About me and my faith


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About me and my faith (an introduction)

I was boen in 1954 in Punjab Pakistan, certainly in a Muslim family. In my childhood I shared all pervailing beliefs, likings and dislikings around me but as I grew up things began to change. Now I have a strong faith in the God, not because it is mentioned in religious books or taught in clergies sermons but because I meditated and experienced it so.

Free your thoughts and you are "Out of religion". Meditatae on universe and nature and you are "In spirtuality".

I am a farmer with an ordinory education. I have not read many books as I never went to libraries and certainly I have never been abroad.

I hope you will give me a good company as you are free people living in free societies and I hope with free thoughts also. I do not claim any special attachments with the God.

May not be of your skin,

May not be of your nation,

May not be of your language,

May not be of your standard,

Yet I can live as you live,

Yet I can sing as you sing,

Can love your art and ways of life,

The land you live in or any sight,

I can join you in sad and glad,

Can share your hopes and wear as you clad,

Can join you in prayers where you pray,

Though I shall say silently what I have to say,

The God I pray is yours also,

May be more yours than mine also,

The God of universe is of mankind also,

I am your friend also.

I can join you to defend the just,

If yoy are to help weak or oppressed,

But if I happpen to meet others,

If they claim to behave as human brothers,

I can be very easily inspired also,

No restraints shall then I abide by also,

I shall embrace and say to them also,

I am your friend also.


akbar said:

About me and my faith (an introduction)

I was boen in 1954 in Punjab Pakistan, certainly in a Muslim family. In my childhood I shared all pervailing beliefs, likings and dislikings around me but as I grew up things began to change. Now I have a strong faith in the God, not because it is mentioned in religious books or taught in clergies sermons but because I meditated and experienced it so.

Free your thoughts and you are "Out of religion". Meditatae on universe and nature and you are "In spirtuality".

I am a farmer with an ordinory education. I have not read many books as I never went to libraries and certainly I have never been abroad.

I hope you will give me a good company as you are free people living in free societies and I hope with free thoughts also. I do not claim any special attachments with the God.

May not be of your skin,

May not be of your nation,

May not be of your language,

May not be of your standard,

Yet I can live as you live,

Yet I can sing as you sing,

Can love your art and ways of life,

The land you live in or any sight,

I can join you in sad and glad,

Can share your hopes and wear as you clad,

Can join you in prayers where you pray,

Though I shall say silently what I have to say,

The God I pray is yours also,

May be more yours than mine also,

The God of universe is of mankind also,

I am your friend also.

I can join you to defend the just,

If yoy are to help weak or oppressed,

But if I happpen to meet others,

If they claim to behave as human brothers,

I can be very easily inspired also,

No restraints shall then I abide by also,

I shall embrace and say to them also,

I am your friend also.


Hi Akbar,Yes the true God is a friend of people from all nations, if they want to be a friend of him ,that is why Gods followers will love their neighbours ,whatever country they live in
welcome akbar ... you will find many friend here .... me ke aloha pumehana, pohaikawahine
Dear friends,

I hope you would be my friends. I am in need of many, few or even less than few as I have not any sincere friend. I do not know any one who believes the God and not a religious god. I even can not discuss my faith with people around me as you know the atmosphere here is quiet suffocating. I am looking forward for critical anylysis of my faith by you people.


My own path is not one of "critical analysis" of anyone elses faith. I just welcome you and hope you - and we - gain from being here and sharing your thoughts and exchanging views.

Thomas Merton - the Christian monk - has said that true communication is "more than a simple sharing of ideas, conceptual knowledge, or formulated truth". A true communication is more "communion................beyond the level of words, a communion of authentic experience." Merton believed that we are all already one, but imagine we are not.............."what we have to be is what we are"

"I am the farmer, stripped of love
And thought and grace by the land's hardness;
But what I am saying over the fields'
Desolate acres, rough with dew,
Is, Listen, listen, I am a man like you.

The wind goes over the hill pastures
Year after year, and the ewes starve,
Milkless, for want of the new grass.
And I starve, too, for somehing the spring
Can never foster in veins run dry.

The pig is a friend, the cattle's breath
Mingles with mine in the still lanes;
I wear it willingly like a cloak
To shelter me from your curious gaze.

The hens go in and out at the door
From sun to shadow, as stray thoughts pass
Over the floor of my wide skull.
The dirt is under my cracked nails;
The tale of my life is smirched with dung;
The phlegm rattles. But what I am saying
Over the grasses rough with dew
Is, Listen, listen, I am a man like you"

R S Thomas, "The Hill Farmer Speaks"

Anyway, welcome.

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welcome akbar to the finest community of seekers on the web...you will be respected here, and let us know if you need anything at all.

Hi ackbar, and welcome to CR. :)

I'll also move this thread to the introductions forum, where it may be better served. :)