The Catholic Bible


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I talked to a Catholic. He told me that he considers 4 or 5 books from the Apocrypha to belong in the Bible.

My point is... do these texts make a difference to the understanding of the Bible and God's message to humankind?
Ghaniel said:
I talked to a Catholic. He told me that he considers 4 or 5 books from the Apocrypha to belong in the Bible.

My point is... do these texts make a difference to the understanding of the Bible and God's message to humankind?

The Latin Vulgate is older than the King James version. And the King James version seems to be the take off point for all the newer versions. King James version came about due to a rather colorful confrontation between the King of England, and the Vatican, and divorce was the main theme...this was proceeded by the reformation of Martin Luther, and the two versions of the bible split. Hence the Latin Vulgate has more than 66 books within its bindings. But the protestants prefer the variants that stem from the King James version.

The Ethiopian Bible is older than the Latin Vulgate, and the scrolls are the oldest of all.

The Apocrypha is good for those secure in their faith, in that it presents historical views of people of the times closest to Christ's actual life.

The Vulgate is a good bible, and so is King James' version. One is a Cadillac, and the other is a staunch Ford (in the US), for those that live elsewhere, one is a Mercedez, and the other is a Volkswagen. (LOL) I'm not biased now am I? :rolleyes:

If a person's desire is to come closer to God, God will show that person the right way (for them). As long as the Bible you read has the words "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." (John 3:16), in it...hard to go wrong. The rest is gravy on the good meat.

my thoughts.


If a person's desire is to come closer to God, God will show that person the right way (for them). As long as the Bible you read has the words "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." (John 3:16), in it...hard to go wrong. The rest is gravy on the good meat.

The Apocrypha is good for those secure in their faith, in that it presents historical views of people of the times closest to Christ's actual life.
Wise words Q. If one does not read and understand the 66 books of the Bible currently canonized, it is a lot easier to get led astray outside of the Bible and away from the belief of Christ Crucified and Ascended.

Speaking of which I found this interesting, as some scholars have voiced opinions that revelation could have been "visioned" after Christ ascended. This is just for "interest" of course, as I don't speculate on dates and times, but this calls to mind the man Paul mentioned being caught up to the third heaven and paradise..;)

{Young LT} 2 Corinthians 12:2 I have known a man in Christ, fourteen years ago--whether in the body I have not known, whether out of the body I have not known, God hath known--such an one being caught away unto the third heaven;..........................

revelation of saint john the theologian

AFTER the taking up of our Lord Jesus Christ, I John was alone upon Mount Tabor, :rolleyes: where also He showed us His undefiled Godhead; and as I was not able to stand, I fell upon the ground, and prayed to the Lord, and said: O Lord my God, who hast deemed me worthy to be Thy servant, hear my voice, and teach me about Thy coming. When Thou shall come to the earth, what will happen? The heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon, what will happen to them in those times? ................

And then will I order to be lifted up the great and venerable sceptre, on which I stretched forth my hands, and all the orders of my angels shall do reverence to it. And then shall be lifted up all the race of men upon clouds, as the Apostle Paul foretold.

..........And again I said: Lord, what will become of the heavens, and the sun, and the moon, along with the stars? And I heard a voice saying to me: Behold, righteous John. And I looked, and saw a Lamb having seven eyes and seven horns. :rolleyes: And again I heard a voice saying to me: I will bid the Lamb come before me, and will say, Who will open this book?................

...............And while I was still hearing this voice, the cloud brought me down, and put me on Mount Thabor. And there came a voice to me, saying: Blessed are those who keep judgment and do righteousness in all time. And blessed is the house where this description lies, as the Lord said, He that loveth me keepeth my sayings in Christ Jesus our Lord; to Him be glory for ever. Amen.

tabor occurs 10 times in 10 verses:

[EDIT by I, Brian - removed formattiing]