Faith verses religions


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My friends I hope you will not mind if I say faith is liberalism and religions are fundamentalism because religions persist on their righteousness while faith does not. Faith draws no boundaries and it has no limits while religions have their demarked boundaries and have limitations. Religions have certified authorities which admit or expel followers. Their followers have to be cautious of limitations imposed on them who as I believe are not free people. Faith does not accept any authority other than the God and does not claim any ownership of the God and not even preference of any sort. Religions do claim such preferences violating basic right of equality among humans. Religions cause divisions which the God does not like while faith unites humanity as it is comprised of love, mercy and equality of all humans not considering their racial, regional, traditional, linguistic and all other attachments.

Religions strive to maintain their different identities. Different shapes of worship places exhibit differentiation from others and only those who agree are allowed to enter. This is a matter of authority over God and his worship. Separate manners of worship are enforced upon followers and they are also taught words of worship. Clergies also stress on different appearances like hairs and dressing. Different timings of worship are observed with different modes. Most religions have different names to show their so called superior ness over others as they do not want to be mixed up with so called others. Most heinous crimes had/have been committed in names of religions and most deadly wars were fought and all that was done to please their God or gods. Apart from other religions Christians persecution by Jews, Jews persecutions by Christians including holocaust, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh massacres in Indian sub continent including that of 1947 are very good examples or perhaps bad but no doubt religious.

Unlike religions faith is not concerned with differentiations but with the God and humanity. Faith does not need any particular places for worship as the God can be prayed any where not depending upon shapes of buildings. Faith can be practiced anywhere irrespective of any religious places because it is something which comes from within and not from any orthodox religious teachings. Faith does not recognize any authority between the God and humanity and if there is one it should be abolished. There must not be any interventions between a lover and beloved. Faith does not require any kinds of special mannerisms for being accepted but if it does require something, it is firm and staunch belief in the God. Does a lover need to be taught manners of love or will he/she like such restrictions? Submission and obedience to the God also does not necessary need particular words to be repeated by all. He does not want or like such submission as He is not an army general to seek or accept only disciplined speech in a disciplined manner. He likes to be prayed willingly with love and sincerity and sincere, obedient lovers by nature know manners of love, remembering, asking and praying. Their can be prayers even with out spoken words as the God knows feelings of hearts and He values feelings much more than words. All names are good which have good meanings irrespective of linguistic or religious background and the God does not like differentiations. Is there any God of timings or days? No, all times and days are God’s and He wants humans to remember him on all times and on all days. Daily, weekly or yearly timings can be observed but not necessarily. The God hates cruel, wicked and unjust aggressor disregard of their any attachment including religious as He is God of humans and not of groups.

Faith unites humanity and promotes love among friends, families, localities, races, nations and humans. A true faith in the God must promote love where ever it exists otherwise it must be untrue and fake. Faith is love; the God loves humanity and wants humans to be faithful.

Spirituality survived and will survive while religions change and also extinct. Spirituality is actual and real liberalism which provides liberty to soul which religions deny.
Spirituality is universal and cover time from beginning to end while religions are time bound having beginning and also an end. Religions have necessary connections with special ceremonies and ostentations to feed upon while spirituality is free from all such encumbrances. Spirituality gets its nourishment direct from soul so thereby having no fear of being severed from its root.


Join me or allow me to join,
I may be yours if you not mine,
The God of your is God of mine,
I can pray at any or with out a shrine.

Traditions change and customs change,
Dialects change and languages change,
People migrate and nations change,
Wars and calamities bring drastic change.

Religions change with clergy’s behavior,
As he explains to win peoples favor,
Poor gets rich if lucky and clever,
Humans don’t change and humanity never.

You are a human and I am a human,
Don’t you think much we have in common?
Our goods are common and our vices common,
Our values are common and our humanity common.

Our God is common and creator common,
He made us common and we are common,
Let us love and love is common,
Let us say our faith is common.
Akbar your every post is a fountain of light.
I am always lifted by your words.
Your songs of freedom.
Your ideas of Faith are as mine.
I look forward to your next post.

Kind Regards

Peace to all....

My friends I hope you will not mind if I say faith is liberalism and religions are fundamentalism because religions
persist on their righteousness while faith does not. Faith draws no boundaries and it has no limits while religions have
their demarked boundaries and have limitations. Religions have certified authorities which admit or expel followers.
Their followers have to be cautious of limitations imposed on them who as I believe are not free people. Faith does not
accept any authority other than the God and does not claim any ownership of the God and not even preference of any sort.
Religions do claim such preferences violating basic right of equality among humans. Religions cause divisions which the
God does not like while faith unites humanity as it is comprised of love, mercy and equality of all humans not
considering their racial, regional, traditional, linguistic and all other attachments.

I can see you manage to draw a fine line between faith and religion.I think this will make an interesting discussion.The best way i could think about it is faith and religion is dependent on each other. Both must flow in parallel direction.

After reading your post, what i can conclude is faith is holy and pure like a little child. With the basic notion that there is something worth to believe in or to worship and who started it all, she wonders off in the wild searching for the truth. One fine day the little child met another child who is also searching for the same thing. When they get together they start sharing opinions and ideas about their origin and how it this life started. Later, other "seekers" join the two. At one point the group of "seekers" come to a common agreement and establish what they think is worth to believe in and worship. The question is, do you think that what they have concluded to believe in is the right thing that they should have faith in.

In this short story the biggest thing that is missing is there was no intervention or word from the Being that these children are looking for, which is The Creator Himself. The innocent little children have put up to a belief that they create by their own ideas and opinions. In other words they have made their own belief according to what they want to believe.The way i see it, religion is a guide for our faith. Without religion faith is blind and might be drawn to believing the wrong thing. But sometimes religion itself is misinterpret or misused by some and thus severed result is blamed on religion itself not the perpetrator.

In my opinion faith and religion can be represent as simple as the wheels of a bicycle. The rear wheel is faith and the front wheel is religion. The front wheel won't turn if the rear wheel does not push it forward. The rear wheel will be drifting from the right direction without the front wheel to steer it to the right direction.
Just a thought....

ps: very nice poem /syair u got there. It makes flowers grow in my heart:)
Dear Tao Equus,

"Akbar your every post is a fountain of light.
I am always lifted by your words.
Your songs of freedom.
Your ideas of Faith are as mine.
I look forward to your next post."

You said that my ideas of faith are as yours. Yes, it must be. The God created us humans and we are alike if not overwhelmed by selfish likings, dislikings, prejudice, pride etc. Friend, you are welcome to probe further into my faith. Go on with your questioning and see whether we differ from each other or not. Let me remind you that I am not a learned scolar or philosopher but I am a simple farmer just trying to illustrate a simple undefiled human heart and I believe that all human hearts are alike.

Would you be my friend in faith? Do you really mean it if I do not disappoint you in any of my coming posts? Yes, get answers from me for this purpose and have a check on me whether I remain simple and honest or get astrayed.

nahiz, from Malaysia,

The way i see it, religion is a guide for our faith. Without religion faith is blind and might be drawn to believing the wrong thing. But sometimes religion itself is misinterpret or misused by some and thus severed result is blamed on religion itself not the perpetrator.

Sorry, friend, I do not agree.
Mighty believers of mighty religions perform their majestic prayers in majestic buildings, struggling hard to out number and over- power each other, we are weak but the God is Almighty and it is not upon us to establish His supremacy, so we need not bother about
The mighty groups are knocking loudly at the doors of heaven, fierce contest is going on to subdue one another, and we are too weak to face their furious bravos, so we are standing aside, waiting patiently for our turn to be considered. You are the God of universe and the God of humanity and we have faith in your mercy and benevolence. We do not reject their claims for being the first and only to enter your heaven, because it is upon you to decide but they do reject our hopes to be pardoned by you.
Oh the God of mankind help us.
I am an outlaw of so called religions. My mystical poet says:
“Is the religion brother of my wife (in an abusive sense) that I should care for?”
“Do away with religion. It hampers way to the God. Remove all obstacles between man and the God. Who is this, who intervenes between the lover and the beloved? Push him aside”
Groups are fighting with each other and I am fighting groups. I am sure I shall find friends and like minded people. Free humanity and clear the way. No interventions are required between an individual human and the God.
Oh, the beloved reveal you to me, I heartily long for you.
You make a fair point but you get the wheels mixed up. Always it should be simple faith and love that steers.

I will continue to read your posts with pleasure, and find the way you right very poetic and just. I will of course, if I see anything I see out of character, be happy to question you on it.


Peace to all...

You make a fair point but you get the wheels mixed up. Always it should be simple faith and love that steers.

I could always ride a tricycle...
but still maintaining the same front wheel...:D

Dear friend nahiz from Malaysia,

I believe that faith is not dependant on any religion and it also does not need any help from any religion. It is complete in itself.

I request you to read my previous and coming posts to understand my faith. I believe that it may be every body's faith. I am illustrating it and I do not claim any authority over it and I believe that the God is the God of humans not of indviduals, groups or communities.
I prayed the God to accept me as his, “my God I am not as fit to be yours so please shape me as you want. I know there may be hardships and naturally I shall ask your favors while facing such hardships but if such hardships are necessary to make me more acceptable to you, do not grant me those favors and continue shaping me just as a good surgeon continues operating and does not release his patient even he feels pain. My God you know that I am weak and I may crumble so provide me energy to face all the processing. You are the merciful and you can do so with out giving me much pain but I do not want to be rejected by you at any cost so take me and do what ever you want. I surrender all my attachments what so ever they were. I am Akbar as my parents named me, I am of a race or nation as I was born there other wise I am nothing but your creation, your human and yours only.”
Peace to Akbar and to all...

I believe that faith is not dependant on any religion and it also does not need any help from any religion. It is complete in itself.

I respect you thoughts and you express it very well in your words. Your faith seems to be very similar with my religions' teachings.
But if faith was complete and independent of religion then why does religion exist and co-exist successfully throughout time. I would really like to see your views on this....;)

I believe that the God is the God of humans not of indviduals, groups or communities.

Indeed....very much agreed, no individuals, groups or communities has the right to say so, only God Himself has the Right to say who He Favors and who He Despises.
And God is not only God for humans but all His creations as well....

n4h1z said:
Peace to Akbar and to all.

Indeed....very much agreed, no individuals, groups or communities has the right to say so, only God Himself has the Right to say who He Favors and who He Despises.
And God is not only God for humans but all His creations as well....


why in the world would god despise anyone????
Peace to all...

why in the world would god despise anyone????

What i'am trying to say was someone who God dislikes...example like a person who takes pleasure in committing sinful acts.

"And God is not only God for humans but all His creations as well...."

Yes, no doubt the God is of all creations but humans are divided and groups had been claiming and do claim to have own the God exclusively.

To the God

Oh, the God let me know to what community you belong.
And what community you prefer to be called as of yours?

To what religion you have given the authority to be true,
And allowed to call all others heathens and damned?

With what rituals and ceremonies you like to be pleased,
And to avoid your wrath what must not be performed?

On your land where I have to pray and where not,
In what shape of temples or what type of mosques?

What types of prayer leaders I have to follow,
Many claim that only they are aware of right path?

Are you God of divisions and not the God of all humans?
Not the God of universe but God of pilgrimage lands?

Do you prefer a group of humans over all the rest?
And their ways or kind of worship you hold the best?
akbar said:
I believe that faith is not dependant on any religion and it also does not need any help from any religion. It is complete in itself.

I beleive you oversimplify the situation. Muhammad and Jesus and all the religious Founders didn't just express faith - They defined religion. But religions once established go through ages and cycles and the orthodoxies established can become forgetful and neglectful. This latter part of the cycle seems to me to fit your descriptions of religion, but not those earlier days, even hundreds of years, when religion is the cause of the flowering of civilization and spirit and arts and sciences....

Moreover I do not suppose that God is blind to these patterns, and has established a response we are still slow to pick up on.

The Chinese philosopher had a thought along these lines as I recall: In the best of times the noble man is embarrassed at poverty - in the worst of times the noble man is embarrassed at wealth. Pick up on a spiritual dimension to the commentary and it shows the point I think.
I have noticed something of a norm around here, and indeed most every interfaith discussion area - almost never do regular participants explain, defend or even mention the administrative structures and decisions that have been made. People don't seem to identify much with the leaders, whether individual or institutional, of their religions - or at least those that frequent interfaith discussions aren't. Not a universal norm but I think it is a clear norm....

Doesn't make much sense to me.

As I have many told you that I am not a learned philosopher yet I invite you for a full discussion on every point. I claim to illustrate a human heart so whatever is in it I keep on expressing. I believe that human hearts were/are and will be alike disregard of time and civilizations so I expect acceptance from fellow human beings.
As to why religions exist? Are they not hostile and contradictory to each other? Does the God wants humans to like or dislike some things at a particular time and then make a change? Does the likings and dislikings of The God change?
I would not believe such a God. I would not say that the personalities you mentioned were wrong and I am concerned with humans and the God. I believe that there are good humans all over the world apparently having different religions but actually the same. Don't you see that the goodness is not confined to any religion? If a particular religion claims to be right why followers are not good humans as a whole and they claim to be having exclusive truth? Does the God like them over all others? Why ?
I believes that the God does not change His commands and human values also do not change. The definition of good and evil may not be time or civilization bound.
dear friend from Malaysia,

i think you and i are Muslims.
do u think that you can defend the validity of Islamic(Shariyah) laws?