty
3. a ring/circle with 3 stars within it
4. something kinda looking like a cobra

its all so hard and so vague but any help will do

The "Eye in the Pyramid" is on the back of a dollar bill as part of the Great Seal of the United States. It is associated with Masonry. Some would associate it with the Bavarian Illuminati, but it is not really a religious symbol.
A circle could be symbolic of the Mandala, I suppose, but it might not have been put there with that in mind.

Is your "cobra" eating its own tail? If so that is an ancient symbol of etern ity called the "Worm Ouroboros".

Lukonia said:
Any help would be good.

i Have some sym bols which i think belong to specific religions but can't seem to find them anywhere on thenet (maybe i'm looking in all the wrong places?)...
I can only post a description, any ideas or links would be really helpful!

1. An eye in a triangle
2. a ring/circle, empty
3. a ring/circle with 3 stars within it
4. something kinda looking like a cobra

its all so hard and so vague but any help will do

don't know if the above are all seperate symbols or together in some form .... but in general a serpent reaching for its tail symbolises the unity of the cosmos; a triangle, the trinity of earth, soul and spirit; the eye in a triangle usually represents the 'third eye' or the 'all seeing eye'; the circle is usually a symbol for God with no beginning and no end and the three stars probably represent the three underlying aspects of creation - mind, body and sprit; birth life and death; past present and future, etc; and a cobra or snake can represent the spiralling energy within the human body .... hope that helps a little, me ke aloha pumehana, poh