Theological Problem


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Is this a theological problem?

Let’s say for example Christianity views celibacy as being more loyal to God. How can the Messiah someone pure and like God come from non celibate people? Can this problem also apply to Buddhism? And I imagine the return of Christ or Buddha would have to come from non celibate people too.
Postmaster said:
Is this a theological problem?

Let’s say for example Christianity views celibacy as being more loyal to God. How can the Messiah someone pure and like God come from non celibate people? Can this problem also apply to Buddhism? And I imagine the return of Christ or Buddha would have to come from non celibate people too.

I disagree. First, look what Jesus said about the subject:

"His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." - Matthew 19:10-12

But this doesn't mean that a eunich or celebate is necessairly holier than thou. In a Christian's view, a marriage is typifies a husbands love for his wife likened to Christ's love for the church, the intimancy experienced between a man and a woman can bring one to a deeper understanding of the love of God in our lives in a very meaningful way. Pictured as Christ, the husband will do anything for his bride, even to the point of dying for her. By the same token, the wife, as a picture of the church, will submit to the husband and trust him for her needs. This parallel has done much to bring myself and my wife into a closer intimacy with God, for in our marriage, we learn much about how to be unselfish toward each other and appreciate the love we have for each other and how God operates in the same way.
Postmaster said:
Let’s say for example Christianity views celibacy as being more loyal to God.

I would ask that Christian "How does having sex show disloyalty to the one who created sex in the first place?"

How can the Messiah someone pure and like God come from non celibate people?

Because celibacy does not impart purity. Sex is not dirty. God created life and life procreates, usually through sex. I, for one, hope it stays that way ... although there is that one cryptic scripture about being like angels in the resurrection. :eek:

Being celibate might allow someone to focus all their attention on God because they are not distracted by a wife or a husband. I would argue, however, that they are ignoring their God created, normal, biological needs, which can create major problems too.

Jesus advised celibacy for those who couldn't manage to stay married, but instead divorced over trivial reasons. The pharasees were trying to trip him up with their questions; trying to get him to say something against Moses. Instead Jesus simply reminded them that in the beginning it was to be one man and one woman (no polygamy, no divorce).

IMO, Jesus also knew that there were going to be very rough times ahead (70 CE) and that being single would make things easier.
