Kingdom beginning

gloryb said:
when was the Kingdom of God established?
My belief ...
  1. The selfsame moment during which the Cosmos began to re-manifest (literally trillions of years ago) ...
  2. When this same Cosmic process began its tiny, tiny microcosmic reflection in this Galaxy, or within this Solar System ...
  3. Ditto, but with specific pertinence to Earth ... (but which cycle?)
  4. About 21.5 million years ago, when the Spiritual Government of this world became established, which amounts to God taking literal incarnation upon the planet ...
  5. In a more focused manner, in about 77BC, when the Christ overshadowed Jesus of Nazareth for 3 years - building upon the earlier work of Shakyamuni Buddha, the Light of the East ...
  6. More recently, in June of 1944, at the Christ's Festival (Full Moon), when the Aquarian Age could be said to have begun, marking Christ's return (Reappearance) ...
  7. And finally, since the final phase/stage of that Reappearance (expected by nearly all religions, universally) - a physical overshadowing of a specific individual - has yet to occur, I would estimate that the Kingdom which Christ spoke of 2100 years ago, though always present (as He mentioned), could be said to begin after 2025AD ... as Christ walks upon Earth.
For me, this is more or less the chronological correct order, and also the correct order of importance. After all, everything is relative. The Kingdom of God was long, long ago established on Venus ... which is what enabled the coming of the Lord of the World from there to here 21.5 million years ago. On other planets, this event (or stage) is yet to come. In the life of individuals, too, the moment can come sooner, later, or in a future lifetime. Just depends ... :)


gloryb said:
when was the Kingdom of God established?

Established? The Kingdom is what makes everything work, otherwise we wouldn't be alive. Now, to what degree humans take dominion of the earth, as commanded in Genesis, is another question. The animals all live in the Kingdom, we have a choice.

China Cat Sunflower said:
Established? The Kingdom is what makes everything work, otherwise we wouldn't be alive. Now, to what degree humans take dominion of the earth, as commanded in Genesis, is another question. The animals all live in the Kingdom, we have a choice.

the heavenly kingdom of God ,was established in these last days , it is the goverment that will bring peace to the earth and it was established in 1914 in the heavens , and Jesus is the reigning king of this heavenly goverment, and it was established in the days when other kings were ruling .
And in the days of those kings (human rulership)the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms,(human goverments) and it itself will stand to times indefinite; Daniel 2;44 yes its all happening
As soon as I saw the title, I knew this was going to be Mee's stomping ground. :D

Seeing that this is on the Belief and Spirituality board, I'm gonna feel comfy with saying that just as a king looks out over his land, his dominion, or all that which he created, The kingdom of God began at the point of creation. Not necessarily the creation of man, but at the point when God manifested be-ing. If I can safely use the book of Genesis, the first thing God did was said, 'Let there be light.' When God spoke, the Kingdom began. When light came into being, the Kingdom was established.
mee said:
the heavenly kingdom of God ,was established in these last days , it is the goverment that will bring peace to the earth and it was established in 1914 in the heavens , and Jesus is the reigning king of this heavenly goverment, and it was established in the days when other kings were ruling .
And in the days of those kings (human rulership)the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms,(human goverments) and it itself will stand to times indefinite; Daniel 2;44 yes its all happening

Thanks for that Mee, but I don't get that from my reading of Daniel. But I have a question for you: What was Daniel trying to convey to his contemporary audience? Was what he said about kings and the Kingdom completely unintelligable in his time? If so, why were his writings preserved?
Having a Kingdom implies that there is someone to rule over, so I'm going to say Adam and Eve, or at least the first human beings who had a spiritual realization of God, wherever in the chain of evolution that might have occured.
truthseeker said:
As soon as I saw the title, I knew this was going to be Mee's stomping ground. :D

quote] LOL i am glad that i am recognized for speaking about the kingdom;)
China Cat Sunflower said:
Thanks for that Mee, but I don't get that from my reading of Daniel. But I have a question for you: What was Daniel trying to convey to his contemporary audience? Was what he said about kings and the Kingdom completely unintelligable in his time? If so, why were his writings preserved?
the book of Daniel is a prophetic book ,and many things were for a future time (now)and even Daniel himself did not understand what he was writing down at times.
Daniel focuses on the nations of the world and gives forevisions of the power struggle of the great dynasties from Daniel’s time down till "the time of the end." This is world history written in advance. and the God of heaven is a revealer of secrets
There exists a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to occur in the final part of the days." (2:28) Daniel describes the dream. and the dream goes all the way to the time of the end ,which is now. wow thrilling times indeed i think.