How do you treat others? and why?



How do you treat others? and why?

1- better than they treat you

2- worse than they treat you (if they mistreat you)

3- the same way they treat you

4- depends on the person

there are so many possible answers to that & many different circumstances to consider.

sometimes treating people with kindness & love works & sometimes it does not.

people who love to gossip & spread rumors, i ignore them & reserve a very big space between them & myself because i see they have an agenda to harm others with an unruly tongue.

i have a nephew & a cousin who both like to steal in large amounts & they have burned all their bridges at a very young age. so, i would not trust either of them even one hour alone in my home. i may buy them dinner & make them breakfast, but have no problem telling them i do not trust them.

then you have real grouchy people who complain about everything. that does not mean i have to be grouchy & complain just because they do...but that can rub off real quick if we are not careful.

then you have people who absorb all kinds of pain that others cause & i try to absorb some of their pain with them to ease the tension.
so i dont 'treat' people who cause problems indifferently, i just choose to stay away from them or sometimes stop them in their tracks.
i search for people who are reliable & want peace & harmony & i learn how to smile even when in pain & I find more joy with those types of people in my life.
some things are accidents & honest mistakes. some things are done on purpose. some people would not hurt a fly & do nothing but good all the time. it does not take long to realize what is what.
trust & reputation is a big thing for me.

everyone is different. some people change for the better over time & some change for worse over time & some people are just right all the time.

so from my POV, it will all depend on circumstance & the individuals we come into contact with & i dont see an absoute answer but rather many different possibilities.
I'm learning...

I'm learning that often those who act against societal norms are crying out for love...or just don't understand they are being anything different.

I'm learning that I need to be there for people, and they become oh so much more...which means that I need them, in order to see them as they are...

I'm learning that first impressions are proven right or proven wrong depending on me more than them

I'm learning that predjudice is just that, even if you call it postjudice.

I've got a long way to go, but I'm learning....
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me

Some people are so insecure that they spy on the ones they communicate with and they monitor every little thing they do because they think they will be stabbed in the back by them someday. There is no reason for them to think like that because they are always treated with love, kindness and respect.

I never discussed that issue with them because I was afraid I would hurt their feelings.
Re: Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me

Mrs.Alhajjri said:
Some people are so insecure that they spy on the ones they communicate with and they monitor every little thing they do because they think they will be stabbed in the back by them someday. There is no reason for them to think like that because they are always treated with love, kindness and respect.

I never discussed that issue with them because I was afraid I would hurt their feelings.

i know some people get paranoid but it may be real or it may be just from bad past experiences. i just watched a movie where this guy was being spyed on by his ex wife. they had cameras all over his house & he was still trusting his wife but the guy did not know it. he was murdered by his wifes new boy friend because she hated her ex that much.
her ex husband was such a nice guy to her & to everyone & they really took him to the cleaners before he was murdered.

i wish i could remember the name of that movie because i think it was a true story.
Mrs.Alhajjri said:
How do you treat others? and why?

1- better than they treat you

2- worse than they treat you (if they mistreat you)

3- the same way they treat you

4- depends on the person

3-the same way they treat you

However , Islam encourage us to forgive those whom harm us
but he give us the permission to treat others the same way they treat us .I can't live in peace while some one came behind me and talk or do bad things for me.this is not theoretical issue to tell you that I well feel sorry about him and pray to Allah to proselyting him to the right way.:)

peace in All here

Friend said:
3-the same way they treat you

However , Islam encourage us to forgive those whom harm us
but he give us the permission to treat others the same way they treat us .I can't live in peace while some one came behind me and talk or do bad things for me.this is not theoretical issue to tell you that I well feel sorry about him and pray to Allah to proselyting him to the right way.:)

peace in All here

Friend, we have the same thing in Christianity because we should not let people speak bad about our good intentions & good works that we try to do. & i feel the same way you do about that part but sometimes we just absorb what others do & let it slide over & over & i am not sure that is the right thing either.:)