Disagreeing with Moderators


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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One of the staff raised a point recently - do we confuse members here by making them uncertain whether we are speaking as staff as individuals?

Let me please make one thing very plain - when any staff posts as an individual, sharing their opinions on a subject, it is entirely fine to disagree with them. :)

CR is not a place with an agenda to enforce any particular religious opinion or viewpoint, nor would we like it to be said that people here felt intimidated to disagree with staff members on theological topics.

The one time we don't brook disagreement is if the staff member clearly states that they are making a moderator decision.

In fact, to help clarify, we're going to make more effort to clearly mention when we're acting as CR staff, by stating that we're making a moderator decision.

And of course, if anyone feels that any staff here is not treating your concerns fairly, then you always have recourse to PM me about it.

The point to note on that is that all staff here have my trust - they earned it - but I also appreciate that decisions make sometimes seem unfair. In which case I'll be happy to try and explain why such a decision was made.

Hope that helps. :)
I said:
..Let me please make one thing very plain - when any staff posts as an individual, sharing their opinions on a subject, it is entirely fine to disagree with them. :)...The one time we don't brook disagreement is if the staff member clearly states that they are making a moderator decision. ....And of course, if anyone feels that any staff here is not treating your concerns fairly, then you always have recourse to PM me about it..Hope that helps. :)
To be honest it clarifies, but does not satisfy. It has been stated before how us US types approach freedoms is different..if it were a gov't this statement appears to be more of a dictatorship than a democracy...no public forum for open discussion on these matters to improve the good for all...PM us, and we'll handle your issue out of public scrutiny...

Tis your sandbox, I know I have to play by your rules or risk expulsion...but I so think you have the potential of such a wonderul fully inclusive sandbox.
It's simply the way most established forums are run. Staff volunteer their time to deal with issues on the board, remove spam, try to resolve disagreements, but are also held to account for their actions. I've certainly removed moderators from my forums before now for inappropriate conduct.

We try and take on whatever suggestions we can about what can make the forums better, but ultimately, someone has to take responsibility for decisions - and liabilities - made here.

Like I said, it's the same in most any established forum I can think of, regardless of whether they are US or UK run.
I said:
It's simply the way most established forums are run. Staff volunteer their time to deal with issues on the board, remove spam, try to resolve disagreements, but are also held to account for their actions. I've certainly removed moderators from my forums before now for inappropriate conduct.

We try and take on whatever suggestions we can about what can make the forums better, but ultimately, someone has to take responsibility for decisions - and liabilities - made here.

Like I said, it's the same in most any established forum I can think of, regardless of whether they are US or UK run.
I guess that is part of my make up.... as soon as I hear anyone say 'that is the way it is always done" or "that is the way everyone does it" it seems closed minded to me...

obviously something I need to work on.
No problem - there's nothing wrong with questioning authority. :)

I think it's more the circumstances that led you to question the set-up were unfortunate.

One way I like to think of CR is like the the living room of my old house, where I would invite people in from various walks of life to discuss faith issues.

Generally, everyone is going to have their opinion but respectful of those around - but at some point, if someone starts peeing in the pot plants, and someone else does nothing more than tell you what a crap host you are, somebody needs to be able to stand up and tell them to buck up or get out - and follow through with that.