Muskegon, MI Roots: conversation transfer


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IMSassafras said:

That was a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you. BTW I too have family from Muskegon. ;)


Re: Nudity as Art

Quahom1 said:
I suppose you could say that (since 1840)...:D

Wow! The Muskegon Township had formed about that time. Your family must have been within the first 100 non-native Americans to settle in the Muskegon area. Muskegon County didn't form until 1859 forming "only six townships including Muskegon, Norton, Ravenna, White River, Dalton, and Oceana, with a total population of 3,947." Back in 1675, Pere Marquette traveled through here on his way north to St. Igance. And by 1800, a trading post was established near the mouth of the Duck Lake Channel. Basically, Muskegon was just beginning to blossom at the time of 1840.

You can go here to read more about Muskegon's history, if you would like.

My husband's family (Zellar) is related to the Cooley Family who was the seven family to settle in Muskegon. Do the names sound familar? What is the back name of your family in Muskegon, if you don't mind me asking?

Re: Nudity as Art

IMSassafras said:
Wow! The Muskegon Township had formed about that time. Your family must have been within the first 100 non-native Americans to settle in the Muskegon area. Muskegon County didn't form until 1859 forming "only six townships including Muskegon, Norton, Ravenna, White River, Dalton, and Oceana, with a total population of 3,947." Back in 1675, Pere Marquette traveled through here on his way north to St. Igance. And by 1800, a trading post was established near the mouth of the Duck Lake Channel. Basically, Muskegon was just beginning to blossom at the time of 1840.

You can go here to read more about Muskegon's history, if you would like.

My husband's family (Zellar) is related to the Cooley Family who was the seven family to settle in Muskegon. Do the names sound familar? What is the back name of your family in Muskegon, if you don't mind me asking?


Conlogues, Comptons and Keans. They came over from Ireland :D


Re: Nudity as Art

IMSassafras said:
Interesting. My husband says he knows a couple Comptons and a couple Keans. Small world.


I assure you, they're mine...(or maybe the more appropriate term is "I'm theirs") LOL ;)



p.s. sort of like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. My dad says we're all six people from knowing everyone on earth...
Re: Nudity as Art

IMSassafras said:
My husband's family (Zellar) is related to the Cooley Family who was the seven family to settle in Muskegon. Do the names sound familar? ...

I sent an e-mail to my mother, to see if Zellar and Cooley surnames catch her attention. She used to spend summers there (I only do Coast Guard stuff in the area from time to time). Here mom grew up there as well, and hers before her...etc.

I'll let you know what I find.



oh succatash, I'm afraid we've comandeered the thread and diverted it from the original thought (unless you can think of familials being linked to art and nudity...) ;-)
Quahom1 said:
I only do Coast Guard stuff in the area from time to time.

Are there any plans to be in the Muskegon area this year? Maybe we can meet each other. Mick and I do most of our traveling for business in the summer, but I am sure we could agree on a time that would fit into both of our schdules. Something to think about :D

It's okay - I've moved all the previous thread discussions on that here as well. :)
IMSassafras said:
Are there any plans to be in the Muskegon area this year? Maybe we can meet each other. Mick and I do most of our traveling for business in the summer, but I am sure we could agree on a time that would fit into both of our schdules. Something to think about :D


I go to Grand Haven several times a year (Coast Guard City). I think meeting will be possible. Still waiting for the folks to answer my question about the Cooleys and Zellars...;)

Have to laugh at the irony. I worked with a guy for three years in Charleston, SC. I was on the CGC Dallas, and he worked at the base. We hit it off splendidly (plus we both had that "don't I know you from somewhere?" thought in our heads). We even compared where we were stationed during our careers, to see if we had been assigned to the same places. No joy there, still the feeling pervaded.

Last year, I was finishing a chapter in my family's history, when I came across a surname name, that caused me to shake my head in disbelief and scepticism. Couldn't be?!!! Could it?

So I e-mail the guy and ask where his family is from (as he was from Charleston)..."Maryland", was the reply (I was born here at an Army base, but grew up in Michigan and Canada). And who was his Great Grand mother? He gave a name, but the spelling was off (such is the way of records of the past). So, I fax him a copy of a birth, marriage and death certificate (as well as an old photograph) showing his great grand mother is my great great aunt, and left a note at the bottom stating that we are Cousins by blood...

In short, we have the same #s times grand father and mother, that came over from Ireland on my dad's side in 1850.

Well he called me so fast and said not too mildly "YOU have GOT to BE SH**ting me!" :eek: :D :cool: He said he never put two and two together because the spelling of the surname was different enough between mine and his ancestors' (Henley vise Hanly). I told him that was probably due to the normally "inebriated state" of the local priest at the time, being cause for church records to show errors on lots of parishiners' entries...:eek:

No wonder there was such a strong familiarity between us...

Like I said, six degrees from knowing everyone on earth. :D

Look forward to meeting you and yours.

