The dream that made me think

How many apocalyptic visions have you had?

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Follower of Christ
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Rhome, Texas, United States
A couple of days ago I had a dream about the end of the world. It was (Im assuming) an apocalyptic vision.

In my dream I saw 3 large shooting stars and 1 small shooting star in a vast space (presumably the 3 1/2 years of peace). And then I saw a man dressed in a black robe who stood at what looked like the gate of Hates (hard to remember) Next, the man in the black robe had summond Satan.

The 3 large shooting stars and the 1 small one had now come to earth and struck the ground hard. Fire and flames had emited in the air and the sky was red. Odd shapped bats had flown around biting people. Each person who was bitten had died. Some of the bats flew inside people and caused them to have siezures! 3 large craters and 1 small crater were dug into the ground around the temple in Jerusalim. On top of the temple was the same man in the black robes but also with another who was consumed by so much darkness that his eyes could not be seen.

It seemed that nothing could stop this reign of madness until at last the craters had stop burning and the sky was no longer red and the bats all fell to the ground. All this happened at an unknown command from the heavens. A shower of light had consumed both men on the temple. Then another man came down from the light. He was handsome and couragous. He was powerfull and triumphant. He was loving and passionate.

He drew a sword from is astonishing and brilliantly white robe and struck Satan with just a tap on his shoulder. Satan cowered down at his feet and angles from the light grabbed him and carried him away. An angle with arched wings followed with chains in his hands and had a look of victory on his face.

The man who struck Satan is who I believe to be Jesus Christ. And the angle with the victorious smile is who I believe to be Gabriel. The man who stood before the gates of Hades is who I believe to be the False Prophet.

This dream was the most remarkable dream I have ever had. I often question as to why it was placed in my mind. Do any of you have reasons as to why I dreamed this dream and have been able to remember it?

God Bless,
I have never had a dream like that. i dont even use the word apocalypse.
i am not a dream expert but i believe dreams & visions have meanings.

one thing i found interesting is the bats. that seems to me like the spirit of devils that go forth to decieve many via lies through the bites. the ones that go inside of people would be the most infected, while still alive having these seizures. death is a spiritual death because of unbelief.
The odd shapes, & bats are black is what leads me to think they are devils.

i cant say the 3 large & one small stars you see would be peace, except the false peace that anti christ will have so many believe in his election & follow just prior to great trib.

i am curious, do you remember seeing a woman in the dream?
i am guessing that you did not.

i dont know why you had it or remember it.
do you remember what you feeling in the dream?
do you remember what you feeling when you woke up from the dream?

& what do you feel when you remember it & try to tell it?
Bandit said:
i cant say the 3 large & one small stars you see would be peace, except the false peace that anti christ will have so many believe in his election & follow just prior to great trib.

i am curious, do you remember seeing a woman in the dream?
i am guessing that you did not.

i dont know why you had it or remember it.
do you remember what you feeling in the dream?
do you remember what you feeling when you woke up from the dream?

& what do you feel when you remember it & try to tell it?

Well according to what I have been told, there are supposed to be 3 1/2 years of world peace(like the brilliance of the shooting stars) and then there are supposed be 3 1/2 more years of hell reigning on earth(liket the 3 big craters and the one small one).

I dont recall a woman though. Who would she be?

During the dream all I could feel suffering. I remember my family going through hell and crying. My friends were trying to survive...Its all a bit of a daze now.

I remember feeling dazed when I woke up. It was the strangest thing though because I usually don't remeber dreams too often. But this one, for some reason, managed to stay in my head.

When I was typing this up yesterday I felt concerned (which is the very reason why I brought it up). I thought that something was drawing near. I felt like God wanted me to do something, but what is the part that I don't know. I also started to cry with the part about my family and freinds.

I hope this helps clear up some things,
Maybe God is not expecting anything from you right now or maybe just sharing the dream is all. it Could be He is wanting you to get & he wants to give you a better understanding through study & prayer.
Some dreams are for your own edification & sometimes it could be for another person or a group of people, to draw closer to the one true God.

Everything in your dream is in order with the book & that is why i took an interest. i asked if you saw a woman because in all these dreams i hear there is never a woman during this time & i am thinking in terms of the particular woman who is the bride & body of Christ & want to see her condition during this time. However, she is never present as a figure to know.

i would just be careful for some who may try to give an absolute interpretation on your dream, as real as it seems & as much as i believe the bible is true. We will know what it means & it will be revealed when it is time for each person to know, and/or as it happens.
I would try to find some kind of comfort in the dream as in an awakening & search for understanding, while not ignoring what you saw & what you felt & what you feel when it is brought to remembrance.:)
Paul James said:
I'm afraid that I don't understand what your wanting me to do.

i am not saying do anything Paul. i merely gave suggestions to think about pertaining to the dream.

i am not a fortune teller or a prophet on dreams...i just kind of relate with your dream the same way you view it & what you were feeling in the dream.

i have had many dreams about my family & friends the same way you did in this one, but NOT apocalyptic and i am not giving or telling you an absolute thing for you to do. just some thoughts about it.:)
do you see what i mean now?
Paul James said:
Yes, I do see what you mean now.

About the dreams that you had with your family and friends, were they nightmares? Not to be intruding or anything, just curious.

God Bless,

yah. nightmares is what you could call it. there was a birthday party being held for me at the library & all the people i knew from a lifetime were there.
i had individual conversations with them & there were strangers all around also.
we were playing games & what not, when my mom appears & says, "are you sure this is the best place to be right now?"
right after that the whole scene changed & military came through & fired automatic weapons & this went on for days it seemed. i covered up all the people i knew with blankets. they were cold & dead or dying... & went running for help around the city. everywhere it was military like a war zone & people bleeding & crying for help. it was so real & the chaos made no sense. it was like the men with guns were after me in particular, but the war zone made it impossible for them to pick me off.
it sure did seem like the end, but there was nothing i could relate to that would be from a direct biblical POV, the way you did in your dream.

this is the dream that came to memory as you were telling yours.
maybe you can pick something out of that to relate to.

i have also had dreams that i believe were direct answers from God that i required in order to go on. answers that are personal, through fasting & prayer. God took me back to the apostles & i was in their midst & was able to ask my questions & concerns & received answers that way.:)

God bless you too.
Bandit said:
this is the dream that came to memory as you were telling yours.
maybe you can pick something out of that to relate to.

Well the death and pain, and the suffering, is what I can realte back to my dream. When the bats were terrorizing people. Also you said that it felt like "the end." I can relate to that too. I remeber feeling fear and a sickness in my stomach when this was all happening. I too thought it was the end.
Paul James said:
Well the death and pain, and the suffering, is what I can realte back to my dream. When the bats were terrorizing people. Also you said that it felt like "the end." I can relate to that too. I remeber feeling fear and a sickness in my stomach when this was all happening. I too thought it was the end.

actually it did feel like some strange kind of end time event, possibly to do with war & what comes with war.
your dream seemed more of a spiritual and cataclysmic type.

though i see how both of them can be related because the scripture speaks of both what you saw & what i saw. one other common thing, we both saw family in it & that is what made me sick because i knew the people.

did you feel like you were the only one in the dream who understood what was happening?
Im not sure. I don't remember if I knew of anyone else who new what was happining. Though now that I think of it. SOMEONE had to have known what was going on. Right?
Paul James said:
Im not sure. I don't remember if I knew of anyone else who new what was happining. Though now that I think of it. SOMEONE had to have known what was going on. Right?
Awfully interesting concept.

Are you indicating that someone else is simultaneously having the same dream, you are in his and he in yours?

Or that the entities you've created in the dream are sentient beings?

Or that the dream is in another probable universe which you happen into and they are real?

Or that the parts of your psyche are individuated and thinking, controlling, remembering, taking an active roll in the dream as well?


or just making my brain hurt?
wil said:
Awfully interesting concept.

Are you indicating that someone else is simultaneously having the same dream, you are in his and he in yours?

Or that the entities you've created in the dream are sentient beings?

Or that the dream is in another probable universe which you happen into and they are real?

Or that the parts of your psyche are individuated and thinking, controlling, remembering, taking an active roll in the dream as well?


or just making my brain hurt? Really what I meant was that their are so many in the REAL world that have read the book of revelations from the bible and understand what the End of the World might look like. So therefor, somebody else had to have known in my DREAM what was happining, right? As I asked before.

Sorry I made your brain hurt,:)
Paul James said:
Im not sure. I don't remember if I knew of anyone else who new what was happining. Though now that I think of it. SOMEONE had to have known what was going on. Right?

because the dream is still fresh, you may be able to look back at it & recall someone else in the dream that spoke or gave a certain look or gesture that can help with what you saw & felt.
(perhaps during the peace that you perceived in the beginning)
if not, maybe that will happen in another/different dream someday.:)