The Shared Myth

Nogodnomasters said:
The evidence does support the hypotheis, you just have not seen it. In fact the evidence is so overwhelming and so simple to reproduce I hesitate to write about it until it is published. There is a thread I started just on this topic, if you care to continue the debate there.


as they say in the gambling world.... "show or fold".

if you have evidence to support your theory, then please provide it. you do not need to reveal all your evidence on here, one has no interest in depriving another of a source of income. however.... at this point, your "facts" are not... they are your opinion.
Vajradhara said:

as they say in the gambling world.... "show or fold".

if you have evidence to support your theory, then please provide it. you do not need to reveal all your evidence on here, one has no interest in depriving another of a source of income. however.... at this point, your "facts" are not... they are your opinion.

I have already provided numerous pieces of evidence. As any theory there is no specific smoking gun, but it must be taken in toto. I chose not to present too many details and you may refer to this idea as "my opinion," I have no problem with that. All I ask is that you remeber you heard it here first.

I have given an example of one story in another post. Multiple that by 100 and you have my proof. I do not plan on posting all the stories of the Bible and how they relate to each other. My book has about 120,000 words with about 5 dozen illustrations.
Nogodnomasters said:
I have already provided numerous pieces of evidence.
I'm sorry, but I really don't get what connection you see between the story and the stars that it is supposedly referring to.
bob x said:
I'm sorry, but I really don't get what connection you see between the story and the stars that it is supposedly referring to.

Bob, go to the Bible as Astrology section. Read it, and we will carry on there.
Nogodnomasters said:
I have already provided numerous pieces of evidence. As any theory there is no specific smoking gun, but it must be taken in toto. I chose not to present too many details and you may refer to this idea as "my opinion," I have no problem with that. All I ask is that you remeber you heard it here first.

I have given an example of one story in another post. Multiple that by 100 and you have my proof. I do not plan on posting all the stories of the Bible and how they relate to each other. My book has about 120,000 words with about 5 dozen illustrations.


fair enough, though i would not call what you have presented evidence that is satisfactory to me. eh.. that's my opinion and i do not know how others feel.

i shall remember that i heard it here first :) no worries with that.

in a different post, though, you say that you won't post any evidence at all until your book is published.... i can only take you at your word.

unfortunately for most people, the internet and chat forums are not very condusive to actual communication and dialog. alot of what humans communicate comes through verbal clues such as tone and intonation and body language. all these elements are lost in the electronic medium, which robs us of a lot of information about the speaker.

not to put too fine a point on it, however, i do not think that i will be purchasing your book. as you are the author, however, once it is published, perhaps you can post some relevant bits of evidence and we can pick this discussion up again?
Any further comments on the notion of Astrology and the Bible should now be conducted on the Astrology and the Bible thread, thank you.

Posts on that topic in this thread will be moved to the other, and this topic locked. I'm simply leaving this open in case anyone should wish to revisit earlier) non-astrological) arguments.