miracles of Quran


Muslim sunni salafi
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peace be upon u,
i wanna post few posts about the miracles of Quran
1st about the air pressure:
air pressure decrease as we rise above the ground and at the same time the amount of oxygen decreases . this results in difficulty in breathing and tightening of the chest ,as we continue the rise up ,the condition worsening and the breathing becomes impossible at certain altitude "Those whom Allah (in his plan) willth to guide, he openeth their breast to Islam; those whom he willeth to leave straying, he maketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies: thus doth Allah (heap) the penalty on those who refuse to believe".(Quran6:125 )
the deep sea
Oceanographers have recently discovered that there are inner waves hundreds of meters deep in the ocean .These waves are part of a sea which is below the ocean we observe at the surface there was it was named the deep sea. the deep sea is completely dark ,the creatures living in the sea don't have eyes ,in replacement Allah has provided them with electro magnetic sensory organs that they use to identify their food and to detect their enemies ,Allah described the darkness of the inner sea in Holly Qur'an "Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! For any to whom Allah gives not light, there is no light! " 24:40)
creation of human:
The germ passes through many stages from sperm then bastinado and then embryo. These stages were described in a book called "Developing Human" Which has won the prize for being the best book in the world that has been written by one author. This book was written by Dr. Keith L. Moor who revealed that these (stages are in conformity with what is in the Holly Qur'an and Sunnah. He had no choice but to declare that these details have been sent to Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) by Allah, and that Mohammed is a true messenger. This declaration has been recorded in a video tape titled "it's the truth" kept by the association of scientific miracles of the Holly Qur'an and Sunnah in Makkah.) "out of dust, then out of Sperm, then out of a leech like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs For an appointed term, Then do we bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may reach your age Of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, So that they know nothing after having know (much). And (further), thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)". (22:5) "Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (fetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh: the We developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the Best to create!" 23:14.

If you think that verse 6:125 is a miracle how do you explain that men receive Islam in their chests and hearts and not in their brains ?
Where is the seat of understanding according to the Koran ?
mansio said:

If you think that verse 6:125 is a miracle how do you explain that men receive Islam in their chests and hearts and not in their brains ?
Where is the seat of understanding according to the Koran ?
hello mansio
the meaning is not the organ that recieve information
it mean that some people when they hear a chat about religion ,u find them listening and talk
but other people run away from religion,they wanna hear music or watch a movie
the religion is not always acceptable for everyone
that is the meaning of the verse (aya)
it mean that some people come and hear about islam
and some others become not interested and annoyed from the religious chat
creation of Jesus
God created Adam from no human& created Eve from male &created Jesus from female &created all others from male and female (proving his full power and ability) u can never say Adam is father of Eve and can not say Eve is daughter of Allah ,u can't say that Allah married Adam to give Eve(Glory to God)
the sensory receptors of skin
In the skin there are sensory receptors of feeling heat and pain at the point where the nerve ends carry a current of signals to the brain. This results in man feeling the sensation of heat on his skin. Extreme heat destroys the nerve's ends, which results in man losing his sense for heat. Before any apostate claims that his sense of pain from the fire of hell may be lost within minutes of entering the fire must consider the warning mentioned in Qur'an 4:56. Who told Mohammed that if God didn't? Was that known at the time of Mohammed? "Those who reject our Signs, we shall soon cast into the fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, we shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for Allah is exalted in power, wise". 4:56.
God said in Quran what may be translated into:
"soon will We show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things? 41:53. And say: Praise be to Allah, who will soon show you His Signs, so that ye shall know them; and thy Lord is not unmindful of all that ye do.27:93.

There are many verses in the Koran that say that the eyes are the organs for seeing, the ears for hearing.

Guess what is the organ for understanding and reasoning ? For the Koran it is the heart (and broadly speaking the chest) and not the brains.

Is that another miracle of the Koran?
mansio said:

There are many verses in the Koran that say that the eyes are the organs for seeing, the ears for hearing.

Guess what is the organ for understanding and reasoning ? For the Koran it is the heart (and broadly speaking the chest) and not the brains.

Is that another miracle of the Koran?
how do u understand the word?
i talk about few miracles of too many
u can go to www.55a.net
it's a site about the miracles (all the discovered ones)
what i mentioned here are few scientific ones
in the site u can find mathematical,scientific,historical,all u want
but about the scentence u mentioned ,tell me the verse and i will tell u the correct meaning:)
Let's try and remember that this is also a discussion forum as well - simply pasting up references doesn't really work with that idea. :)

See verse 7:179
"... They have hearts and they do not understand with them,
they have eyes and they do not see with them,
they have ears and they do not hear with them..."
I said:
Let's try and remember that this is also a discussion forum as well - simply pasting up references doesn't really work with that idea. :)
when we search for the truth we are ready to visit sites
u can call it a journet to another world with sites of the other opinion
mansio said:

See verse 7:179
"... They have hearts and they do not understand with them,
they have eyes and they do not see with them,
they have ears and they do not hear with them..."
at 1st ,if i came to the christian forum telling about discrepancies of bible,u will delete my posts
this forum is for questions of non-muslims
and for muslims discussion:)
but okay,i love the religious discussion
i think that u don't have problems with hearing with ears
nor seeing with eyes
but ur problem is with understanding with hearts
this is not the original meaning of Quran words in arabic
but it's a translation
and in Quran,
u understand with ur brain
but u accept the truth with ur heart
u may read about islam and discover that it's the truth
that hapens by ur brain
but ur heart can accept this or not
if u have a good heart full of charity,u will follow the truth wherever it was
but if ur heart is not of charity ,u will think saying:
my family are christians
my friends and all i know are christians
converting is difficult and full of sacrifices
then although ur brain knew the truth,but ur heart don't wanna follow it
look also 22:46
(Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are In their breasts.)
so,when hearts are blind,it don't search for truth nor follow it
but it follow itself
heart follow himself not follow truth
like what?
if u know that killing is forbidden
but u love to kill someone
so now ur heart want something which is not the truth
will ur heart in this case follow the truth or follow his willing?
this is the Quran meaning
because God will not harm u if u r not intelligent
as He is the one who give us intelligence
but u will not be loved by God if the intelligence he gave to gave u knowledge which u refuse because u didn't love it
and the love is by heart
u r welcomed
pharma4ever said:
when we search for the truth we are ready to visit sites
u can call it a journet to another world with sites of the other opinion

Yes, but CR isn't an advertising forum for any particular "truth" - simply where people can discuss. :)
I said:
Yes, but CR isn't an advertising forum for any particular "truth" - simply where people can discuss. :)
i didn't make advertising for sites
just mentioning the source of my information
and saying to the people who read my words if u want more details about that topic visit that site.
so,if someone is interested in that topic ,he can find more
that is all
That's my point - we're really here to discuss our beliefs from a personal level, rather than set up something that effectively advertises a specific faith and actively tries to promote it to persons outside of that specific faith.

Anyway, I have let this thread stand, but like I said, I'd prefer to see more personalised discussions. :)
I said:
That's my point - we're really here to discuss our beliefs from a personal level, rather than set up something that effectively advertises a specific faith and actively tries to promote it to persons outside of that specific faith.

Anyway, I have let this thread stand, but like I said, I'd prefer to see more personalised discussions. :)
i started to understand u
u mean that the problem is not in the typing of the address of the site
but it's about the subject of topic??
then ,why we are here?
for answering questions of others only or what?:confused:
i started to feel that i don't understand!
i thaught we r here to answer questions of ppl
to view our religion and tell about it
and so on
u can see that ppl see islam only from the glasses of Ben Laden and Alqaeda
so,at last
what is the type of topics accepted here?
only questions or what?
thanks for ur patience