Eldamuumea, Theory and Chimes


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Hi, I'm perfectly thrilled to be here. Eldanuumea is an elvish name; my real name is Edea. I am 52 years old, married 32 years, mother of four children, ages 23,21,14,12. I teach English and Compensatory Reading/Writing to at-risk ninth graders in a little country town in Mississippi.
I am currently affiliated with the Mennonite Church. My hubby and I have a miniscule church we planted a few years ago. I was raised Roman Catholic and baptized in a Southern Baptist church after meeting hubby. We discovered the Mennonite Church soon after we moved to MS and discovered the persistent segregation in the Southern Baptist churches here.
I look forward to meeting and dialoguing with folks of all persuasions.
Re:Introducing myself

Hello from Theory,
I'm a left wing Lutheran from Wisconsin, USA (for those of you who weren't sure). I have have been married to the same beautiful lady for the the last 29 years and we are both 49. I haven't read about your spiritual adventures yet Brian, but will go there next. I believe quite strongly in Christianity, but I also believe that most who profess to be Christian don't study their religion devoutly or they become fundamentalist and close their eyes to all the things they don't want to see.
At the present time I am wondering quite whole heartedly about the stance of the synod (Missouri) my church belongs to and am ready to make the jump to the ELCA. However, I am somewhat anxious about the downfalls of both and can see that God's church is made of many people who believe in one omnicient creator and in Jesus Christ.
Nuff said - will see you on the boards.

Re:Introducing myself


I am a total newbie here, so please forgive any faux pas, technical or otherwise. I live in Florida, which is lovely but way too hot this time of year. I might be the only one I know who can't wait for for summer to end.

I've been influenced by many religions but not officially affiliated with any. Kinda have a problem with labels :) I like to try to keep it simple--I do believe in the Great Whomever/Whatever and in being a decent person (obviously I also kinda have a problem with making the ineffable, "effable" -- not my line btw but I liked it and I borrow it a lot).

Nice to meet all of you and can't wait to read more. :-*
Re:Introducing myself

Hi there, Chimes and theory, and welcome to comparative-religion.com! Same for everybody! I'm terrible with introductions so I'm trying hard to say hello to new members now! Anyway, hopefully you'll find some like-minded folks. :)

As for the Florida heat - I find even British summers too hot! So I dread to think what Florida is like. ;D
Hello Theory. Where from Wisconsin are you from? I live in Milwaukee less than a mile from the "permanent puddle" called Lake Michigan :) (also a newbie here.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Hey everyone....I haven't been around these past few months, except for a peek....but I need to get back in and spend some time here. I apologize for jumping in so enthusiasticaslly and then suddenly vanishing. I'll be waiting to get my "penance"!

I play and mod at several other forums, but I feel a real call to put some time and energy here.....thanks, Brian, for shaking up my lazy bones.
No problem - glad to see you here again. :)
Peekaboo.......I'm back.:eek:

A lot of real life has gone under the bridge since I was last here. For one thing, my hubby had pancreatic cancer, had his pancreas removed on Nov. 17, 2004. He is presently cancer-free, a miracle for which we are all thankfully amazed.

Between schoolwork and family stuff, my time online has been sporadic these past few months. I am beginning to see a little light at the end of the tunnel, and am eager to reconnect with some old forum friends.;)
Glad to hear your hubby is better - and nice to see you back again. :)
so glad to hear your husband is better .... one of my younger brothers was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and only lived two more months , it makes my heart shine to hear about your husband .... welcome back .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine
Aloha, my dear, it's good to be here. I am sorry about your brother......I know that over 95% of those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer do not survive the first year.

My dad presently has brain cancer, and is in the hospital, where he's been since shortly before Hurricane Katrina. So I am once again going through this with a family member.
*a cute fuzzy :kitty: nudges Eldanuumea's right calf, walks a few paces away from her, turns, wiggles her fuzzy rump as she makes a few :kitty: calculations, then launches herself into Eldanuumea's lap. She turns around a couple of time, then curls up, turning on her purr motor full blast*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine