Question Regarding All Religions.


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Do any religions believe that God knows when, where, and how we are to die from the day we are born? Do any of you belief this?

I have heard that it is a prime belief of Islam that Allah knows this, since Allah is all seeing and all knowing. Does anyone know where specifically I can find an excerpt containing even a hint of this belief? It would be very appreciated.

Now, I have a plausible argument to this belief if it is believed to be true. Meaning that it is found in any religious books, for instance, Bible, Torah, Quraan or Hadith, etc. But first, I would like to see if this is indeed true.

It depends on the definition of God one has.
The most widely known definition says that God is omniscient.
So he knows everything.
Salaam Freethinker,

I think the following Hadith is what your looking for:

From Abu Abdurahmaan, Abdullah Ibn Masu [ra] , there is that he said: "The Messenger of Allah [sm] told us - and he is the truthfull one who is confirmed - "Any one of you, his creation is gathered in the belly of his mother for 40 days as a drop, then later he will be a blood clot for the like of that, then later he is a morsel of flesh for the like of that, then the Angel is sent to him and breathes the spirit into him, and he [the angel] is commanded with four words [orders]: with writing his provision, his life-span, his actions, and wether he is happy or greviuos [wether he will go to paradise or Hell-Fire]. By Allah, the One other then whom there is no God, one of you will do the actions of the people of the garden untill there is only a cubit between him and it, then the decree will over take him and he will do the actions of the people of the Fire and so enter it. One of you will do the actions of the people of the Fire untill there remains only a cubit between him and it, then the decree will over take him and he will do the actions of the people of the garden and thus enter it. [AlBukhari and Muslim narrated it]

In the above hadith it says that the Angel is commanded to right down a persons life-span and wether the person will be a person of the Hell-Fire or Paradsie. So that means that, according to Islam, Allah knows exactly when a person will die, and in what state a person will die.

In the above hadith it says that the Angel is commanded to right down a persons life-span and wether the person will be a person of the Hell-Fire or Paradsie. So that means that, according to Islam, Allah knows exactly when a person will die, and in what state a person will die.
and is this thought to be litterally true? If that is the case and free will and the possibility of bettering myself or going to hell is taken out of the picture...what does that do to personal responsibility. Why would I not just rape, pillage and plunder?

Obviously speaking from one with limited knowledge of the concept.
And here's some Quranic evidence: :)

In Surah Al-Bakarah, verse, 255, Allah says:

"...He [Allah] knows what will happen to them [His creatures] in this world and what will happen to them in the Hereafter, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what he will...".

Salaam. :)
In the above hadith it says that the Angel is commanded to right down a persons life-span and wether the person will be a person of the Hell-Fire or Paradsie. So that means that, according to Islam, Allah knows exactly when a person will die, and in what state a person will die.
freind said:
In the above hadith it says that the Angel is commanded to right down a persons life-span and wether the person will be a person of the Hell-Fire or Paradsie. So that means that, according to Islam, Allah knows exactly when a person will die, and in what state a person will die.

And here's some Quranic evidence: :)

In Surah Al-Bakarah, verse, 255, Allah says:

"...He [Allah] knows what will happen to them [His creatures] in this world and what will happen to them in the Hereafter, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what he will...".

Salaam. :)
According to the book of revelation, each one is judged for their own works/deeds, not according to race, religion or creed.
I believe the "lake of fire" may be symbolic of being cast out of the presence of the Creator or in essence, a purifier/refiner, and whether it is a literal "hellfire" I will let others elaborate.

Reve 20:12 and I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and scrolls were opened, and another scroll was opened, which is that of the life, and the dead were judged out of the things written in the scrolls--according to their works; 13 and the sea did give up those dead in it, and the death and the hades did give up the dead in them, and they were judged, each one according to their works; 14 and the death and the hades were cast to the lake of the fire--this [is] the second death; 15 and if any one was not found written in the scroll of the life, he was cast to the lake of the fire.

Another example is found in Malachi 3, which He appears to describe the fire as a "refiner and purifier". Any views on this passage in Malachi and how it relates to "hellfire"? Thanks.

Malachi 3:2 And who is bearing the day of his coming? And who is standing in his appearing? For he [is] as fire of a refiner [#06884], And as soap of a fuller. 3 And he hath sat, a refiner and purifier of silver, And he hath purified the sons of Levi, And hath refined them as gold and as silver, And they have been to Jehovah bringing nigh a present in righteousness.
Greetings Wil, :)

Allah orders the Angel to write down our destiny as Allah allready knows what we will do on earth, and what will happen to us in the hereafter.

Other verses of the Quran, and hadiths makes it clear that the good works of the sincere do not go to waste, so the people who will "do the actions of the people of the garden and then the decree will over take them and they will do the actions of the people of the fire, and thus enter it", may be the incinsere people who just do 'good actions' for show and other insincere reasons, or they're people who will turn evil near the end of their lives by their own free will. And there are many people who realise that Islam is the truth near the end of their lives so they embrace it, practice Islam untill their death, and thus they enter the Garden and it is about these people and other people who turn good near the end of their lives that the above hadtih refers to as "..people who will do actions of the people of the Fire...and then do good actions and thus enter the Garden"

So Allah does not 'pre-programme' us to enter Hell or Paradise [like a robot who has no free will], Allah wrote down a persons destiny as Allah knows how the person will utilise his/her free will in this earth.

Hope this helps

Peace :)
Edit to add from Faithfull servant:
"For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things." I John 3:20

Christians believe God is

Omniscient = all knowing
Omnipotent= Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; all-powerful
Omnipresent= Present everywhere simultaneously
quote friend: And there are many people who realise that Islam is the truth near the end of their lives so they embrace it, practice Islam untill their death, and thus they enter the Garden and it is about these people and other people who turn good near the end of their lives that the above
Hi friend.
For those who join Islam, do they have to deny Jesus being born the Son of God, crucified and ascended and being our "mediator", King and High Priest?

Those who join judaism also have to deny Christ as even existing, much less being the Son of God and crucified.

Since Jesus came to the jews as prophecied, from the house of Judah, maybe they are the only ones judged for not believing unto the One God sent them as prophecied.:confused:
After all, they [jews/Judah and Israel] are the ones who had the "Covenant", correct?

Malachi 3:1 Lo, I am sending My messenger, And he hath prepared a way before Me, And suddenly come in unto his temple [#01964] Doth the Lord whom ye are seeking, Even the messenger of the Covenant, Whom ye are desiring, Lo, he is coming, said Jehovah of Hosts.

John 3:18 he who is believing into Him is not judged, but he who is not believing hath been judged already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God

Revelation 2:18 `And to the messenger of the assembly of Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who is having his eyes as a flame of fire, and his feet like to fine brass;

"Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world." Acts 15:18

"And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for Yahueh searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever." 1 Chr. 28:9

"For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things." I John 3:20

Christians believe God is

Omniscient = all knowing
Omnipotent= Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; all-powerful
Omnipresent= Present everywhere simultaneously

For an esoteric & non-conventional religious take on it, I would say this:

There is something referred to in Christian scriptures as the "Book of God's Remembrance," which corresponds to the Akashic Records found on subtle, or Inner, spiritual worlds. This is not something that your average psychic can access, and even folks who catch a glipse every now & then are usually just seeing a distored reflection in the astral plane (glamorous, illusory world of emotions & desires).

Nevertheless, it is possible for the pure of heart (who have also lived an outer life of utmost & strictest purity) to access these records. Souls such as Nostradamus (who had direct guidance and instruction from a spiritual Teacher, in writing his Quatrains), Edgar Cayce, Blavatsky, and others, have been able to read these Records and relay something of their experiences ... and it is precisely this which happened 2000 years ago when St. Paul inspired John to write Revelation.

What matters is that Christ (Jesus), St. Paul, the Buddha, and quite a number of other Teachers have been able to access the Akashic Records (or, portions of `God's Library'), and the evidence is the predictions that have come true - often with the most amazing detail, even if the original statements (prophecies) have been grossly distorted & twisted through the centuries.

In the stories of the Buddha (Shakyamuni), there are many, many accounts where he meets an aspirant, foretells the future of that individual, and then, centuries later, precisely what was foretold comes to pass. The example that has stuck with me is the Buddha's meeting with a young child, who would reincarnate approx. 2000 years later as the great Tsongkhapa of Tibet. The Buddha foretold this, in detail - and was quite active in Tsongkhapa's life, just as Christ told his disciples that he would be with them, Lo, unto the end of the Era (of 2100 years). And so it is!

Astrology, esoterically considered, allows one to predict all sorts of major events and developments - both in the life of an individual, and in the life of the planet(s), hence for Humanity - but this is only a general sort of means of prophecy. As a rule, the more advanced the person, group, or planet being considered, the less certain & precise will be the prediction, precisely because of what the Christian calls "free will." A relatively unevolved individual will usually be the product of his/her environment, with relatively minimal direct Soul influence and direction, while the spiritual aspirant might accomplish much, much more in a given lifetime than would otherwise be the case - and so a conservative prediction of his progress would be in error. Or of course, there are temporary failures, and then a prediction would seem to overestimate one's progress - though in truth it was accurate.

Surely, one would say, the very "Book of God" will contain within it all measure & all manners of things, people, events, etc. - with perfect exactitude and no room for error. But, an esotericist will respond, this is only true from within the Higher Worlds, where time is naught, and where all things, all people, and all events are known for their true Purpose, and in their state of fullest Perfection! The world of outer forms, cycles and struggles, and everyone in that world - is subject to various karmas ... such that what God knows is simply the Greatest which we might hope to accomplish, while He also knows the least (whatever is our present state). Whatever lies in between is determined by many, many factors, and one of these is individual free will, while another (and considerable) factor - is the choice of Humanity, en masse. And thus the work of world disciples goes forth, hoping to sway the hearts & minds of Humanity, and to help us in our journey from Ignorance to Wisdom, and from darkness to Light!

By the way, in Greek, the word which corresponds to the future possibility or potential within us all, the "Christ within" as some might call it (or the Buddha within, the Soul, or Higher Self) ... is Augeoides. It means, form or shape - of bright light, or radiance. Compare, Sanskrit Deva - "shining one." And just as a tidbit, some Christian church services conclude thus: "[size=-1]May the Lord Bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and give you Peace." Wow. This Lord guy sounds like a really neat individual, indeed!

And thus the work of world disciples goes forth, hoping to sway the hearts & minds of Humanity, and to help us in our journey from Ignorance to Wisdom, and from darkness to Light!

By the way, in Greek, the word which corresponds to the future possibility or potential within us all, the "Christ within" as some might call it (or the Buddha within, the Soul, or Higher Self) ... is Augeoides. It means, form or shape - of bright light, or radiance. Compare, Sanskrit Deva - "shining one." And just as a tidbit, some Christian church services conclude thus: "[size=-1]May the Lord Bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and give you Peace." Wow. This Lord guy sounds like a really neat individual, indeed!

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Interesting post and very "enlightening". ;)

The Words of our Lord instructs those that believe and follow Him that we will radiate the Light of Him to other men that they may also Glorify the Father.
Interesting number, "70".

phos (Strong's 5457) occurs 70 times in 59 verses: Page 1, verses 1 - 25
John 9:5 as long as I may be in the world, light [#5457] I am of the world.'[/size]

Matthew 5:16 thus let shine the light [#5457] of ye! before the people, so that they may be perceiving/seeing the good works of ye, and that they may be glorifying the Father of ye, the [One] in the heavens.
