Just out of Curiosity!!!!


Bible Thumper
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little town called Dallas, Tx
This is really not to start a fight it is just a question I have been wondering....

Just how far can you change a religion to fit ones opinions and feelings before you have to change the name of it??:confused:
i think this is more like the /buddha/new age/muslim/hindu/ Christian Forum.
Why don't you guys come up with a list of people you'd like access to this forum limited to? Then once a week or so you could have a meeting of the minds and decide if anyone new needs to be removed. That way you could keep track of who's a real Christian and who isn't. And then when you decide who the chosen ones are you could have a special insignia, oh I don't know, maybe a big, ornate letter C, that is prominently displayed next to authorized users avatars so no one can mistake who the real Christians are.

i dont think that is needed China.
posting on this forum does not really prove anything except opinions.
everything has pretty much already been removed so the title Christian does not matter to me.

God knows & that is all we need to know.
Whoa getting a little defensive there!!!! Welcome to our world.:)

I NEVER said I wanted to restrict access to anyone on any forum.....but lets face facts

If I went to Judaism board and said I believe most of Judaism but I also think Jesus was God but that I am a Jew with differing opinion Id get my rear laughed at and ridiculed. If not worse than that if Bananabrain is still around;)

If I went to the Hinduism and said Karma is a load of crap and that Jesus was GoD but I am a hindu then Id get laughed at and ridiculed..

Only on the Christianity boards are people allowed to take everything the actual religion entails and throw it all in the trash then add there own twists and still call themselves by the name and if people object then we are the ones who have the problem...that makes me go HMMM:confused:
"The Protestants emphasized such concepts as salvation by "faith alone" (not faith and good works or infused righteousness), "Scripture alone" (the Bible as the sole rule of faith, rather than the Bible plus Tradition), "the priesthood of all believers" (eschewing the special authority and power of the Roman Catholic sacramental priesthood), that all people are individually responsible for their status before God such that talk of mediation through any but Christ alone is unbiblical. Because they saw these teachings as stemming from the Bible, they encouraged publication of the Bible in the common language and universal education."

(Religious Influences for the Reformation, on wiki)

The above seem like quite a lot of changes to adapt to personal feelings and opinion, yet we decided to keep the name Christianity. :)

2 c,
Dor said:
Whoa getting a little defensive there!!!! Welcome to our world.:)

I NEVER said I wanted to restrict access to anyone on any forum.....but lets face facts

If I went to Judaism board and said I believe most of Judaism but I also think Jesus was God but that I am a Jew with differing opinion Id get my rear laughed at and ridiculed. If not worse than that if Bananabrain is still around;)

If I went to the Hinduism and said Karma is a load of crap and that Jesus was GoD but I am a hindu then Id get laughed at and ridiculed..

Only on the Christianity boards are people allowed to take everything the actual religion entails and throw it all in the trash then add there own twists and still call themselves by the name and if people object then we are the ones who have the problem...that makes me go HMMM:confused:

So, what will make you happy? What do you really want? Look, I don't know about Hinduism, but you can be an atheist and still be a Jew. Judaism is an ethnicity as well as a religion. What they don't like is proselytizers.

I really don't understand what is so threatening about having a conversation with a diversity of opinion. Not too many will stick around for a one sided conversation. I also don't understand why certain individuals feel they must annoint themselves Grand Protector of the Purity of the Faith. Do you really think Christianity is that fragile?

China Cat Sunflower said:
So, what will make you happy? What do you really want? Look, I don't know about Hinduism, but you can be an atheist and still be a Jew. Judaism is an ethnicity as well as a religion. What they don't like is proselytizers.

I really don't understand what is so threatening about having a conversation with a diversity of opinion. Not too many will stick around for a one sided conversation. I also don't understand why certain individuals feel they must annoint themselves Grand Protector of the Purity of the Faith. Do you really think Christianity is that fragile?


If it ever remained a discussion rather than become "Im right and your wrong" believe it or not 9 times out of 10 thats what it becomes.. we have posters that have been here for a long time that have differing beliefs but we all seem to get along without strife.. thats because we respect each other enough not to let it get to the "im right and you're wrong" state that most new posters want to take it to.

Examples.. Me and Bandit have a HUGE belief difference he does not believe in the trinity like I do.. but he and I are VERY good friends and we overcame that difference because we respect each other and love each other as Christ commanded..

mee bless his heart is jehovah witness.. you cant get much further from my beliefs than that... but theres no conflict there because the "im right and your wrong" thing was eliminated in our discourse..

Q is Catholic amongst other of our fellow posters.. We have huge differences in our doctrines but you know what.. we respect and love each other as Christ commanded us..

All of us love Jesus Christ.. we have those similarities and we dont play the debate game trying to prove that we're right..

All we want is some respect and understanding.. CR is so diverse you can post on just about anything.. but if you read past threads... you will notice a common occurance on Christianity and Islam boards.. theres always someone trying to prove that those beliefs are wrong.. they get on there and grandstand and protheslyze.. That could be why our numbers are the highest? I dont know.. theres always someone trying to prove the bible wrong.. it gets old and we get grumpy after awhile..

hope this makes sense.
lunamoth said:
"The Protestants emphasized such concepts as salvation by "faith alone" (not faith and good works or infused righteousness),

Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: itis the gift of God: Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

And there are many verses showing faith alone is the cause of Salvation but works end up going along with it not to cause it but because of it.
"Scripture alone" (the Bible as the sole rule of faith, rather than the Bible plus Tradition),
Again there are many verses in the bible about this for example..2Ti 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

and Mar 7:13Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
the priesthood of all believers"
If by that you mean the fact that regular old people have the same right as ordained ministers to communicate with God, interpret scripture and minister in Christs name well thats all in that book too.

Seems all that is in the bible so why shouldnt it be followed....and there is a big difference in trying to take a certain churches doctrine out of it and taking Jesus Christ out of it!!!!

You can see by my post count that I'm pretty fresh here, but I've been participating in this kind of online forum for a long time. I have a pretty good idea what works and what just sounds good in theory. It's difficult to attract Jews an Muslims in sufficient quantity to get a viable forum for them up and running. Jews seem particularly sensitive to proselytization because they have to put up with so much of it. Muslims seem just plain thin-skinned. They don't seem to be able to stand even a hint of negative criticism.

But Christians aren't hard to attract, maybe because we have more computers, but probably because of the great commission to preach the gospel to everyone. And along with Christianity comes the rest of the Christian culture and ethnicity, a part of which includes all that esoteric stuff you dislike. It's all part of the big pot of stew that is modern Christianity. Maybe you can blame Paul since he set out to make Christ "all things to all men."

The point is: you don't need a private sanctuary for Christianity. Maybe that's unfair, but it's practical. Now, on this board you have any number of conversation areas where Christians could go to talk about anything, but people tend to congreagate where the action is. If there wasn't a pressing need for reconciliation, or at least an ongoing conversation between traditional and nontraditional Christians everyone would just go find his private niche with like minded folks. But there obviously is that need for dialog between the factions. To their credit, the mucky-mucks of this board have understood that and opened a small door for just that kind of dialog.

Perhaps you could see this as your opportunity to let your light shine instead of an incursion on your turf. It may be a tough audience, and you probably shouldn't expect instantaneous acceptance for what you're saying, but it could be a really good opportunity to learn patience and other Christ-like attributes which would have the benefit of making you a more eloquent spokesperson for the Lord.

Dor said:
Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: itis the gift of God: Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

And there are many verses showing faith alone is the cause of Salvation but works end up going along with it not to cause it but because of it.

Again there are many verses in the bible about this for example..2Ti 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

and Mar 7:13Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
If by that you mean the fact that regular old people have the same right as ordained ministers to communicate with God, interpret scripture and minister in Christs name well thats all in that book too.

Seems all that is in the bible so why shouldnt it be followed....and there is a big difference in trying to take a certain churches doctrine out of it and taking Jesus Christ out of it!!!!

Hi Dor, and peace.

You did not understand the point of my post. I am not saying that the changes made in the Protestant Reformation were wrong (how could I, they were crucial in the formation of my faith as well). The point is that all of those things were drastic changes from what was previously viewed as The Only True Christianity. And, since you brought it up, using a radical sola scriptura approach to the Bible does allow a myriad of interpretations, including Spong's.

Example, the Baha'i Faith (I know I know, I'm always bringing this up, but it is something I know well and so is part of my thinking). The Baha'i Faith denies the physical resurrection of Christ, denies the deity of Christ, says that the Promised Comforter who brings us to all truth is actually not the Holy Spirit, and a whole lot of other things that are contrary to what you know in your bones are Biblical truths. Yet, from a purely sola scriptura approach, none of those things are inconsistent with the Bible from a sola scriptura reading, they way they interpret it.

So Dor, please do not think I am attacking you. I have the greatest respect for your faith and Biblical knowledge, and I learn a lot from you. I always miss you when you stop posting for a while, and I would hate to see that happen. But I must say, when there is so much defensiveness about what can be allowed on the Christianity forum and everyone has to start walking on eggshells so as not to be seen to offend, well, it makes it a much less inviting place to spend time conversing.

There are threads devoted to conservative, traditional and Bible based topics. Q and Juan do a great job, IMO, keeping those threads on track. But, couldn't there be room here for some conversations to explore the edges of Christian thought without everyone's feathers getting so ruffled? There are many other fourms out there that seperate all the Christian denominations and alternative Christians and JWs and LDSs and every other flavor you can imagine. This forum, IMO, attempts to do something just a bit different. And, in the hopes of greater fellowship, communication, and love between the different parts of the Body of Christ, and outreach to those who consider themselves on the fringes, I hope that we can make room here for each other.

Respectfully, and Sincerely in His Peace,
Well to me when you start taking Christ out of it then it ceases to belong under Christianity...and its not the JWs, the mystics like Path of one, LDS, etc even Catholics(I had to Q) that ruffle my feathers its just the ones who start attacking Christ...the bible...and wanting to add all their own hogwash to it.....as I said before what would have happened if Id posted on Judaism and said I was a Jew but Moses was a fraud and Jesus was the messiah well Id guess BB would rip into my little rump. Open communication is great saying Spong is a christian author is like saying Im a Muslim Prophet:(
China Cat Sunflower said:

You can see by my post count that I'm pretty fresh here, but I've been participating in this kind of online forum for a long time. I have a pretty good idea what works and what just sounds good in theory. It's difficult to attract Jews an Muslims in sufficient quantity to get a viable forum for them up and running. Jews seem particularly sensitive to proselytization because they have to put up with so much of it. Muslims seem just plain thin-skinned. They don't seem to be able to stand even a hint of negative criticism.

But Christians aren't hard to attract, maybe because we have more computers, but probably because of the great commission to preach the gospel to everyone. And along with Christianity comes the rest of the Christian culture and ethnicity, a part of which includes all that esoteric stuff you dislike. It's all part of the big pot of stew that is modern Christianity. Maybe you can blame Paul since he set out to make Christ "all things to all men."

The point is: you don't need a private sanctuary for Christianity. Maybe that's unfair, but it's practical. Now, on this board you have any number of conversation areas where Christians could go to talk about anything, but people tend to congreagate where the action is. If there wasn't a pressing need for reconciliation, or at least an ongoing conversation between traditional and nontraditional Christians everyone would just go find his private niche with like minded folks. But there obviously is that need for dialog between the factions. To their credit, the mucky-mucks of this board have understood that and opened a small door for just that kind of dialog.

Perhaps you could see this as your opportunity to let your light shine instead of an incursion on your turf. It may be a tough audience, and you probably shouldn't expect instantaneous acceptance for what you're saying, but it could be a really good opportunity to learn patience and other Christ-like attributes which would have the benefit of making you a more eloquent spokesperson for the Lord.


You completely miss my point.. We have ppl from all beliefs of Christianity post here and get along and show each other respect and love.. That is not the issue.. the issue is respect and love vs im right and your wrong. My fight is for a peaceful co-existance and healthy discourse.. Maybe my fight is a losing battle because I think its some ppls nature to conflict.. who knows.

Btw the last paragraph was pretty condescending and that kind of passive-aggressiveness is unwelcome anywhere .. not just here.
Oh and in reply to Spong and Baha'i non believe in bodily resurection well dont know how you interpt the story of doubting Thomas who had to feel the wounds if there was no body!!!
Dor said:
Well to me when you start taking Christ out of it then it ceases to belong under Christianity...and its not the JWs, the mystics like Path of one, LDS, etc even Catholics(I had to Q) that ruffle my feathers its just the ones who start attacking Christ...the bible...and wanting to add all their own hogwash to it.....as I said before what would have happened if Id posted on Judaism and said I was a Jew but Moses was a fraud and Jesus was the messiah well Id guess BB would rip into my little rump. Open communication is great saying Spong is a christian author is like saying Im a Muslim Prophet:(

OK, I'm only laughing at the image of BB chomping on your rump...but yes I see your point. So, go ahead, chomp on Spong's rump. Chomp on my posts that you disagree with. And do it in your usual detailed and knowledgable manner, rather than personal attacks or taking it personally (and no, I have not seen you do that, but you did start this thread with some objective in mind).

Dor said:
Well to me when you start taking Christ out of it then it ceases to belong under Christianity...and its not the JWs, the mystics like Path of one, LDS, etc even Catholics(I had to Q) that ruffle my feathers its just the ones who start attacking Christ...the bible...and wanting to add all their own hogwash to it.....as I said before what would have happened if I'd posted on Judaism and said I was a Jew but Moses was a fraud and Jesus was the messiah well I'd guess BB would rip into my little rump. Open communication is great saying Spong is a christian author is like saying Im a Muslim Prophet:(
Hmm, this seems to support what is written at 2 Thess. 2 ;)
Dor said:
Oh and in reply to Spong and Baha'i non believe in bodily resurection well dont know how you interpt the story of doubting Thomas who had to feel the wounds if there was no body!!!
Well, they (Baha'is) interpret it metaphorically and spiritually. To them it is no greater stretch than for us to believe in the Trinity. They point out that flesh and blood do not inherit the Kingdom. They point to the fact that He was not recognizable at first, and that he could materialize through doors. In fact, by their interpretation, using the good ol KJV, they say that Christ made it a very clear point that He was not God. Look, I don't agree. But I have to say that I rely upon scripture, tradition and reason in order to disagree with them.

Faithfulservant said:
You completely miss my point.. We have ppl from all beliefs of Christianity post here and get along and show each other respect and love.. That is not the issue.. the issue is respect and love vs im right and your wrong. My fight is for a peaceful co-existance and healthy discourse.. Maybe my fight is a losing battle because I think its some ppls nature to conflict.. who knows.

Btw the last paragraph was pretty condescending and that kind of passive-aggressiveness is unwelcome anywhere .. not just here.

Have a nice day:)

Dor said:
Well to me when you start taking Christ out of it then it ceases to belong under Christianity...and its not the JWs, the mystics like Path of one, LDS, etc even Catholics(I had to Q) that ruffle my feathers its just the ones who start attacking Christ...the bible...and wanting to add all their own hogwash to it.....as I said before what would have happened if Id posted on Judaism and said I was a Jew but Moses was a fraud and Jesus was the messiah well Id guess BB would rip into my little rump. Open communication is great saying Spong is a christian author is like saying Im a Muslim Prophet:(

i am in agreement, Dor.
so i guess this means i can be a DEVIL WORSHIPPING CHRISTIAN. remove all of the scriptures because they are lies, his blood means nothing & Jesus does not exist but we can pretend he crawled down from the cross & walked to Italy with bandages. allow me to teach you & share my views on how to become a wonderful liar for Jesus while preaching the Gospel. of course satan does not exist either so we just worship ourselves.

i am glad you started this topic but nobody is home so, you know:) .