New Thought


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a figment of your imagination
Trying to find out where New Thought falls in these categories....I was pointed here...I suppose as it had its start basically in the 1800's although the thought is much older.

Conventionally thought to to have started with the healing work and talks of Phineas Quimby and then the subsequent writings of Evans....Mary Baker Eddy a patient of Quimby's developed Christian Science. The Fillmore's heard Dr. EB Weeks speak and that eventually kicked off the Unity Movement, and Ernest Holmes similar time frame started Religious Science.

All of these started along healing modalities, following the teachings of Jesus regarding healing, prayer and increasing compassion, love and consciousness.

I suppose this is a 'modern religion' but it is actually practical metaphysical applications of Jesus's teachings. And it seems the basis for the metaphysical (beyond the physical, deeper meanings to scriptures) is based on the Judaic meanings behind names of people and places and closely aliggns with mystical Judaism (based on some of the Kaballa newslettters I've got over the years)

So to me, if there exists enough people willing to discuss these concepts this might be better in the Abrahamic Religions forum....I don't know.

Bottom line, based on postings, there maybe interest in discussions along metaphyscial New Thought lines....

wil said:
Trying to find out where New Thought falls in these categories....I was pointed here...I suppose as it had its start basically in the 1800's although the thought is much older.

Conventionally thought to to have started with the healing work and talks of Phineas Quimby and then the subsequent writings of Evans....Mary Baker Eddy a patient of Quimby's developed Christian Science. The Fillmore's heard Dr. EB Weeks speak and that eventually kicked off the Unity Movement, and Ernest Holmes similar time frame started Religious Science.

All of these started along healing modalities, following the teachings of Jesus regarding healing, prayer and increasing compassion, love and consciousness.

I suppose this is a 'modern religion' but it is actually practical metaphysical applications of Jesus's teachings. And it seems the basis for the metaphysical (beyond the physical, deeper meanings to scriptures) is based on the Judaic meanings behind names of people and places and closely aliggns with mystical Judaism (based on some of the Kaballa newslettters I've got over the years)

So to me, if there exists enough people willing to discuss these concepts this might be better in the Abrahamic Religions forum....I don't know.

Bottom line, based on postings, there maybe interest in discussions along metaphyscial New Thought lines....


Abdu'l Baha had many contacts with the Theosophical society and other groups of that period. Mostly he had to firmly re-direct some attempts to co-opt the Baha`i Faith, but he had many correspondents in the New Thought organizations around the turn of the twentieth century.

The New Thought Movement is a new prespective on metaphysical truths. Brought to us by Jesus, Buddha and so on. Not really Abrahamic Religion,
Even more recently Wil, Ernest Holmes, student of Hopkins began the Religious Science movement, not to be confused with Hubbards group or dianetics. RSI international's website might interest you: Religious Science International - teaching the Science of Mind

Apparently even Bill Wilson was influnced by New Thought when he was developing AA. People like Norman Vincent Peale were instrumental in bringing a practical approach to the movement. In many ways, students of New Thought tend toward materialism and seem to have left behind the transformative facets described by people like Joel Goldsmith, who taught what is still known as "The Infinite Way"
Goldsmith btw is a favorite in AA rooms with many old-timers who harken back to the early days in the recovery movement.


2 funny. While walking through the park Paladin says, "You started a thread on New Thought, after I posted you didn't respond."

Well, two things were crossing my mind, one 'I started a post recently on New Thought?' and two 'It seems often I miss responses some how'

Our conversation continued and we didn't get back to it. I searched now to find what I said and when.

2 funny, I started the thread a year and half ago, about a week after I joined.

Back to our original programing...

And while we mustn't forget the Transcendentalists influence on the movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson, [SIZE=-1]Henry David Thoreau and the gang....

I must say here that I have thoroughly enjoyed all the conversations and 'new thought' that have ensued since that first week here....
Glad to see you made it back to MD in one peice {{Wil}} It was so great sharing some time together.

I still think New Thought lacks the devotional aspect that most of us heart centered folks crave, but for all that it serves a wonderful purpose as a model of good healthy thinking and emotional stability.

New Thought, a mind-healing movement that originated in the United States in the 19th century, based on religious and metaphysical (concerning the nature of ultimate reality) presuppositions.
New Thought | religious movement |

New Thought holds that Infinite Intelligence, or God, is everywhere, spirit is the totality of real things, true human selfhood is divine, divinethought is a force for good, sickness originates in the mind, and "right thinking" has a healing effect.
New Thought - Wikipedia

New Thought is a mind-healing movement that originated in the 19th-century United States. It has no one creed, but its fundamental teaching is that spirit is more real and more powerful than matter and that the mind has the power to heal the body.
Major groups within the New Thought movement include the Unity Church, Church of Religious Science, and Universal Foundation for Better Living

Many, but not all, New Thought groups are based in Christianity. New Thought is related toChristian Science both historically and philosophically, but Christian Science is more organized and doctrinal than the New Thought movement. In addition, New Thought does not reject modern medicine.The three major religious denominations within the New Thought movement are Religious Science,Unity Church and the Universal Foundation for Better Living. There are many other smaller churches within the New Thought movement, as well as schools and umbrella organizations. Check out the charts on the reference page for more info.
Started the thread and abandoned it a dozen years ago.. A fellow IOer got me to write a note ten years I revisited...
The "Movement of New Thought" does not get formalized until the 19th Century in the rich and fertile soil of American "New World" thinking. However long before this - there are many foundational thinkers and philosophers who prime the pump of the realm of consciousness and pave the way for New Thought.

Jakob Böhme(1575 – 1624) was a GermanChristian mystic andtheologian. He is considered an original thinker within the Lutherantradition. His emphasis was on faith and self-awareness rather than strict adherence to dogma or scripture.

Anton Mesmer

began the study of animal magnetism and the power of the sub-conscious mind. This work became known as hypnotism and eventually caught the attention of P.P. Quimby.

Emanuel Swedenborg[1688-1772]Swedish Scientist, Philosopher, MysticAt age 65 begins spiritual quest to reveal the true nature of Christianity. He believed that Jesus freed himself from material boundaries and the bible is a map for everyman's freedom.