Product Ingredients--Haram or Halal?


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Salam everyone!

I live in the U.S. and a lot of products (that I just found out about!) are made with the ingredients made from pork or alcohol. What do I do to avoid consuming the pig products?
I found a long long list of ingredients that are halal/haram (hope to memorize them!) but how am I going to shop for food/hygiene products?
Would anyone have an advice or suggestion? If you are int he same/similar situation, what do you usually do?
Also, is it safe to make myself food from a dish that may be used for the haram food (if the dish is washed)?
this may help . My brief advice to you is that you must not eat from dishes that may have been stained by pork and other prohibited food. The moment you have shubhah(doubt) about the lawfulness of consuming a particular something, abstain from actually consuming it. You must be absolutely Yakin(sure) that what you're gonna put into your body's truly permissable. Food that contains unlawful ingredients are definitely prohibited. You may only consume them in certain circumstances e.g. you can't find anything else which is halal to eat in order to continue living(stranded in a jungle etc.). This is the Fiqh concept of "necessity renders the prohibited lawful". I hope this helped. Assalamu'alaikum
Salam everyone!

I live in the U.S. and a lot of products (that I just found out about!) are made with the ingredients made from pork or alcohol. What do I do to avoid consuming the pig products?
I found a long long list of ingredients that are halal/haram (hope to memorize them!) but how am I going to shop for food/hygiene products?
Would anyone have an advice or suggestion? If you are int he same/similar situation, what do you usually do?
Also, is it safe to make myself food from a dish that may be used for the haram food (if the dish is washed)?

Dear Sister Amica,

I live in the UK and does have a similar predicament. What I usually do is, well one thing good about supermarkets in UK, I look only for food with the Suitable for Vegetarian label on it. Naturally the supermarkets here have the responsibility to label it suitable for vegetarian as I understand there are many who are vegetarian here. Most of the time it is ok for us, however in some foods, I will still read the ingredients to make sure that there is no alcohol. Therefore, there may be food that is suitable for vegetarian but contains E471. Some says E471 is haraam as it is made of pork. However, if it is label suitable for vegetarian, then we should be rest assured that the E471 that is used is derived for plants.

On a lighter note, more and more manufacturers are providing nutrition information on their product. Apart from the link Bro Aidyl has mentioned, please visit
you could also take advantage of the various jewish organisations' "hechsher" marks which certify that a product is kosher - and, if it's kosher, it's also halal as far as i know. there is a graphic on this page:

of the marks that are most often used in the united states - and it's much easier to eat kosher there than anywhere else, the most common hechsher being the "orthodox union" one - a "U" inside an "O", shown at the top left. i also advise investing in a kosher food guide of which there are many available. i am sure there are a number of muslim options as well, of course, which are less restrictive depending on whether you follow the school which allows shellfish.


Salaam/Peace to all of you.

Since I started focusing on the halal and haram foods, I have been holding my ground to use foods that are symbolized as kosher and the ones that I know 100% is halal. I live in the U.S. so the supermarkets have a lot of options (vegan, kosher, vegiterian, etc).
My biggest problem is that my parents really do not care. Especially my father. He eats pork and drinks alcohol. I live in the same house with them, so I am not sure how to seperate myself in terms of foods I eat in the hosue. My mom prepares separate dishes for me when she can and we use dish detergent that is symbolized as kosher (has U on it). I can't move out because that would be considered insulting (based on the culture that we came from).
:( I am going to try to do my best.