offensive or not?

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Is the phrase “Derka, Derka, Jihad” offensive? And what does it mean? I hear people say this just goofing around but I know they don’t know what Jihad really means. They just think it’s a funny word. The reason why I ask is because I know Jihad means “holy war”…but I’ve never heard of Derka.
I've never heard of the word derka before either, but might be an onomatopoeia describing the sound of a horse :confused:

About the word "Jihad", it doesn't necesserily mean "holy war". In a general sense, it means striving to improve something. So for example, by striving to do good deeds and avoiding sins, you are in a jihad with yourself.

Allah knows best...
bluroze said:
Is the phrase “Derka, Derka, Jihad” offensive? And what does it mean? I hear people say this just goofing around but I know they don’t know what Jihad really means. They just think it’s a funny word. The reason why I ask is because I know Jihad means “holy war”…but I’ve never heard of Derka.
Jihad is NOT holy war. Jihad comes from the arabic root meaning to strive/struggle. 'Holy war' in arabic wud be harb ul-muqaddasa. No where in the Quran will you find this.
The phrase you incompletely quoted is offensive. Its taken from a post-9/11 movie. Dont use it. Neither the complete one or this incomplete form. Dont ask me why cause im not going to explain it.
thipps said:
Jihad is NOT holy war. Jihad comes from the arabic root meaning to strive/struggle. 'Holy war' in arabic wud be harb ul-muqaddasa. No where in the Quran will you find this.
The phrase you incompletely quoted is offensive. Its taken from a post-9/11 movie. Dont use it. Neither the complete one or this incomplete form. Dont ask me why cause im not going to explain it.

I second what Thipps says. I asked my neighbors about the phrase and it was as though I slugged them in the stomach (by the look of shock in their eyes and on their faces). It is obvious that no one should be crass enough to use such a vulgarity, even to inquire as to its origins from a neutral perspective.

Moral here: Some things are better left un-said and not thought about...

We need our minds, hearts and souls clean, as best as we are able.



p.s. sorry for stepping in, but I felt my friend could use a backer on this issue...
I honestly did not mean any offense whatsoever. I only asked because I had a feeling that it was offensive and I wanted to know if it really was. Now I know and now I can tell these people I know to not even utter such words. Thank you.
bluroze said:
Is the phrase “Derka, Derka, Jihad” offensive? And what does it mean? I hear people say this just goofing around but I know they don’t know what Jihad really means. They just think it’s a funny word. The reason why I ask is because I know Jihad means “holy war”…but I’ve never heard of Derka.

The phrase you are referring to is from the movie Team America: World Police, the phrase is used as to make fun of those who practice Islam and take it's beliefs to the terrorist extreme. The movie was created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of South Park, so the derogatory meaning of the term is pretty much expected. If it has some other origin, then it is completely unknown to me. No offense intended by this reply, I'm just telling what I have seen the phrase used in, and how it was used.
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