Walled Garden approach to CR

taijasi said:
No offense intended, and you're not the only one who likes to group folks together, luna. I, too, would rather see the connections, yet I have never even heard of the word syncretic until a few months ago, in these discussions with yourself and Thomas. I can assure you, quite a few folks will likewise find themselves running to Websters just to understand what that forum/board is all about! I'm sure the same is true when folks toss around words like Soteriology and epistemology ... but then, there aren't any forums that are that particular or focused at CR ...

The Lightning Deva told me that this is enough ... (passing through my area as he is) :eek:


Hi Taij, no offense taken. :) I thought it had a slightly negative connotation myself but I've seen it used without protest elsewhere. Anyway, as I said at first I would rather we find a way to avoid further divisions.

Any way one looks at this, it is going to be difficult to keep peace in the family. You can't please everyone all of the time.

BTW, my comment about beginning a Judas thread on the esoteric forum wasn't to separate, but to distinguish. The Christianity forum proper has had a lot of contributions over a long period of time. Perhaps it is time to build the esoteric forum, by those of that faith / inclination, as a resource for visitors, rather than "lumping" mainstream and esoteric together and leaving a visitor more confused. I assure, my motivation for my suggestion is not separation for reason of personalities, it is one of convenience for research. It just happens to have the added benefit of keeping clashing ideologies apart.

Ideally, esoteric visitors are welcome to contribute (provided they behave themselves) in the mainstream forum, and mainstream visitors are welcome to contribute (provided they behave themselves) in the esoteric forum. But the esoteric subject matter needs to be built by those familiar with it.

One cannot realistically expect the mainstream forum to build an esoteric library if they are unfamiliar with the material. Particularly, (and I want to be as neutral in saying this as possible,) if the esotericists are going to remain..., umm, how can I say politely,...arrogant in their presentation.

I expect there will remain some overflow from one to the other. But past experience with others now long gone has left a bitter taste. Sacred star comes to mind here. I don't think esotericists appreciate it if a mainstream person were to start telling them where to get off, how mainstreamers are "it" and everyone else is "sh..not." Yet that is very much how the mainstreamers often get treated by the esotericists. As long as that attitude remains on the boards, any effective "melding" isn't going to happen. It just won't. All people have their pride and dignity. They all deserve to be treated with respect, especially when there is disagreement.

We have a long way to go here at CR. We've come a long way, but there are still huge obstacles to overcome. And there probably always will be. Right now, as things are, I think the set-up is appropriate, given the situation and circumstances.

In the meantime, I am reasonably certain that building the esoteric forum will go a long way towards overcoming some of the obstacles that face us now.

Speaking as a contributor, not as staff.
Sorry - I will be of no additional use on this thread. I have just had my eye picked to pieces ... and frankly, these specks have left a sting.


juantoo3 said:
Ideally, esoteric visitors are welcome to contribute (provided they behave themselves) in the mainstream forum, and mainstream visitors are welcome to contribute (provided they behave themselves) in the esoteric forum. But the esoteric subject matter needs to be built by those familiar with it.

One cannot realistically expect the mainstream forum to build an esoteric library if they are unfamiliar with the material. Particularly, (and I want to be as neutral in saying this as possible,) if the esotericists are going to remain..., umm, how can I say politely,...arrogant in their presentation.

I expect there will remain some overflow from one to the other. But past experience with others now long gone has left a bitter taste. Sacred star comes to mind here. I don't think esotericists appreciate it if a mainstream person were to start telling them where to get off, how mainstreamers are "it" and everyone else is "sh..not." Yet that is very much how the mainstreamers often get treated by the esotericists. As long as that attitude remains on the boards, any effective "melding" isn't going to happen. It just won't. All people have their pride and dignity. They all deserve to be treated with respect, especially when there is disagreement.

We have a long way to go here at CR. We've come a long way, but there are still huge obstacles to overcome.
I think the sword cuts strongly both ways...and I think we all can 'behave' in each others forum and discuss on an even basis should the divide be created. Whether the title is syncretic or esoteric both seem to fit to me...did I have to look them both up and review...yes...but that too is ok. Either way it needs to be an Abrahamic boards...it isn't a modern religion and despite the fact that some that will fit this mold explore or even embrace the numerology, cosmology, and pagan origins of the Abrahamic religions...doesn't qualify it to move into the pagan camp....as a main book is the bible and for me the teachings of Jesus. However it seems (as I indicated prior) that if Kabbalists and Sufists
also fit this forum...probably would be easier than dancing around wording required to discuss the same with the orthodox, conservative, or literal...