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I want to start a discussion on Angels. I don't know that much about them but I will say all I do know. The obvious one is that they are not exclusive to Christianity. Zoroaster is the first person to write about and or mention them which some theologians say he made from Pagan Gods and then you have a lot of mention of them in the Torah and Old Testament and then Christianity. (Talk about progressive)

There are suppose to be 7 of Gods angels, what I’m not too sure of is, are they God himself? Just a messenger of God? God’s helpers? Protectors? Or all of these things?

4 of the main ones are Michael, Gabrielle, Raphael and Lucifer who rebelled God and got kicked out of heaven by Michael Gods most trusted servant and most trusted Angle.

Can anyone tell me more?
Postmaster said:
I want to start a discussion on Angels. I don't know that much about them but I will say all I do know. The obvious one is that they are not exclusive to Christianity. Zoroaster is the first person to write about and or mention them which some theologians say he made from Pagan Gods and then you have a lot of mention of them in the Torah and Old Testament and then Christianity. (Talk about progressive)

There are suppose to be 7 of Gods angels, what I’m not too sure of is, are they God himself? Just a messenger of God? God’s helpers? Protectors? Or all of these things?

4 of the main ones are Michael, Gabrielle, Raphael and Lucifer who rebelled God and got kicked out of heaven by Michael Gods most trusted servant and most trusted Angle.

Can anyone tell me more?

There are nine orders of angels (choirs).

Heavenly counselors are Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones;
Heavenly governors are Dominions, Virtues Powers;
Heavenly messengers are Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

Angel, as I suspect you know, comes from the Greek word Angelios, meaning "messanger".

However, they are also ministers, guardians, guides, and sometimes executers of the wrath of God. They are not however, God himself.

Though only four are literally identified in the Bible with Proper noun names, there are noted to be 24 to 72 known angellic names. Some are listed here:

If you click on a name, the description and what religion acknowledges each angel is provided.

Hope this helps.
Archangel. God’s Word the bible,refers to Michael "the archangel." (Jude 9) This term means "chief angel." Notice that Michael is called the archangel. This suggests that there is only one such angel. In fact, the term "archangel" occurs in the Bible only in the singular, never in the plural. Moreover, Jesus is linked with the office of archangel. Regarding the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 states: "The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice." so, the voice of Jesus is described as being that of an Archangel. this scripture therefore suggests that Jesus himself is the Archangel Michael
So in the same way as Angel Michael banished Lucifer from heaven he banished Satan from Earth? Maybe Christ was made into an other Archangel? Can Angel Michael and Christ be the same? Maybe just similar?

This is interesting actually.. Michael means "God like" Then if we say Jesus was the Son of God, or God on earth it’s a similar meaning. I think no other human represented God on this earth as Jesus Christ ever has. When has it ever been quoted in history a man being executed calling for the forgiveness of the people executing them! Isn't this the compassion we expect God to have?
Postmaster said:
So in the same way as Angel Michael banished Lucifer from heaven he banished Satan from Earth? Maybe Christ was made into an other Archangel? Can Angel Michael and Christ be the same? Maybe just similar?

This is interesting actually.. Michael means "God like" Then if we say Jesus was the Son of God, or God on earth it’s a similar meaning. I think no other human represented God on this earth as Jesus Christ ever has. When has it ever been quoted in history a man being executed calling for the forgiveness of the people executing them! Isn't this the compassion we expect God to have?
yes that is correct michael means........ who is like God .....that is why as Gods only begotten son ,Jesus is most likely archangel ,there is only one Archangel the chief of the angels. he is the leader of the faithful angels .but the rebel angels have been given the boot from heaven revelation12;7
And war broke out in heaven: Mi´cha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. ........................................ but the faithful ones are part of a large army that Jesus is leading revelation 19;14-16
Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.
mee said:
Archangel. God’s Word the bible,refers to Michael "the archangel." (Jude 9) This term means "chief angel." Notice that Michael is called the archangel. This suggests that there is only one such angel. In fact, the term "archangel" occurs in the Bible only in the singular, never in the plural. Moreover, Jesus is linked with the office of archangel. Regarding the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 states: "The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice." so, the voice of Jesus is described as being that of an Archangel. this scripture therefore suggests that Jesus himself is the Archangel Michael

I'm not going there concerning Jesus being an angel (that is your belief and that is fine). However Gabriel is also an archangel according to Hebrew scriptures as well as Raphael and as are several others.
very true! Angel Michael is not the only Arcangel, I read this somewhere.
Postmaster said:
very true! Angel Michael is not the only Arcangel, I read this somewhere.

Hey Post, if you click on the names of the angels in the previous post, you will get details of each angel and who they were considered to be valid by (e.g. Muslim, Jew, Christian).
Thank you Quahom1! I took a look earlier forgot to thank you actually! What started me off on Angles is a book my mum bought back from the library and realised I didn't know that much, so thought Id find out. Thanks for all your help. I'm only concerned from a Christian point of view, although find it interesting of some of the stories associated with Islam.
Postmaster said:
Thank you Quahom1! I took a look earlier forgot to thank you actually! What started me off on Angles is a book my mum bought back from the library and realised I didn't know that much, so thought Id find out. Thanks for all your help. I'm only concerned from a Christian point of view, although find it interesting of some of the stories associated with Islam.

You're welcome. Also there is a lore, that each of us has a guardian angel of our own. And, as such as we walk the path of righteousness, there comes a time when we can ask that that angel to reveal its name to us. Apparently there is power in a name. According to lore if the "angel" hesitates to answer us, we should run as far away as we can (invoke a prayer to get that spirit away from us). But if it is a guardian from God, allegedly that guardian will let us know its name.

It is only lore, but I thought that might be of interest. As for me, I've never asked nor considered asking. I figure if that is true, the angel that watches over me will inform me of its name in its good time, if ever...
Very interesting! Tonight I will ask mine there name ;) I see it as an exercise of my faith and of course seeing if I'm being watched over.
Postmaster said:
Very interesting! Tonight I will ask mine there name ;) I see it as an exercise of my faith and of course seeing if I'm being watched over.

Consider asking your senior family members about this first?
From the Bible record it is learned that Gabriel is a high-ranking angelic creature in close association with the heavenly court, one "who stands near before God"; that he was one "sent forth" by God to deliver special messages to servants of Jehovah here on earth (Lu 1:19, 26);
(Ga´bri·el) [Able-Bodied One of God].
Then it came about that, while I myself, Daniel, was seeing the vision and seeking an understanding, why, look! there was standing in front of me someone in appearance like an able-bodied man. Daniel 8;15
The only holy angel other than Michael named in the Bible; the only materialized angel to give his name. .................. maybe i missed it but where does the bible say he was an archangel
mee said:
From the Bible record it is learned that Gabriel is a high-ranking angelic creature in close association with the heavenly court, one "who stands near before God"; that he was one "sent forth" by God to deliver special messages to servants of Jehovah here on earth (Lu 1:19, 26);
(Ga´bri·el) [Able-Bodied One of God].
Then it came about that, while I myself, Daniel, was seeing the vision and seeking an understanding, why, look! there was standing in front of me someone in appearance like an able-bodied man. Daniel 8;15
The only holy angel other than Michael named in the Bible; the only materialized angel to give his name. .................. maybe i missed it but where does the bible say he was an archangel

Please consider clicking on Gabriel's name. You will find a very objective and historical run down on Gabriel and what he meant to people.
How many angels are there? The Bible indicates that hundreds of millions of angels were created, and all of them are powerful.—Psalm 103:20.

Bless Jehovah, O YOU angels of his, mighty in power, carrying out his word,​

By listening to the voice of his word.
Regarding righteous angels, Revelation 5:11 says: "The number of them was myriads of myriads," or "ten thousand times tens of thousands." So the Bible does indicate that hundreds of millions of angels were created
What's really interesting about the topic of angels is how much expansion has developed from such short clues. It's such a fascinating subject. :)
God’s Word, the Bible, tells us that when the earth was founded, "all the sons of God began shouting in applause." (Job 38:4-7) so Angels existed long before humans were created, even before the creation of the earth. This Bible passage also shows that angels have feelings, for it says that they "joyfully cried out together." Note that "all the sons of God" rejoiced together. At that time, all the angels were part of a united family serving Jehovah God