The deceased are miraculously living!


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I'm curious to see if anyone else has put any thought into this mystery.

Has anyone ever had the experience of thinking someone, usually a celebrity, was dead, only to find out they were still alive?

I heard a great radio show on this topic. The guest was attempting to point out holes or possibly even glitches in earthly dimensions. One of his best examples were cases of people remembering, often in detail (news reports, cause of death, etc.), a celebrity had died. They took a lot of calls from people who have had a similar experience. Survey's, the guest had performed, even showed a trend of certain celebrities a lot of people remembered to be dead, who were in fact, still living.

They discussed the idea that each of us experience our own, individual reality and that we create our own universe (I think most of us believe this to some, possibly very small extent). If this is true, where does our personal creation begin and end? Perhaps you are the only person in existence and you're creating everything. Perhaps we all add our own little pieces to the creation process.

So, because celebrities are pretty distant from most of us, and there's no immediate confirmation of this; in one persons creation/reality, celebrity "A" is dead and in another persons creation/reality, he/she is still alive and therefore creates the apparent conflict. This also ties into Schrodinger's Cat theory. Aftear all, before we've had confirmation, the celebrity is both 100% dead and 100% alive! :eek:

Of course this could be poor memory and lack of attention. What do you think?

~Ricky :rolleyes:
Poor memory and lack of attention I think are the simpler explanations - I adjucate Occam 1, Matrix 0. ;)
Hello Brian,
Originally Posted By: I said:
Poor memory and lack of attention I think are the simpler explanations - I adjucate Occam 1, Matrix 0. ;)

Ha! The truth is, I agree 100%. Seems to me, to be a bit more science fiction than science fact.

I can't seem to find a link to save my life... But it was interesting, assuming their research wasn't fictional, just how many people agreed on a given celebrity being dead. Apparently the guest and his 'team' had conducted survey's containing lists of celebrities and asked people to mark weather they were alive or not. I think Martin Landau ranked particularly high. He is, of course, still alive... or is he? Wooo...

They of course, made a giant leap in assuming this was attributed to something like a dimensional hole. Occlam - 2, Matrix - 0;)
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
This conversation reminds me of the time Harrison Ford died.

Ha ha! That's funny.:p I don't know how I missed it but I'm really having a good laugh!

I did however, just have another similar experience with Rosa Parks. I could have sworn she had died about 6-12 months ago and then I hear on the news she just died a few days ago (peace be with her). Was she in the hospital or something? I know there was something... Darn this pesky memory.
rdwillia said:
Hello Brian,

Apparently the guest and his 'team' had conducted survey's containing lists of celebrities and asked people to mark weather they were alive or not.

There in lays the answer. Give people a list of this nature and thier memories are going to play tricks.

Occam 3 Matrix 0
Rdwilla, hi

Here’s a couple of individual realities. I am god, the universe is my mind, and you are all figments of my imagination. My name is Tony Blair or is it George Bush. :D

Here’s another. In the beginning there was god in paradise, he got fat eating apples & spontaneously combusted, this is known as the big bang. As he is immortal and cannot die, he reconstituted himself & now blames we his accidental children, for all his ill’s – damn us for being born sinners. :p

Jesting aside, it’s an interesting idea that we are individual continuums – each with our own reality. Collectively these are the universal continuum i.e. existence! This idea has been floating around in my mind lately esp. as concerns ‘quantum matrix’ or ‘universal mind’ , perhaps fate is literally the interactions of these continuum spheres within a sphere! i would not say that these realiteis are different though - in the manner discribed.


Hey Z,

Good to hear from you again.

_Z_ said:
Here’s a couple of individual realities. I am god, the universe is my mind, and you are all figments of my imagination. My name is Tony Blair or is it George Bush. :D

Ha! Yup, you pretty much summed it up. I think that's the way it works... For some individuals anyway.;) But in all seriousness, I think you'd have to agree, we know it does work this way to some extent. It all has to do with perception. For a really bad example (I'm good at these); I might fancy myself a great poet. In my reality, I am the worlds best, no doubt about it. No one else in this world system agrees, but depending upon my determination, I can completely 'miss' the negative feedback. Hence, in my little world, I am the best poet in the world! The same could go for a world leader.

Here’s another. In the beginning there was god in paradise, he got fat eating apples & spontaneously combusted, this is known as the big bang. As he is immortal and cannot die, he reconstituted himself & now blames we his accidental children, for all his Ill's – damn us for being born sinners. :p

See? And if you really wanted to believe that, it would be true for you. No questions about it. I've heard less convincing theories. :D Like mine for instance, which happens to be the topic of this thread... :D

Jesting aside, it’s an interesting idea that we are individual continuums – each with our own reality. Collectively these are the universal continuum i.e. existence! This idea has been floating around in my mind lately esp. as concerns ‘quantum matrix’ or ‘universal mind’ , perhaps fate is literally the interactions of these continuum spheres within a sphere! i would not say that these realities are different though - in the manner described.


Well as I previously mentioned, I don't really buy "The dead miraculously living" myself. But who are we to say. Maybe their theory is true and when something that seems to prove us wrong pops up, it manifests as bad memory. What else could we blame the universal mind conflicting with the individual mind, but bad memory? Like I said, I doubt it, but it's an interesting though. Just like The Matrix, the movie; I don't really believe we're all a part of some computer program but it was still a good idea that made you think a little bit. Take care,

Rdwillia hi.

You are then indeed the world’s finest poet. :cool:

This notion is similar ‘we are all creator gods’, but we cannot change gods creation i.e. reality as the world continuum sphere. But then I don’t believe there was a beginning – the continuum would then have a break in it. Perhaps then, the universal sphere is created continually relative to the collective of all spheres [we are Borg! :D ]. I think something like this is meant by ‘quantum matrix’ – that everything is a part of the program, and programs one another and the whole, kinda like ‘we write the story’ man! :p

Of course ultimately all of these terms we use don’t apply and there is something there which is more subtle. Hmm it’s a bit like a couldron, and we are all in the stew eh! ;) :rolleyes:

I remember when Don Knots died and the conversation I had with someone on that day. We talked about what movies we likes of his and the such. Then about a year or so later he was alive again. Others remember him dying also...

Arizona said:
I remember when Don Knots died and the conversation I had with someone on that day. We talked about what movies we likes of his and the such. Then about a year or so later he was alive again. Others remember him dying also...


Hard to kill a "hockey puck" ;)