Discerning Auras

For what it's worth, I read Auras proficiently in my Mediumship, for which I tour nationally and particapte in the large Mind Body Spirit expositions. I am the author of five books on Nature People, the variouis forms of nature spirits and angels that represent a parallel form of life to our own. If there are questions or confusion in this regard, perhaps I can offer some substative commentary.

Hi ChristianMyst...

Interesting background there. I'm oriented more towards the scientific side of things and rigorous studies of these phenomena, and I also post regularly on another site which is pretty much populated by more technical types than I. Right now we're all coming to realizations, which I posited in writings sometime aqo, that episodes depicted in ancient sacred writings are most likely best explained in terms of the post-modern sciences and technologies. I was an administrator at a large research university for a number of years and so I tend to look at what has historically been considered to be "mystical experience" and relate it to what I have experienced while assisting in readying and implimenting science and technology for public consumption. And I should also note here that I've had my share of peronal mystical experiences.

Sometime ago I became convinced that the utilization of the new technologies would tend to transform people and condition them/us over time to accept more uncertainty and ambiguous circumstance in their/our lives. Now it seems clear that personal/collective instances of transcendance of the ordinary and transparent transformations into existence in parallel realities is occurring more often in people's lives (motion pictures, television, 2nd life, internet chat, virtual realities, online gaming, etc.)

I am very interested in discussing these things with you since you have such a large exposure of experience in the alternative communities which are your constituencies. My belief is that some cross-fertilization is needed these days, but not much in this regard is happening except online. I'll be interested in what you might have to say about this.

Hello Flow. How nice of you to take the time to greet a new visitor. It is appreciated.
Hi ChristianMyst...

Interesting background there. I'm oriented more towards the scientific side of things and rigorous studies of these phenomena, and I also post regularly on another site which is pretty much populated by more technical types than I.
>> Although I have lead the way in certain fields of science I find after practical examination that science [follows] spirituality. It plays catch-up and has done so admirably as of late. Regardless, these accomplishments do tend to bolster ages-old explanations of the “greater mysteries.” For example, our great Einstein bolsters both the spiritual belief of energy being the significant substance of humans and reincarnation in his concepts that matter is energy and energy is matter – each transforming into the other. There is much science will not succeed at, however. Again, for example, science will not discover the location of concept of [thought] for it does not exist on this Plane of existence. To discover its proper locale would once again prove a spirituality concept, this one being that we exist on multiple Planes (or dimensions if you like.) Can science give us the answer or resolution for Pi? No, it can only approximate and will never be able to define or explain certain things [exactly.] Curiously, these self-defined and limited levels of accomplishment are called science, something the masses are led to presume are facts.
Yet all these problems have their answers in the higher mysteries of Spirituality. Curiously, the ancient wisdom does explain reality here as well as spiritually quite well, yet science can only explain itself, … well, up to a point. Without the exalted tools of imagination and intuition, unfortunately, people will always confine themselves to the box of a single physical existence with the extent of an observable and measurable Universe. The logic of a necessity to use the tools commensurate with a spiritual existence somehow escapes the many who define all [That] and all [This] from their own physical frame of reference.
Right now we're all coming to realizations, which I posited in writings sometime ago, that episodes depicted in ancient sacred writings are most likely best explained in terms of the post-modern sciences and technologies. I was an administrator at a large research university for a number of years and so I tend to look at what has historically been considered to be "mystical experience" and relate it to what I have experienced while assisting in readying and implementing science and technology for public consumption.
>> Of course they are. Such is the spiritual law that has always been associated with the degree of spiritual knowledge we are allowed. Everything phenomenal must lend itself to real-world interpretation. As science progresses, then greater understanding of the underlying mysteries of existence and consciousness will be released; although, a very vast amount is already in the hands of those very few people who care to investigate deeply enough.
And I should also note here that I've had my share of personal mystical experiences.
>> Good for you. The world would be a better place if others of your great caliber also could stand up and be counted. I know how difficult it is to reach a determination that something is happening that cannot be explained by conventional means.
Mystical, I would take, to simply mean “unknown.” All things, spiritual or scientific have been mystically understood before they have been explained from their respective schools of thought or science. Inevitably, though, the mysteries of the spiritual side, the actual [nature] of things and the Universe will always lie before us as we are of an ever expanding, ever growing, ever knowing consciousness. We will always have a greater knowing, but will remain relatively as far from knowing it all. Science shall as well provide the coach to carry the masses through the valleys of understanding.

Sometime ago I became convinced that the utilization of the new technologies would tend to transform people and condition them/us over time to accept more uncertainty and ambiguous circumstance in their/our lives. Now it seems clear that personal/collective instances of transcendence of the ordinary and transparent transformations into existence in parallel realities is occurring more often in people's lives (motion pictures, television, 2nd life, internet chat, virtual realities, online gaming, etc.)
>> Yes. It is clear to many more.

I am very interested in discussing these things with you since you have such a large exposure of experience in the alternative communities which are your constituencies.
>> And so we shall. But careful what you wish ;). I promise to understand my fields well, and will therefore, champion them vigurously. Not for my benefit, though, but so others can find the strength to listen to the thoughts and notions in their heads and through there senses that the world, we and the Universe is an ever unfolding mystery that we have an innate sense about, and therefore, experiences. I hope they will be brave, bold and confident as were you to express that there is more to life then is barcoded on or packages.
My belief is that some cross-fertilization is needed these days, but not much in this regard is happening except online. I'll be interested in what you might have to say about this.
>> Such is why I am on tour most of the year giving demonstrations, holding seminars and trainings and making new books and works available to those of the populace who already have a sense of there being more to reality than what physics can contain. It is kind of a waste of time trying to share broader views with those who are locked into their rigid, physically experienced sciences. But some transcend those limitations and their fewer numbers do reach out to online communities and tailored expositions to gain further insight and experience.
I can say a lot about the spiritual (not religion, but the Ancient Wisdom that is the source that religions may draw form in their unique, fashionable and limited ways) "Nature" behind things, the reality and explanations of psychic senses and their respective causes and effects, and interaction with a limited set of other human-like classes of life that develop parallel to ours in the more Ætheric substances, hence their relative invisibility to those not [trained] to see things more invisible than air, or otherwise inherently gifted; such to include Nature People (nature spirits), Angels, Devas, and Archangels, Elementals, Elemental Essences, Thought Forms, … even to Human spirit both in the Astral Body form and Mental Body, some Higher Consciousnesses but to include the Higher Self, and for a very few and select people, indications of a connection to life from other globes (to include the tell-tale signs and validation of such.)
Beyond that, I may be limited to realms of science myself, something I am as well somewhat versed in. It has its place. To some extent I read in your post you are endeavoring to explain, share or understand your sojourns to other Planes of Consciousness (or Existence,) or reality such that it may be.
I am open to whatever happens. My perview thus far suggests a moderately tame forum here. I hope we are not opening a Pandora's box.:D

Sorry for any spelling errors. This site does not process Edits for me, but rather, goes into an endless loop when I try to submit the corrected text.
they say a picture is worth a thousand words...

so I'll save about fifty thousand

you would be rich, indeed, Wil.

The photographs that seem to show a human and thier aura is SCIENCE's attempt at sensing auras. Actually, they are merely sensing the effect on gases around the body, and only 2-dimensionally at that.

The substance in the aura is the substance, the matter if you will, that is prominent on the various other Planes of Consciousness. Of the seven, we are here in the physical. But the Aura captures the influences on our AEtheric, Astral and Mental Bodies most notably, and these matter/energy compositions are neither detectable or measurable by the science of this Earthly Plane where it is limited by the matter and energy of this particular place.

Regardless, we as humans who do have existence to a lesser degree on those other Planes, and hence our ability to die and subsequently reincarnate after a certain set of processes, and such experience is detectible in the Aura. Typically on the surface of it as impressions made by things that happen in the Astral and Mental Plane worlds by way of entities and thought-forms, but also recorded deeper inside the aura; although, it requires a "Medium" moreso that a "Psychic" to get this deeper record to the surface where it can be sensed and interpreted.

Further still, it is mostly the mind, and secondarily the eyes that limit one's abilities in this regard. Both can be overcome to some degree with training. So there is hope you can double you money on this one, LOL.
Maybe people who see auras don't all see the same parts of the aura, or the whole thing. It's like some people can hear the low range of sounds and others can hear the high range of sounds better, and some people are lucky enough to have good hearing at the whole range.

I believe, bgruagach, that it is actually a "sense" as opposed to seeing. It is the mind that picks up the impression on the aura and determines which physical means can best be used to experience the interpretation. For many, this would be clairvoyance, as it is with myself. But, more to the point of your post, it is the constitution, the quality, the degree of mental reference material in the Medium or Psychic which should lead to the distinction you express. However, know that your thought exactly has been observed and noted on literature of the last 100 years; so, there is a certain audience for your words exactly.

I should add, however, that Reading the Aura would not actually be limited to any one particular psychic means. The material in the aura boils and churns from the inside out to the surface in a continual motion in response to the inquiry of the Medium or psychic. This dynamic will and should result in the use of many clairs, the most appropriate to any given task exhibiting the truer results. Such is why science cannot process an Aura to any significant degree of accuracy or content.

Thanks for your response. I believe that over time we might end up seeing eye to eye on several matters.

My mystical experiences had to do with visionary episodes which led me to write essays in the subject areas of crossover between spirituality,religion, and science. These writings were not published but were privately circulated. They focused upon theories having to do with how complex systems interact and operate at all scales of our reality, and in the macro and micro universe as well.

I agree that people are locked into their particular and smaller scale beliefs, but I'm also convinced that a larger scope of understanding is necessary for more of us if we are to wholistically progress into the future as a species.

I have two recommendations of things for you to look at that may assist you in a deeper understanding of the bridges between science and spirituality being erected at present. The first is a website which is a running posting, chapter by chapter, of a biography of Thomas Townsend Brown. The author is about 75% into the work, and you'll recognize the significance of Brown's life and the author's motivations by doing a little reading of the chapters and the posts on the discussion forum. Nice people, and very smart:


My second recommendation is a book on modern issues in physics by Lisa Randall, Warped Passages. She a Harvard Physics professor who is currently the most cited reference point in the major journals of her profession. She goes way beyond Einstein and even string theory advocates to posit universal structures that comport with what we've been discussing, and with the theories surrounding interdimensional communications and travel as they currently stand. The book is written in lay language and she uses a lot of graphics, analogy, and metaphor to outline her ideas. Hardly any math. There's also a PBS interview video that Charlie Rose did with her that will give you a taste of what the book's about.


Thanks for your extensive response, and let's talk more about this in the future. And I agree, reading auras is a skill set that has more to do with individual sensitivities to frequency reception than it has to do with belief, or the physical acts of hearing and seeing. It is my contention that it is more emotionally linked to us than are empirical observations and evaluations. The phenomenon must be looked upon as a wholistic set of experiences.

I'm not convinced anyone can see auras. Most of the time this thing has been scientifically tested, the readers have done no better than chance. We're either left with the fact that people cannot read auras, or that they can read auras, but their abilities disappear under scientific conditions. I believe the former.