trinity of god


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Indian sages understood this impossibility of an active participating, creating God. The Indian term for God is Brahman. (Not Brahmaav who is one of the trinity) Brahman is pure consciousness. He is Sat, Chit and Ananda. He lacks nothing, he is Sophia and he is bliss. In this bliss, or laya Brahman remains inactive. He cannot be described. You cannot ascribe any property to God. Is God good? No because good and evil are defined in terms of God’s character. Is he white, black, and sweet. We have to say no for every question that we may ask. It also includes Does Brahman exist? No, because he is beyond existence. This is what our sages called Nirguna Brahman - Brahman without any guna - any properties. In fact properties arise only in relationship. If the Brahman has to become active he has to be community of real persons. Thus saguna Brahman consists of a Trimurthi - three persons. According to vedas this creation began with the Omkaram. The word which consists of three syllables Au - U - M ending in resonating silence. When St.Thomas came to Kerala which was one of the centers of Vedic learning of that period, he was quick to understand this fact and accepted the Om as a symbol for God. This symbol can be found in the ancient churches even today. The Mavelikara "old" church has Om written at its entrance even today. But then the similarity ends because the Trimurthy of Brahma-vishnu-Maheswara are a far cry from the concept of God. They are distinct Gods. In spite of the perversions in myths and common religions, the Shiva Sindhanta carried this concept to a greater extent.The question of sovereignity requires one God as the supreme being. In the purana the inquireetherefore asks God," "O you three Lords!, know that I recognize only one God. Inform me, therefore, which of you is the true divinity that I may address to him alone my vows and adorations." The Hindu Trinity consists of Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu, the incarnate sustainer.and Siva the destroyer. The three Gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, replied, "Learn, O devotee, that there is no real distinction between us. What to you appears such is only by semblance. The single being appears under three forms by the acts of creation, preservation and destruction, but he is one."​
The thrimurthy of Hinduism consists of three fallen beings. They are selfish, they fight each other and hindu cosmos is the result of this evergrowing conflict between the three persons. Hindu Trimurthy is a dialectical God. God with contradictions within. It is a coherent philosophy as long as the whole universe is Brahman (Advaitic) himself and not its creation. The problem of fall and redemption does not arise as long as God himself is the creator of the fall and the enjoyer of the result. It is only a game of God
I am an Engaged Buddhist, and I hope you don't mind me posting here. I have a question about Hinduism. Brahma is the Creator, Shiva the Destroyer, and Vishnu the Preservor. When I look at websites about Sarasvati, it says Brahma was blank till he formed Sarasvati, then he was able to see clearly and bring order to disorder. My question is: Why isn't Sarasvati considered the Creator, since knowledge gave birth to everything?

(I understand they are all part of BRAHMAN, but for informations sake.)

bodhi_mindisfree said:
When I look at websites about Sarasvati, it says Brahma was blank till he formed Sarasvati, then he was able to see clearly and bring order to disorder. My question is: Why isn't Sarasvati considered the Creator, since knowledge gave birth to everything?
Namaste Bodhi,

Thanks for the post, and you’re always welcome to ask questions here. The answer to the question you’ve asked involves two distinct concepts: the concept of trimûrti and the concept of shakti. Generally speaking, the trimûrti concept, as you probably already know, essentially says that the Divine may be viewed as a functional triad of Creator, Sustainer and Dissolver, personified as Mahâ-Brahmâ, Mahâ-Vishnu and Mahâ-Rudra.

Alternatively, creation, sustenance and dissolution can also be viewed as triad powers (shaktis). The term shakti is a feminine noun and the triad shaktis of creation, sustenance and dissolution are represented as Brahmâni (Mahâ-Sarasvati), Vaishnavi (Mahâ-Lakshmi) and Rudrâni (Mahâ-Kâli). The individual shakti and the source thereof are viewed as inseparable entities. Oftentimes you will see in purânic and other types of legends that the concept of shakti (and the source thereof) depicted as the ability of the able, or the power of the powerful. Otherwise, metaphors such as sunlight of the Sun, moonlight of the moon, or eyesight of the eyes may also be used. So, in that regard Brahmâ can be viewed as “blank” without Brahmâni, and so forth.

This shakti concept is most fully developed in Shâkta denomination of Sanâtana Dharma, wherein the individual shakti can be and is viewed as the Creator, Sustainer and Dissolver. Below is a verse from the famous Hymn of Nârâyani:

Thou who art the Creatrix, Sustainer and Dissolver eternal,
Thou, the substratum and embodiment of the triad qualities,
Salutation be unto Thee, O Nârâyani!
(Mârkandeya Purâna XI:11)

I hope that answers your question.

OM Shanti,
OK, this is an old thread.

From a recent thread on the trinity:

I hadn't heard of this before. Is it because preserving (Vishnu) and creating (Brahma) are actually transformational functions (Shiva)?
There were Shiva temples hundreds of years before any depictions of Brahama and Vishnu. I realize that's not the same as scriptural proof.