Saudi Arabia - geo-political struggle


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The following article linked to is interesting, because this represents a very significant declaration in world politics that has been in movement for quite some time.

Pre- 9/1, on religious debate boards, I had read many fairly damning posts from right-wing US Christian publications, slamming the situation in Saudi Arabia. This was coupled with calls for the USA to somehow resolve what was an otherwise reliance on Saudi oil to the tune of 30% of all US oil usage.

That’s one reason why George W. Bush pointed towards Alaska, to prospect and develop oil fields in nature reserves in that state.

I also still see it as a major determining factor in terms of the motivations for the Iraq War. While it is not a sole cause, it would present an overwhelming strategic concern - not least that Sad dam Hussein still presented a threat to otherwise vulnerable producers of the Gulf region, such as Kuwait, of course. However, add to that the fact that a regime change to a friendly government in Iraq - the nation with the second largest oil-fields - would present a much needed relief from the political instabilities of Saudi Arabia.

Now, in the post Iraq War world, the Saudi Royal family has finally realised what the US political right in the USA has been arguing for years - that fundamentalist terrorism is active in Saudi Arabia, and seeking to overthrow the Saudi Royal family and to install a more fundamentalist Islamic regime.

For years the Saudis countered - claiming that it was Western workers running illicit alcohol smuggling rings that were the cause of various murders and bombings.

Only now, too late, are they finally and publicly accepting the truth of the domestic and geo-strategic position they are in:


Al-Qaeda 'threat to Saudi royals'

Al-Qaeda is actively seeking to bring down the Saudi ruling royal family, the US Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, has said.

Osama Bin Laden's organisation has long been a critic of the Saudi Government, regarding it as too pro-American.

Mr Armitage also warned of fresh terror attacks to come in the kingdom.

He was speaking after holding talks in Saudi Arabia with Crown Prince Abdullah following Saturday's suicide bombing in Riyadh, which killed at least 17.

The target was a foreign workers' residential compound close to the homes of several Saudi ministers.

More than 120 people were injured, most of them non-Saudi Arab workers and their families.

The BBC's Paul Wood, from the scene of the blasts, says the bombers penetrated far into the compound before detonating their explosives.

Buildings of several storeys high were reduced to rubble, he adds.
intresting but not exactly the whole picture but things rearly are .

Of the 19 hijackers who participated in the September 11 attacks, 15 were from Saudi Arabia.

the us had a ban on investigating saudi citizens and has yet to arrest a saudi terrorist but they seem to be neck deep in the involvment of terrorism .Like religion , world affairs is interpreted by the individual and the truth is harder to find or understand untill after the fact .
What part saudi has played or will play in the war on terrorism only time will tell.
Certainly true about the Saudi link to 9/11.

A big problem - and the point of the article - is that Saudi Arabia has been in constant denial about internal terrorism for some years now.

Original, acts of violence, such as the bombing of Western interests, was claimed to be all solely connected with feuds between rival alcohol smuggling gangs.

They continued this facade after 9/11, even though the Al Qaeda links to Saudi Arabia were being firmly made.

In short, it's simply taken some very large and high-profile terrorist attacks on their own soil to finally admit that violent fanaticism and terrorism is as serious a problem as people were telling them.

Years of denial will take great effort to overcome.