Abogado del Diablo said:
I think that what you are offended by is the invasion of the sacrosanctity of your preferred symbol ("love") by an attempt to create a collaborative experience between individuals.
Why do you still harbor this notion that I am offended by "an invasion of the sacrosanctity of my preferred symbol"?
This might have applied when you were talking to someone else on this thread, but it does apply to me. I have set out what offends me.

I want to make sure that this goes into your head, are you ready?
Love is not my "preferred symbol", I am not one of the "many Christians" you referred to in post 57, the ones who you so much want to tear down.
My objections are entirely different.
Please disagree with me, argue with me, but just argue with the things that I actually think rather than the things someone else thinks.
Abogado del Diablo said:
Who are you to say what our discussion should be?

The only waste of time is this last two pages of pointless discussions wherein you suggest that you should be able to dictate to people what they can and can't discuss.

This has gotten tiresome.

Enjoy the last word.
I haven't dictated what your discussion should be, I've simply set out my views, the same as you've set out yours.

Perhaps I will have the last word, but I will not enjoy it.
It saddens me that you walk away without ever making a reply to the views I have stated, instead I have just seen post after post where you claim to reply to me but instead answer views that are not my own.
ETS2K said:
Love is but a word it's the connection that matters....
John 1:1-5 said:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Love....it seems it is always better to express what is in our heart rather than put that up against thoughts of others.

The thoughts and concepts of others are just that. If we agree we can take them in, add them to our collection, if we disagree we can leave them on the side of the road...(the thoughts, not the people)

Love is caring enough to seek to understand what another is trying to convey, that is if we are of interest to carry on a conversation or relationship....Love may mean leaving well enough alone...or leaving all together.

Love is knowing that others think differently than I, and respecting that.

Love is moving forward, and not getting stuck in the quagmire.

As usual these are personal thoughts

wil said:
Love....it seems it is always better to express what is in our heart rather than put that up against thoughts of others.

The thoughts and concepts of others are just that. If we agree we can take them in, add them to our collection, if we disagree we can leave them on the side of the road...(the thoughts, not the people)

Love is caring enough to seek to understand what another is trying to convey, that is if we are of interest to carry on a conversation or relationship....Love may mean leaving well enough alone...or leaving all together.

Love is knowing that others think differently than I, and respecting that.

Love is moving forward, and not getting stuck in the quagmire.

As usual these are personal thoughts


In the words of Bobby de Niro, "You got a gift my friend."

You seem able, with wonderful grace and humility, to cut to the heart of an issue or debate and lift it out of the quagmire. I appreciate your posts and recognize that I could learn a lot from you.
cavalier said:
In the words of Bobby de Niro, "You got a gift my friend."

You seem able, with wonderful grace and humility, to cut to the heart of an issue or debate and lift it out of the quagmire. I appreciate your posts and recognize that I could learn a lot from you.
'ah shucks' he says as he twists the toe of his shoe into the dust.

The outward response and sheepish grin as he stares at his feet conceal the swelling of his ego, which is purring like a kitten being stroked. Tis funny he thinks how good we feel when we take what we know and apply it, and he wonders why we don't do it more often.

He looks up sideways sort of and mumbles, "de nada, we were both brought our forks to the table."
flowperson said:

You're talking about yourself in the third person alot lately. Are you sure that you aren't Bob Dole ?


:eek: :confused: :p :D :) That was "Precious"...


Bow...fear not... we liberals and progressives aren't into taking revenge against the messengers. And any one proficient in the arts is definitely a messenger. As I've said before you are greatly appreciated because it takes brilliant questioning to engender the growth of new knowledge,

Hey Cav:

I believe that I liked Mr. T better than the smarmy naked white guy with the bulldog puppy. But...hey...there's no accounting for taste...huh ?

flowperson said:
Hey Cav:

I believe that I liked Mr. T better than the smarmy naked white guy with the bulldog puppy. But...hey...there's no accounting for taste...huh ?


Hey, that "smarmy" white guy is non other than David Hasselhoff, the man who brought us Knight Rider, Baywatch, and the movie "Gridlock: There's no way in, and no way out", the man whose music brought down the Berlin Wall. To see him clad in just a pair of bulldog puppies is both an honor and a privilege.
christine.P said:
Begining to think that all this discord is somehow my fault for posting a topic...hope not...In respect and peace Bow...
No worries, Wil thinks we bring dischord due to tongue and cheek responses. Wil thinks the topic was/is worthy and comments from the peanut gallery distract. He doesn't appreciate the dig at Bob either.

But me, I LOVE you all!
Maybe the wrong place to post this but well what the hec....this is one of my paintings...hope you like...In Peace Bow...
Beautiful Bow... reminiscent of Flemish and Dutch still life perhaps, but softer and more genuine. MORE<MORE<MORE<MORE WE WANT MORE n!

wil said:
No worries, Wil thinks we bring dischord due to tongue and cheek responses. Wil thinks the topic was/is worthy and comments from the peanut gallery distract. He doesn't appreciate the dig at Bob either.

But me, I LOVE you all!

Bob who ?

cavalier said:
Hey, that "smarmy" white guy is non other than David Hasselhoff, the man who brought us Knight Rider, Baywatch, and the movie "Gridlock: There's no way in, and no way out", the man whose music brought down the Berlin Wall. To see him clad in just a pair of bulldog puppies is both an honor and a privilege.

I repeat, smarmy, naked white guy with bulldog(s). But I never liked Dave much on TV. Must have been a personal thing. I just happen to like Mr. T more. "Pity the fool !" But hey...it's still a free net...for the time being.
