Follower, Disciple, or Apostle?


Follower of Christ
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Rhome, Texas, United States
I was asked this question by a pastor at one of our Church's Emaus meetings:

"It is time to challenge your faith in Christ. Are you a follower? A disciple? Or are you an apostle? Only you can decide."

Right now I consider myself a follower, bottom of the totum pole. What would you consider yourself?

Follower: Believe, have faith, but only do so much

Disciple: The above, but work on mission trips, help the needy, donate, preach, but only so much

Apostle: I'm livin' like a Jesus freak:) (everything and more)
Based on the criteria you've provided, I currently fall into the follower category. I'm defitely working towards the disciple category. I don't know if I'd ever reach the apostle category. Being a homeless, penniless wandering preacher doesn't seem to be my calling. :)
Paul James said:
I was asked this question by a pastor at one of our Church's Emaus meetings:

"It is time to challenge your faith in Christ. Are you a follower? A disciple? Or are you an apostle? Only you can decide."

Right now I consider myself a follower, bottom of the totum pole. What would you consider yourself?

Follower: Believe, have faith, but only do so much

Disciple: The above, but work on mission trips, help the needy, donate, preach, but only so much

Apostle: I'm livin' like a Jesus freak:) (everything and more)

None of the above, and all of the above...depends on the situation and time.

I Have faith, help those that need it, donate, (I don't preach), try to live like Jesus expects me to (not always successful). I'm not afraid to tell people who I am, and what Jesus means to me, but I'm not going to tell people they're headed for hell because they do not believe as I do (because I don't have that right, since I'm not their judge). If I'm asked to lead a prayer and there are those who are not Christian involved, then I make the prayer generic (but to the supreme Creator). The "Our Father", is most of the time the perfect prayer.

I understand rules and carry out orders (as best as able), and sometimes I take the initiative (somebody has to).

I don't care for the intrusion of door knockers, or holier than thou preachers, but I will share my understanding of things with anyone that wishes to know. Yet I will not initiate the conversation pertaining to faith, or lack of.

I have little tolerance for those who attempt to tell me I am following the wrong path, and have no trouble addressing that issue.

If a church declared there is a dress code that must be adhered to before anyone could come in, I would literally shake the dust of that church off of my boot soles, or if one was not allowed in because the "elders" declared them unfit...I'd unlock the front door to the church and personally escort them to the first pew in front, then dare the priest to do something about it.

I believe with all my heart and being that which Jesus told us. "What ever you do to others, you do to me..."

So I don't know, what does that make me? :eek: A soldier I suppose...

my thoughts


taijasi said:
I am an admirer, and aspire to again be a follower ...


That has got to be one of the most profound and honest answers, I've heard in a long time. I hope your aspirations come to fruition Taj...:)
Quahom1 said:
That has got to be one of the most profound and honest answers, I've heard in a long time. I hope your aspirations come to fruition Taj...:)
Thank you, Q! :)