Bible codes?

Curios Mike

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Hey guys long time no see :D . Been pretty busy. Hey I've stumbled upon a Bible code web sight. It had some prety interesting things to say about 2006. Ok My question is this. What do you guys know about the Bible codes, and how liget are they, or right on have they been, or do you guys know as little about them as I do? Talk about your run on sentences! LOL
Im not sure what I think about bible code but I found this and thought it was kind of cool.

Hebrew- English


Seth- Appointed

Enosh- Mortal

Kenan- Sorrow

Mahalalel -The Blessed God

Jared -Shall Come Down

Enoch - Teaching

Methuselah -His Death Shall Bring

Lamech- The Despairing

Noah- Rest, or Comfort

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.”

“Test everything. Hold on to the good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
Hi Faithful. Very interesting! ;) Other religions don't know what they are missing.:p

I also like to look up the meanings of names in the Bible. I once found this on a site that showed the names of the 12 tribes in revelation formed a prayer but I am not sure of the exact translation of the names.[The names of the chosen 7 in Acts is also interesting]

The 12 tribes are not in order of the births (Judah is at the top here).Now notice what happens when the meaning of the names of the tribes are combined, in the same order, into a paragraph: (The words in italics are supplied to complete each thought.)

Reve 7: "I will praise the Lord for He has looked on me and granted good fortune. Happy am I because my wrestling God is making me to forget. God hears me and is joined to me and purchased me a dwelling. God will add to me the Son of His right hand."

1. Judah = "I will praise the Lord" 2. Reuben = "He has looked on me" 3. Gad = "Granted good fortune" 4. Asher = "Happy am I" 5. Naphtali = "My wrestling" 6. Manasseh = "Making me to forget" 7. Simeon = "God hears me" 8. Levi = "Joined to me" 9. Issachar = "Purchased Me" 10. Zebulun = "Dwelling" 11. Joseph = "God will add to me" 12. Benjamin = "Son of His right hand"
InChristAlways said:
I once found this on a site that showed the names of the 12 tribes in revelation formed a prayer but I am not sure of the exact translation of the names.
Reve 7: "I will praise the Lord for He has looked on me and granted good fortune. Happy am I because my wrestling God is making me to forget. God hears me and is joined to me and purchased me a dwelling. God will add to me the Son of His right hand."

1. Judah = "I will praise the Lord" 2. Reuben = "He has looked on me" 3. Gad = "Granted good fortune" 4. Asher = "Happy am I" 5. Naphtali = "My wrestling" 6. Manasseh = "Making me to forget" 7. Simeon = "God hears me" 8. Levi = "Joined to me" 9. Issachar = "Purchased Me" 10. Zebulun = "Dwelling" 11. Joseph = "God will add to me" 12. Benjamin = "Son of His right hand"
I've often thought that the world will change dramatically when we 'find' the lost tribes. ie that we are holding onto the concepts/ideals/nature of two tribes in our psyche and if we could bring the rest of the traits back to being natural in man....
I also like to look up the meanings of names in the Bible. I once found this on a site that showed the names of the 12 tribes in revelation formed a prayer but I am not sure of the exact translation of the names.[The names of the chosen 7 in Acts is also interesting]

The 12 tribes are not in order of the births (Judah is at the top here).Now notice what happens when the meaning of the names of the tribes are combined, in the same order, into a paragraph: (The words in italics are supplied to complete each thought.)

Reve 7: "I will praise the Lord for He has looked on me and granted good fortune. Happy am I because my wrestling God is making me to forget. God hears me and is joined to me and purchased me a dwelling. God will add to me the Son of His right hand."

1. Judah = "I will praise the Lord" 2. Reuben = "He has looked on me" 3. Gad = "Granted good fortune" 4. Asher = "Happy am I" 5. Naphtali = "My wrestling" 6. Manasseh = "Making me to forget" 7. Simeon = "God hears me" 8. Levi = "Joined to me" 9. Issachar = "Purchased Me" 10. Zebulun = "Dwelling" 11. Joseph = "God will add to me" 12. Benjamin = "Son of His right hand"
wil said:
I've often thought that the world will change dramatically when we 'find' the lost tribes. ie that we are holding onto the concepts/ideals/nature of two tribes in our psyche and if we could bring the rest of the traits back to being natural in man....
Hi will. Most Christ-ians feel the Cross is what brought the 2 Nations of Israel and Judah together with the "gentiles" to form the "Israel of God". The jews of today are of course still awaiting the anoited messiah and "New Covenant" and why there is a wide gulf between Christ-ianity and Judaism. It is still interesting about the "names" in the Bible and why I like studying them and will see if I can find more "codes" to put up. :rolleyes:
Thank you for the post.

Jeremiah 31:31 " Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah -- 33 "But this [is] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.[size=+2]

[/size]The only way we [Christ-ians] can be of the "Israel" of God is to accept the New Covenant that Christ brought to Israel and the world.[size=+2]

[/size]Galatians 6:16 and as many as by this rule do walk--peace upon them, and kindness, and on the Israel of God!