A Big Hello



A Big Hello to everybody on this forum. It has brought me great pleasure to read the many views on many subjects with a display of intellect and integrity I have found truly a breath of fresh air.

Briefly about my own beliefs; I have none and I have many :p. The many however are but theories and with me everything is scrutinised according to scientific method. Some may argue that makes me faithless, I would argue that faith is blind. But I do sense in all my scrutiny to date an omni-presence that seems highly unlikely to be the result of chance alone. Whether this is a sentient force or not my jury still debates and is not expected to return a verdict any time soon.
I have studied in my own time a number of belief systems and find that the simplicity of the Tao works well for me. Trust me to choose a religeon thats not a religeon :D. That said I use other systems a bit like a pick'n'mix stall and cherry pick a noble idea where and when I find it. Most of all though I love to debate Life, The Universe and Everything.......even though I still have no better answer than 42.

I look forward to engaging many of you in the great philosphical questions of our day......and hope I make a few new friends along the way. Peace and Love to you all.

Hello and Welcome to the way of the horse...

From one newbie to another I look forward to more posts, thoughts and insights from your corner as well.

Hi Tao Equus, and welcome to CR. :)

Edinburgh, eh? Sounds good - when you're at the castle and look north, I'm at the hills on the far left. :)
Hi Brian and thx for the welcome. I know stirling pretty well and my mothers side is from stirlingshire, wish often I could wander up to the wallace monument so that I might gaze past the smokey stacks of grangemouth to my own fair city.:)