Why Don't Jews Sacrifice Animals Anymore?

sorry I asked .... I'll never be able to look at myself in the mirror and not think of moses and aaron .... but seriously bb thank you for providing the artscroll translation .... it seems to me that part of the power of the song of songs is its ability to create desire and passion which one of the beautiful ways of cleaving to G!d .... but even without considering the inner meaning, the whole of verse 4 relates to the description of the beautiful woman .... with the first line of each section in verse 4 (from one of my several translations) 4:1 "how beautiful you are my love...your hair like a flock of goats ....4:2 you teeth white ewes .... 4:3 a crimson ribbon your lips .... 4:4 your neck is a tower of david ....4:5 your breasts are two fawns .... 4:6 before day breaths, before the shadows of night are gone, I will hurry to the mountain of myrrh, the hill of frankincense .... 4:7 you are beautiful my love, my perfect one " ....

to me, and I know my view does not always resonate with others at times .... the whole concept of the sacrifice of animals must also be seen in the symbols and the language .... like the song of songs, it is about the love of a woman only one one level, its deeper meaning is much more profound .... the sacrifice of animals is about a physical sacrifice only on the level of the story, its inner meaning is much more profound and not about an actual sacrifice of an animal at all .... but these are just my thoughts to share in the dialogue .... 8:2 "I would bring you to the house of my mother and she would teach me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, my pomegranate wine."

aloha nui, poh

p.s. my grandson told me a few months ago .... "grandma, you are like heaven, your eyes are like pixie dust, your hug feels like a thousand suns hugging me, your mouth is like pixie's glow, when I rub your back, I feel like I'm rubbing a genie's lamp, when you laugh it feels like your making a real genie come to life" .... he's only 9 years old but has the heart of an old poet .... does his words fill me with great passion, of course ....
dauer said:
I think you have been misinformed, but I don't have time right now to answer your question. Basically, all of the quotes from Tanach that you use to support there is no need for qorbanot, we use the same ones. And there is nothing to connect coming of mashiach with end of sacrifices, in fact, there are textual quotes that say qorbanot (sacrifices) will be reinstated when the mashiach comes.

In the absence of a Temple, we do not offer qorbanot, which are not only for expiation of sin. In fact, qorbanot means to come near or draw close and it was once the equivalent of formalized prayer.


hmmmmm.... if a 'qorbanot' (which I assume means sacrafice???) is related to the arrival of mashiach, and if the arrival of mashiach is related to the regathering .... then the concept of 'qorbanot' could be interpreted to either end upon the arrival or begin again upon the arrival .... both would be correct .... if a 'qorbanot' symbolically represents in the physical what takes place in the spiritual realm, we would have to come out of exodus, out of the wilderness, to return to the temple .... when this happens we reinact the 'qorbanot' to be able to reach the summit and if this equates to the return of mashiach the "qorbanot's' would end .... if on the other hand the return of mashiach is dependend on the 'qorbanot' (symbolically) then the 'qorbanot' would be reinacted in order for the mashiach to return and would begin again .... it's all a matter of wording and timing ....

if the rebuilding of the temple takes place in a spiritual realm then we would not offer 'qorbanot' until we are ready to rebuild and return and regather ....

just some thoughts to share .... bandit and I are busy working on the tabernacle in the wilderness thread in the interfaith parsha project and I think that we will certainly have to include some dialogue on temple sacrafice because it is key to the inner meanings .... the book by mary douglas leviticus as literature' (which was recommended by bb) takes us into details of the sacrafice of animals that helps to unveil the inner meaning of this act .... "seen in an anthropological perspective Leviticus has a mystical structure which plots the book into three parts corrresponding to the three parts of the desert tabernacle, which in turn corresponds to the parts of Mount Sinai....this completely new reading transforms the interpretation of the purity laws" .... sacrafice of animals can never be looked at the same again once we understand the inner meanings .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine