my life and this forum

Scarlet Pimpernel

demned elusive
Reaction score
Limburg, Netherlands
Hi, everyone - hmm, how can I say this without sounding whiny or self-important?
I haven't been on here much lately - I lurk whenever I can, but that's not often. I'm in my final year of the Masters' program at the conservatory, and free time is practically non-existent. I love this forum and it frustrates me that I can't be here more often. I realized recently that this is the closest thing I've found to a "church home"/coven/place of spiritual support in many years - despite the fact that I don't actually know any of you.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I haven't gotten tired of this place, or mad at anyone, or bored and wandered off or anything like that. I still want to be here. At the moment I'm just busy trying to graduate and start a career.
Hey, no problem - and I appreciate that it's a tough time for you. :)

We'll be here for a while yet, though I'm sure CR will also "graduate" soon - more later. :)
Funny that I'd reply to a post of this title, since it's not my life, after all.

But what you say is true for me, too. I'm not in the throes of near-graduation, but do have a chaotic life at present, and do not get to be here at CR very much.

I wish you well in your endeavors. I, too, am quite grateful for this site. Thank you, Brian!

Good luck with the last year Scarlet. I would have to agree that this is also the closest I've come to a "church/home/coven/place of spiritual support". However I feel like I live on here. This has become my new cyber-place of refuge for the last couple of months. Even when I'm not logged in and posting, I'm quietly scavenging the posts. I'm probably on here more than Brian.:D That's probably why my posts are usually so mundane. I feel nervous about prowling around quietly, so I just say/ask the first thing that comes to mind.:rolleyes:

So... Brian... I caught your sly and tantalizing tid-bit...
I said:
We'll be here for a while yet, though I'm sure CR will also "graduate" soon - more later. :)

You can't say something like that and then not elaborate.:confused:

rdwillia said:
So... Brian... I caught your sly and tantalizing tid-bit...

You can't say something like that and then not elaborate.

Amen. Please, Brian! Was it just an idle comment? I don't know you at all, but my sense of you is that you don't usually make idle comments.

Are we starting a rumor here?


presser_kun said:
Amen. Please, Brian! Was it just an idle comment? I don't know you at all, but my sense of you is that you don't usually make idle comments.

Are we starting a rumor here?



I think we are... Let's pester him until he breaks under the pressure. Or maybe we can make our own... I heard CR was merging with Google... and Coca-Cola. And that Bush and Blair will start moderating the Eastern forums... More later.:D

Wow, what an honor, that your 500th post is in my thread! :)

I agree, presser_kun and rdwillia! So, Brian, is it later yet?

Is it later now?

How 'bout now?

And now? Is it later now?

Is it later now?

How 'bout now?

Please don't take CR away!
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Well I find myself logged in here 2 or 3 times a day.

And this is my 500th post ! ! !

What a moment!

Congrats on reaching 500 ATF--glad you keep coming back! Won't be long before you join the "700 club." :eek:

Scarlet Pimpernel said:
Please don't take CR away!

I think we'd have to start a new forum grass-roots style to keep us all from having withdrawls if that were to happen. But that's not going happen, is it Brian!

Perhaps he's just inadvertently missing this thread all together? But he's usually so quick to reply.... Hrmmm...:D He was probably talking about something boring like switching servers. But he said it so mysteriously... :confused:

Congratulations on the 500 posts AT5, head of human-cyborg relations. I'm working on it. I've only got 446 to go, as of this post. Maybe I can start making "Mmm-hmm" and "yup" posts since I don't have anything worthwhile to say... usually.:D

Sorry Scarlet for sort of, changing the direction of your topic. That being said;

Is it later yet?
Sorry for the whispering campaign, and congrats on post 500. :)

I'll try and provide more details later - but it essentially boils down to just my considering moving CR to a different domain name soon...
It is too funny that I play in another forum which is also run by a bloke named brian....

I thoroughly enjoy the tit-a-tat, the banter, the exchange of information and thought....while in the open space at times I see people getting a little personal and forgetting the tennents of their stated religion/philosophy but it is all good, I see corrections and nudges as well.

But on the defined forums and threads the exchange of thought, the care and compassion, the concepts and layers of understanding are incredible.

What a job you've all done to come a field of dreams, if you build it they will come...

utmost in kudos to the moderators, organizers, the impetus and the maintainers!
