Does the majority of Christian believe in the Book of Mormon?


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I been visited by missionaries from the Church of the Latter Days whom talks about the living prophet.

Just wondering what is the Christian believe on Prophets. Is it still exists to these days, or there is no more prophets that was send by God?

Also, how does one identify a true prophet in Christianity.
Light said:

I been visited by missionaries from the Church of the Latter Days whom talks about the living prophet.

Just wondering what is the Christian believe on Prophets. Is it still exists to these days, or there is no more prophets that was send by God?

Also, how does one identify a true prophet in Christianity.

No. Moroni is akin only to Christians called Mormons, or those who identify with the Mormon denomination.

Christianity is in many ways like Islam. There are variations, though the central figure is Jesus, and He is considered the "savior". That is about the only common reference all sects of Christianity have in common.

The Bible was completed prior to 500 AD, hence Mohammad and any other "prophet" after Jesus' time on earth, were not included (though Mohammad wanted to form a super faith of all the three Abrahamic faiths).

The Mormons in this case created a second book (a companion to the Bible), to present their version of Christianity. But it is not accepted by the "main stream" Christian denominations as scripture.

Though Islam considers Jesus as a prophet and "messiah", Islam holds Mohammad higher than Jesus (yet acknowledges that Jesus is the savior/messiah). To Christians, this seems strange. Why follow one who can not save, and ignore the one who is supposed to save?

[SIZE=+3]A[/SIZE] TRUE PROPHET will not take the people away from the WORD of God. He or She (as the bible attests), will always be pointing the people, not to a church, but to the WORD, even when it is contrary to the 'traditional teachings' of the Churches of the day.

Hope that helps some.


Well since Q doesnt like me to go into alot of details when it comes to some faiths I will just tell you alot of Christian Bookstores have the books on Mormanism in the cult section. I would love to expound on this but Im gonna try and not make extra work for the mods.:)