

Peace, Love and Unity
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I'm trying to find a clever word that means "oneness". I can't find what I'm looking for in the English-language, because the English word required would be something like "onenessness".

I thought the Muslim "umma" might capture something of it, but that's restricted to community rather than a broader metaphor, and "holistic" doesn't quite capture it either.

Looking for a clever word that means "oneness"...
An english word; tautoousian: having absolutely the same essence. also tautoousious.

Tried my Greek dictionary...which is good but not that good.

Sorry if I'm way off track...its 5am however :p


united, singleness, wholeness, unison, agreement, of one, not divided. oh that is two words.

i dont think there is another word for it. it seems like it takes more than one word to define the state or quality of being one.
I said:
I'm trying to find a clever word that means "oneness". I can't find what I'm looking for in the English-language, because the English word required would be something like "onenessness".

I thought the Muslim "umma" might capture something of it, but that's restricted to community rather than a broader metaphor, and "holistic" doesn't quite capture it either.

Looking for a clever word that means "oneness"...

That's a toughy. I DO see the nuance between "oneness" and "onenessness".

Perfection might work, but you'd spend too much time explaining what you mean in that particular reference.

I dont know how to express this sentence in a single word:
"He is a true believer in Divine unity who, far from confusing duality with oneness, refuseth to allow any notion of multiplicity to becloud his conception of the singleness of God, who will regard the Divine Being as One Who, by His very nature, transcendeth the limitations of numbers."
(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 166)

Kindest Regards, Brian!

I said:
I'm trying to find a clever word that means "oneness". I can't find what I'm looking for in the English-language, because the English word required would be something like "onenessness".

I don't know that it would serve your purpose, but how about "atonement?" That is, by my understanding, at-one-ment.

Or, a combination of Bandit and bruce's suggestions: whole-istic?

Or, why not Onenessness?

Or, in french, "un," which also has the alternative English meaning of opposite, but also brings to mind the UN.
how about 'ubiquitous' .... present everywhere at once, wouldn't that be 'oneness' .... just a thought .... pohaikawahine