Coming changes to CR


Peace, Love and Unity
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I think it's only fair to warn everyone that I've been planning some major changes to CR - and it's identity - for some time now.

Domain Name

A major problem is that the domain name is too easily confused with - a Christian evangelical site.

In short, there's a confusion of identity that I'm not happy about, and is only going to get worse in future.

I've contacted the owner of the other site to explore whether they'll sell they're domain name - no luck.

I've therefore been looking at other domain names on which we can take what we've built so far, and develop it further with a new identity.

That doesn't mean a change to the fundamentals of what we're doing - a neutral resource for multifaith study and interfaith dialogue - simply a change of name to build a stronger identity on.

I've looked at other domain name options, and ran a possibility by the staff but it wasn't very popular as it didn't convey very well the neutrality we're founded on.

I'm now chasing up another option - the domains are registered to third-parties and there's a willingness to sell, though at some cost. I'm keen to buy, though, to help provide that long-term platform for CR, so I'll let you know how that develops.

(I'll not mention which domains I'm chasing yet, as I don't want to adversely effect the sales process.)

Front of Site

Additionally, as you may or may not notice, the front-of-site is woefully out of date and incomplete in some places.

Once I get hold of a new domain name, I'll be rebuilding the site on a content management system - in simple terms, it'll be very easy to build/edit pages very easily, instead of by hand as I've had to do on the the hundreds of pages here.

It'll be a more cosmetic make-over than anything else for reading purposes.


I've also been looking at how to establish CR better for the long term. At present, I run a small business and can support CR at a loss. But small businesses are by their nature vulnerable, and if something goes wrong at any point, CR has no protection.

I've therefore been planning to set up CR as a limited company, but before doing so, apply for charitable status.

Here in the UK (and Scotland) anything that promotes interfaith relations can qualify for charitable status.

Therefore over the next few weeks I'll be writing up what is effectively a company charter based on current and future interfaith work we can get involved with.

Once I have the new domains, I'll apply for charitable status with a new company formation, so that once that's processed, we'll hopefully become a registered UK charity, focused on continuing to develop interfaith relations.

This will likely mean taking what is currently CR into offline activities, and I genuinely hope we can hook up with other interfaith charities and create important relations for this work - whatever form it eventually takes (in a 9/11 world, I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities).

Of course, I plan to keep the multifaith study - the comparative religion - part of the site active, and indeed develop it further, so that we can continue to serve as a useful reference resource, but hopefully in a more developed manner.

Anyway, I think that's most everything - any questions, feel free to ask. :)
Brian, although my attendance has been somewhat lax here in appearance as far as any posting goes I do try to keep up with what you're doing here. I understand that part about operating at a loss. I reccomend the site to people when I have the chance and want you to know that what you do here is genuinely appreciated. Thank you!
No problem, and thanks for the comments, Rakehel. :)

As for the domain name - not heard back from the people whom I was trying to buy from - may have to think again about this one.