Interfaith Parsha VaYakhel-Pekudei


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auwe .... (a sound of happiness or grief .... in this case grief) .... I wrote up a whole piece on the concluding parsha's of Exodus and when I went to submit it, it all disappeared .....perhaps like Exodus itself it ascended and soon will descend back to earth .... the completion of the temple is the descend back to earth of presence of G-d in the temple .... while Israel has not yet reached the promise land, redemption has already started with the building of the temple (which you know of course, imho, is a portable temple that exists within each of us and follows us through all our journeys just as the parsha ends "For the Lord's cloud was over the Tabernacle by day, and fire by night was in it, before the eyes of all the house of Israel in all their journeyings."

Several places in this parsha speak to the "wise-hearted" both men and women which I believe refers to the "mystic" in each of us .... for example 36:1 "and Bezalel, and Oholiab and every wise-hearted man in whom the Lord has given wisdom and understanding to know how to do the task of the holy work, shall do all that the Lord has charged."

I read that the seven 'tzadikim'* brought G-d's presence back down to earth .... Abraham level 7 to 6, Isaac six to five, Jacob five to four, Levi to three, Kehas three to two, Amron level one, and Moses back down to
earth ....
this process does seem to fit with my understanding of how the spiralling energy rises and falls (ascends and descends) up and down the spinal column ....

*I don't know the meaning of this word .... do you bandit?

While the parsha's for Exodus may have ended, we still have work to do on the tabernacle in the wilderness .... I have not yet found a good site with a diagram of the brain, but I'm still looking .... he hawai'i au, poh p.s. I had more in my first write-up on this parsha (the one that disappeared) .... can't believe this happened .....:( .... suppose there is a good reason ....:) ....
pohaikawahine said:
*I don't know the meaning of this word .... do you bandit?

.... he hawai'i au, poh p.s. I had more in my first write-up on this parsha (the one that disappeared) .... can't believe this happened .....:( .... suppose there is a good reason ....:) ....

i notice 3 different types of spiraling. one feels like my own spirit moving up & down my spine & also goes into my feet & legs sometimes. i also get spiraling just in goose bumps when i am literally cold. other times warm goosebumps with emotions.

then i feel a different one many times that starts in my belly & goes up to the tip of my tongue & keeps flowing upward- like warm bubbling water. this is the spirit of God :) for me & i can feel it is a seperate entity within me - that started happening when i was 12 years old... & it is more powerful than anything i know within me & feels warm, clean & comforting- it is difficult to explain.

here it is for that word. seems you have the plural there.

Tzadik - צדיק (plural: Tzadikkim) is the Hebrew word for "righteous one", and is a title which is generally given to those whom are considered to be righteous such as a spiritual master or Rebbe. The root of the word Tzadik, is Tzedek (צדק), which means justice or righteousness.

it goes off into a whole bunch of tangents including some mystical adventure about 36.

i kind of view the Tabernacle as something I am inside, rather than something on the inside of me...but in order to be one with the Spirit of God, it too would have to be inside of me. each inside of the other.

i feel sad this is the last of exodous. but like you say we will be in the Tabernacle forever & the Tabernacle will be in us & that is never going to end:) .

next time you do a long post, be sure to copy & paste it. if the screen pops up to the log in screen again, after you submit, JUST log in again immediately & your post will still be there then you wont have too much grief.

i actually need to read the parsha text before i can put some more & pay attention to the wise hearted. i have an important lunch meeting tomorrow, so i might not have any more til wednessday. but please do share what you are seeing in the scriptures. ;)
mahalo nui bandit .... thanks for the definition and your description of the spiralling energy that you feel fits perfectly with the hawaiian name I recently chose for you "Mana'o-akamai" which means "spirit of wisdom" (I had actually written this name on the original post, then decided to wait and changed it, and then the post went into the void .... maybe that was the reason, it was intended that I give you the name .... so now I have done that) ....

going into Leviticus should be really fun because we both have our books "Leviticus as Literature" and of course we will continue with the Tabernacle in the Wilderness .... I was thinking that as we go through the Parshas we should also do some cross-posting on the Tabernacle thread because it is so related .... it is still important to follow the symbols and the messages within the messages or worlds within worlds .... I read a commentary that said that the vessels were to be prepared before the temple in the order of instructions and this is important .... am wondering if we are the vessels that must be prepared before we can enter or even build the remainder of the tabernacle .... is that part of the meaning of the ending parsha of exodus??? when we bring the house of g-d down to earth via the tabernacle is it possible related to who we are and are ability to access the summit of our own minds when we remember the ancient path .... through meditation and living a balanced or good life .... the hawaiian word for "balance" also means "righteous" and that word is "pono" .... like the star of david (a symbol of the perfect balance between male and female energies .... among many other things) we strive to find that balance .... this is in essence the twin energies within the human body, the spiralling energies, the ultimate marriage of sky father and earth mother, the meeting of heaven and earth, the cross .... the cross is the human body ..... the energy must "cross-over" or "pass-over" to open us to the light of knowledge ..... exodus has taken us to this step and we are almost at the time of Passover .... I'm just letting thoughts flow here as I ponder the beautiful Torah and all her messsages ....

I was reading from a Jewish site (I think they are extremely conservative) but it was a little sad to me because it referred to the Holy Bible as a "book of fabricated lies" and even said that "those Jews that seek Interfaith Dialogue are hurting everyone involved" .... these extreme views (the one's in the article) are the ones that hurt everyone involved, the interfaith dialogue helps to build bridges and brings us closer to the place that we reach at the end of exodus .... I know for sure I will move toward reform judiasm because I hope I will be welcomed there and I'll be looking for a synagog in my local area to approach them about letting me attend services and classes if they will ..... this is not very easy for me because I'm not that forward to ask for something for myself ..... I'm getting off subject here, but the adventure through exodus has been an eye-opener (literally and symbolically) .... I am looking forward to Leviticus (is that next?) .... aloha nui, poh
well the original post has reappeared and now I have two threads for the same parsha .... the first post is your name in hawaiian, the second post is the hawaiian name I gave to you .... aloha nui, poh
Aloha awakea! POH:)

this parsha is exciting because this is where moses takes an account for all the materials that were given. he was going to make sure that all the gifts were used in the tabernacle & that he did not steal or keep anything for himself. i love this.

i think we have a responsibility in this in our lives in at least 2 ways. one, not to abuse & or take advantage of others through false accusations. & two, to make sure strong accusations made against us that are not true do not have to be tolerated.
i dont want to be found guilty or made guilty if not guilty or falsely accuse someone & make them guilty.

then we see that all the gifts & labor is enough & they can stop bringing gifts.

I read a commentary that said that the vessels were to be prepared before the temple in the order of instructions and this is important .... am wondering if we are the vessels that must be prepared before we can enter or even build the remainder of the tabernacle .... is that part of the meaning of the ending parsha of exodus???
is the tabernacle erected in this Parsha? if so this will be the first time for it to be totally assembled. then the 7 days of aron & his sons in practice for the duty of priests could be seen, that the tabernacle had not been literally erected until after this trial period. NOW- i wonder what paralles can be drawn from that in the tabernacle in relationshsip to us?

i dont think the bible is fabricated lies but have seen some people say that & i feel it harms the people who study it & it makes them feel bad.
sometimes i feel like a jew from a lost tribe. my dad says that comes from a close relationship with God.
if you look for a temple in judaism, i bet you would learn a lot. this is what i have done spending a few years visiting different denominations when i lived away from home & it is real good if the approach is right. even a small congregation will be just as helpful in learning & fellowship.

interesting take on balance. it seems to me balance & moderation are about the same thing. i have never made a connection there with righteous, but you may be right about that.

i see you are anxious to get into leviticus. i am also:) i think we have one of the best commentaries out from buying our books.
i agree. we can cross post on the tabernacle thread as we go. i thought it would be too complicated to focus on both books, but i see we are now inside the maze, so we may as well enjoy the beauty of it.

i think interfaith does help for the few who are really trying to get along. but at times it really can be a discouragement when you see things that try to rip apart foundations & writings that people love & have been able to trust.

thanks for my new name "Mana'o-akamai"
so i will need to find a new name for you...just hope to get the spelling right. that could be a disaster. you know?:D