Common Sense

YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
Question: Is there a such thing as common sense?
Any thoughts?
Wow, double entendre! For example: I think so. (how did I know that?)

Seems recognition is a spectrum unto itself ...

I guess I just get an upliftment from how many popular expressions I run across that clearly have an esoteric, or a deeper basis ... and thus, seem to be "common sense" - even if super-conscious. lol (Was that sufficiently vague?)

Wish I could think of an example. Ducks aren't in a row just at the moment however (best I could come up with - 7 Ducks, of course, root-to-crown).

Or how 'bout - walk a mile in a man's shoes? Very subjective, but then, that's the point! :)


Andrew (taijasi)
taijasi said:
Wish I could think of an example. Ducks aren't in a row just at the moment however (best I could come up with - 7 Ducks, of course, root-to-crown).
I love that thought of getting my ducks in a row relating to personal alignment...never heard that before...did it just come out of your fingers or was this an old thought?
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
Question: Is there a such thing as common sense? Any thoughts?

I think it would depend on how the phrase "common sense" is being defined.

I think the human species has certain instincts in common (although these can be overridden). For example: self preservation. It is "common sense" to not walk over the edge of a cliff. I think that idea is common to all humans, everywhere. And the human race seems to hold existential truths in common (ie, we all believe we exist and live on the planet earth), unless a person is insane or chooses to believe differently.

But other ideas that we label as common sense aren't universally common. They might be culturally common because of a prevailing situation in a culture at any set time. For example, it wasn't "common sense" for my parents to lock their doors at night when they were younger. Now, in my area in the USA, it is common sense to lock the house up at night (and in the day for that matter).

So, again, it depends on how the phrase is being defined. The popular use of the term "common sense" is generally regarded as a logical fallacy. When someone, say in an argument, tosses out "It's just common sense!" they should be prepared to demonstrate that their proposal is, in fact, common.

I need more coffee now. :p
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
Question: Is there a such thing as common sense?
Any thoughts?
Yes, but who is it common to?
Is it something which we should aspire to possess?
cavalier said:
Yes, but who is it common to?
Is it something which we should aspire to possess?
There's something to be said for Highest Common Factor, vs. Least Common Demnominator. ;)

There's something to be said for Highest Common Factor, vs. Least Common Demnominator. ;)

This without doubt Taijasi.

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