Hi, everyone! Glad to be back...


Embracing the Mystery
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Under the Stars
Wow! I leave for a little while, and I come back to a new Christianity board and ever too many new posts to read!I will endeavor to be around more often now. Things got a little hectic for a while (well, they are still hectic, but not as bad), but all is good. I'm a grant writer now and we're moving to the mountains in a couple weeks! All of you who know me will know that I am exceedingly happy to be back up among the trees and rocks, and very much looking forward to having a cabin and snow again. :) The best part is that I can walk from my house to my wild grove that I adopted when I became a Druid. And I am about five minutes away from my Bible study, so we can even attend in the winter when it snows. I can't wait for the clean air and water, thunderstorms, and a fireplace again...I hope you are all well.In Peace,Path
Sounds great - glad to hear that you're moving into the countryside again - we're literally about to move to the Scottish Highlands as well. :)
Welcome back, path_of_one:). I have missed you. I know you love that place.

Hi Path. Good to hear from you again. Just got back from the mountains to my home on the prairie flatland-sigh-much prefer some elevation to the landscape.:) Looking forward to your joining in again. earl
I said:
Sounds great - glad to hear that you're moving into the countryside again - we're literally about to move to the Scottish Highlands as well. :)
Sounds lovely, Brian! My husband and I will be in Scotland next June. We're coming out to celebrate Summer Solstice (my Druid order goes to Glastonbury and then Stonehenge, and I've been dying to see Stonehenge inside the stones rather than behind a fence), and then we'll be going up into Scotland to just travel around and see stuff. My husband wants to see his clan's castle, etc. I'd love to see Iona, but I don't know if we'll have time to go that far. I'm very excited- it'll be my first time in the UK, and my husband's first time out of the US. :)
*a furry :kitty: lifts her sleek head, nose twitching as she takes in a vaguely familiar smell. Her eyes widen as she recognizes an old friend, a single word escaping her lips*

Miowr! :)kitty: for "Path!")

*she gets up, races to path_of_one's side, then tries to climb the human's body, "talking" while setting her natural pitons in the human's clothes*

Welcome back, path. ;)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
path_of_one said:
Sounds lovely, Brian! My husband and I will be in Scotland next June. We're coming out to celebrate Summer Solstice (my Druid order goes to Glastonbury and then Stonehenge, and I've been dying to see Stonehenge inside the stones rather than behind a fence), and then we'll be going up into Scotland to just travel around and see stuff. My husband wants to see his clan's castle, etc. I'd love to see Iona, but I don't know if we'll have time to go that far. I'm very excited- it'll be my first time in the UK, and my husband's first time out of the US. :)

If you're planning anything anywhere near Inverness then feel free to contact me and see if we can arrange something. :)
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
*a furry :kitty: lifts her sleek head, nose twitching as she takes in a vaguely familiar smell. Her eyes widen as she recognizes an old friend, a single word escaping her lips*

Miowr! :)kitty: for "Path!")

*she gets up, races to path_of_one's side, then tries to climb the human's body, "talking" while setting her natural pitons in the human's clothes*

Welcome back, path. ;)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Thanks for the welcome, both Phyllis and kitty! :)
I said:
If you're planning anything anywhere near Inverness then feel free to contact me and see if we can arrange something. :)
Spiffy! I'll keep that in mind! If you have any tips of non-touristy/well-known places that are really neat to visit, I'd love to hear them, as we're very open to suggestions. I've already been instructed by a fellow boarder at my barn to go to lots of pubs in Edinburgh. LOL- that was his big advice about traveling to Scotland.
Not tried many pubs, but if you're in that general area (not far from where I am now) then I'm be happy to make a few recommendations. :)

Pushed for time at present, but will try to suggest a few later.