Are liberal believers responsible for the actions of all Christians?


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A rebuttal to the following post that liberal Christians are responsible for the thoughts and actions of the more zealous conservative ones:
"We spend lots of time pointing to the Muslim community and telling them that their religion of peace has been hijacked. We show them point after point after point and then we tell them if they want to save their religion -- if they truly are a religion of peace -- then *they* need to do what only *they* can do: CLEAN HOUSE.

I'm sorry if Christians are offended to be lumped in with the fundamentalists of their religion. Please remember, these zealots are a problem in *your* community which is affecting us all and endangering peace. Now, just like the Muslims, it is time for you to prove you are a religion of peace. *You* need to go do what only *you* can do: CLEAN HOUSE."

My thoughts on this:
Claiming that liberal Christians are the only ones who have to speak up when the conservative ones become hateful is no more fair than expecting the French to keep the Quebecois in line. Yes there is some common language there, but that's all the connection they have. If what conservative believers do is a threat to all of the American public, then it is up to every citizen (not just people from liberal churches) to speak out about this. (And I do believe some conservative believers are a threat when they start talking about limiting what rights women have over their own bodies, who can marry whom, who can adopt children, whether or not real science is taught in schools, blaming natural or manmade disasters on the "sinful" behaviors of some people...)

But changing conservatives would be very hard to do. There is a reason why some of them are so "in-your-face" and trying to meddle in other peoples' lives. Conservative evangelicals believe that they have to keep on converting others and making their government align with their religion because they have been indoctrinated into thinking that they have to save others in order to maintain their own salvation. As long as the leaders can peddle the fear of HELL we have a problem. In order to fix this we need to get rid of the concept of eternal Hell. In order to do that we have to get them to let go of Bibilical literalism. In order to do that we have to get these black and white thinkers who take comfort in absolutes to give up their faith and transform it into something compeletely different.

This is not an easy thing!! I married into a family of conservative evangelicals. The fear they have of stepping a toe out of line is unbelievable!

But we have the same battle for faith that we do for political liberalism. We need our own airwaves. Just as the RW bloviators own the political airspace, so do the RW people of "faith". We need an alternative to the 700 club and TBS and Angel. There is no Air America for liberal believers. The closest I can find is Day 1 which is still not liberal enough for the likes of me.. though it is better than the 700 club.

I have tried to get people to write in to DISH, DirecTV, Xm, and Sirius to demand equal programming. But we need backers. We need funding. We need programming to offer.

This is NOT going to be easy.. and we need help. There is an alternative for people who want to listen to or view spiritual programming, but we have to make it happen.
Good morning GPV. ;)

I understand and respect your concerns on this issue, though I do not agree with all of them. However this thread has begun with a decidedly political flavor as opposed to one of faith, and as such, I have moved it to the Politics and Society Forum, where such matters are more appropriately housed.


A rebuttal to the following post that liberal Christians are responsible for the thoughts and actions of the more zealous conservative ones:
"We spend lots of time pointing to the Muslim community and telling them that their religion of peace has been hijacked. We show them point after point after point and then we tell them if they want to save their religion -- if they truly are a religion of peace -- then *they* need to do what only *they* can do: CLEAN HOUSE.

Actually we can't tell the Muslim community, nor any other community what to do, as this tends to make communities disagree, just for spite. It would be like coming into a family's home and telling one or more of the siblings that the others are screwed up, and they need to be called to task...

What you end up with is the entire family calling you to task for audaciousness. :eek:

I'm sorry if Christians are offended to be lumped in with the fundamentalists of their religion. Please remember, these zealots are a problem in *your* community which is affecting us all and endangering peace. Now, just like the Muslims, it is time for you to prove you are a religion of peace. *You* need to go do what only *you* can do: CLEAN HOUSE."

Christianity is not neccessarily a faith of peace (faith, not religion). It is a faith that wants peace, I agree. But history shows that Christians can be some of the fiercest fighters on earth, when provoked to wrath. As far as extremest views by "fundimentalists", that is an opinion...not neccessarily shared by all. Some could argue that the right wing IS cleaning house, after 40-50 years of complacency within the Christian realm. What seems to have many people nervous is that they are no longer complacent. They seem to be growing in strength daily. Don't get me wrong, anyone can get out of hand, especially if they think they have all the answers. This is not a good thing either.

My thoughts on this:
Claiming that liberal Christians are the only ones who have to speak up when the conservative ones become hateful is no more fair than expecting the French to keep the Quebecois in line. Yes there is some common language there, but that's all the connection they have. If what conservative believers do is a threat to all of the American public, then it is up to every citizen (not just people from liberal churches) to speak out about this. (And I do believe some conservative believers are a threat when they start talking about limiting what rights women have over their own bodies, who can marry whom, who can adopt children, whether or not real science is taught in schools, blaming natural or manmade disasters on the "sinful" behaviors of some people...)

That is comparing apples and oranges. France is not Canada. And what conservatives are doing is not considered a threat by the majority of citizens, only by the apparent minority (as noted in the last vote).

As far as rights, my father made it clear to me at a young age, my rights are sacresant, however, they end at the tip of my nose. I have a personal thought on unborn children, but that is my own thought. As far as who can marry whom, if you mean other than the standard concept of marriage (Biblical/Civil up to today), then you're in for a surprise. 75% of the Americans voted no, to other than marriage between a man and a woman. 10% said yes, and 15% abstained from casting their vote (why I don't know). Same thing with adopting children. And who is to say that real science is in fact real? The jury is still out on the matter.

As far as natural or manmade disasters being the fault of man...this earth was never designed to see an atomic explosion. It was never designed to handle inert gas production (and probably would handle that quite well, in fact might thrive), save for the fact that we've cut down all the trees that convert such gasses back into oxygen. But that isn't a far right Christian fault. That is general greed. We all are guilty.

But changing conservatives would be very hard to do. There is a reason why some of them are so "in-your-face" and trying to meddle in other peoples' lives. Conservative evangelicals believe that they have to keep on converting others and making their government align with their religion because they have been indoctrinated into thinking that they have to save others in order to maintain their own salvation. As long as the leaders can peddle the fear of HELL we have a problem. In order to fix this we need to get rid of the concept of eternal Hell. In order to do that we have to get them to let go of Bibilical literalism. In order to do that we have to get these black and white thinkers who take comfort in absolutes to give up their faith and transform it into something compeletely different.

Hmmm, I find that ironic that right wingers in one's face is wrong, but others in one's face is fine, and we should get with the programn. No one can save anyone (biblically), but that is not what you are implying. Hell? We have hell here on earth, right now, right here, in DC, in Toronto, in Seattle, in LA, in London, in Detroit...getting rid of hell is a tall order. The concept of hell is important, because it keeps people on their toes. Lose hell, and watch hell break loose! No hell, then I can do as I please, because when I die, it won't matter, I'm out of here, and I get the whole enchilada? Newton's second law is specific, and proven. For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action. Life and how we live it is no different. Black and white...right or wrong...If I were a police man, and saw you being accosted, but noted you were in the wrong part of town, hence you deserve what you what kind of policeman would I be to you? Not a very good one I suspect (to put it mildly). But if I were a police man and came to your aid, regardless of the circumtances you put yourself into...that is a different story.

Transform whos faith into something different? Those that differ from yours? And into what difference? That which you approve of? Pretty arrogant I should think...

This is not an easy thing!! I married into a family of conservative evangelicals. The fear they have of stepping a toe out of line is unbelievable!

But you did marry into the family, you were not forced. Now you wish to change them? Good luck :eek:

But we have the same battle for faith that we do for political liberalism. We need our own airwaves. Just as the RW bloviators own the political airspace, so do the RW people of "faith". We need an alternative to the 700 club and TBS and Angel. There is no Air America for liberal believers. The closest I can find is Day 1 which is still not liberal enough for the likes of me.. though it is better than the 700 club.

Howard Stearn might be able to help. Seriously! He might be open to your cause.

I have tried to get people to write in to DISH, DirecTV, Xm, and Sirius to demand equal programming. But we need backers. We need funding. We need programming to offer.

There is a Bishop who sends information on the web, about the new Christian. He might help you in your cause (mutual assistance).

This is NOT going to be easy.. and we need help. There is an alternative for people who want to listen to or view spiritual programming, but we have to make it happen.

I understand your concerns. I have questions about some of your beliefs, but then, I'm often questioned about mine, so "tit for tat". I think that the pendulum has swung past center to the other extreme. People will grow tired of that as well in short order (about 10-15 years), much shorter than the last 40 or so years, because that is human nature. We don't care to be conservative for long.

my thoughts


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