Why do some ideas come back from the dead?


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Sorry if I’m using a wrong word here "marketing" but do some ideas simply need the right marketing? But why do some religions and ideas flourish when others don't! And why do some ideas come back from the dead?

Let's take a look.

Mithraism and Christianity are very similar in message

Manichaeism and Baha'i faith very similar message

Anaximander (610-545 B.C. ancient Greek) evolution of life theory and Darwin’s idea of evolution.

Just pointing out that some things we could be dismissing today as bull could actually b quite significant? To think that the idea of the old testament for the creation of man was favoured over Anaximanders idea of evolution but I suppose he did miss out the most important fact and very truthful idea of a superior creator.

Sometimes we need to be told a few times before it sinks in.

Sometimes the messenger is discounted due to contrary perceptions.

Sometimes one story overtime gets mixed with other stories.

Sometimes we are not physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually ready for the new information.
Postmaster said:
Sorry if I’m using a wrong word here "marketing" but do some ideas simply need the right marketing? But why do some religions and ideas flourish when others don't! And why do some ideas come back from the dead?

Let's take a look.

Mithraism and Christianity are very similar in message

Manichaeism and Baha'i faith very similar message

Anaximander (610-545 B.C. ancient Greek) evolution of life theory and Darwin’s idea of evolution.

Just pointing out that some things we could be dismissing today as bull could actually b quite significant? To think that the idea of the old testament for the creation of man was favoured over Anaximanders idea of evolution but I suppose he did miss out the most important fact and very truthful idea of a superior creator.

Not all evolutionists are disbelievers in a Creator. Theistic evolutionists believe God had a hand in the evolutionary process.
I never said that evolutionists are disbelievers in a creator though.. All I was trying to mention was maybe the reason why the idea of evolution never took off before was simply because it was lacking the idea of a creator.
Postmaster said:
I never said that evolutionists are disbelievers in a creator though.. All I was trying to mention was maybe the reason why the idea of evolution never took off before was simply because it was lacking the idea of a creator.

Well stated, Postmaster. Even as a child, I wondered about this. I could not figure out why everybody was so upset with each other over the idea that the two (and maybe more) ideas could not co-exist. I am still amazed that it is such a controversial subject.

Yesterday, my dad surprised me. We had a long conversation about this. I have often thought that he was so "conservative" (hate labels...hate them, hate them, hate them) that he would never view the concept of evolution "outside the species" in any other way than spiritual or scientific confusion. I wouldn't know how, at this point, to explain exactly what he said to me without causing an uproar and confirming in the minds of some the suspicion that I am apostasizing, but I truly don't see much of a conflict, spiritually or scientifically. I think this is because I am so willing to see inside, outside and all around the issue (and not just this one).

I feel quite certain that what I just said will be confusing to many people. But I am not confused. Maybe in the days and weeks to come, I will find a way to express these kind of thoughts a little more clearly. But, it will most likely be a "bumpy ride" if and when this happens.:eek: Yet, I am willing.:)

InLove said:
I feel quite certain that what I just said will be confusing to many people. But I am not confused. Maybe in the days and weeks to come, I will find a way to express these kind of thoughts a little more clearly. But, it will most likely be a "bumpy ride" if and when this happens.:eek: Yet, I am willing.:)


Very mysterious InLove...you certainly know how to pique our interest!

LOL luna! I am just being honest, G!D help me! :) Not really trying to extend the proverbial "hook". (My reputation has suffered enough recently--may have left some wondering if I was indulging in double espionage. :eek:) But if I can find a way to articulate what is there in my mind, it might be worth a try. What I can say, for the time being, is that it is probably not very sophisticated, and it will only be an idea. And it is probably already out there as well as somewhere here is CR. But I'd like to think that it might be part of a solution, rather than another division (didn't intend the pun, but there it is:D) . One can hardly ever say in regard to issues such as this.

Postmaster said:
Sorry if I’m using a wrong word here "marketing" but do some ideas simply need the right marketing? But why do some religions and ideas flourish when others don't! And why do some ideas come back from the dead?

First, there is probably no new thought to be had. Secondly, one's place in history and the socio-political situation probably have a great deal to do with an idea coming to fruition or not. For example, a major problem some people have with Christianity these days is its emphasis on worship of a God King. Such elevation of a Person does not go over too well in a society where democratic principles are the ideal.
First, there is probably no new thought to be had.

Nah.. With that attitude you couldn't possibly think of anything else. Still have to find ways of curing cancer or anything else to benefit society in anyway. Religious ideas are for this purpose also! There all branches of the same tree! There's people out there that fear nothing and have a lot of good intensions.
Would anyone agree that these ideas actually optimize mankind’s ability? And that some people are still stuck in the Stone Age? for example those who preach racial hate and religious intolerance etc.

If you think about it, humans have been in there current form for over 100'000 years, all humans took the same evolutionary path. Human history of war on human on human goes back 8'000 years the most and as a consequence all this technology came from it. But I think the only way forward now is unity and acceptance.
Postmaster wrote:

But I think the only way forward now is unity and acceptance.

My comment:

I think you're right about that. The world is getting "smaller" and cooperation and interdependence are becoming increasingly obvious and needed skills to survive..

Ideas do have a way of resurfacing and being refined over time..evolving and being reapplied. Also there are certain concepts that are revisited... Politically I think you could say the pendulum swings back and forth. It's like we actually almost return to the same place but it's more of a spiral or different point on the continuum.

- Art
Evolution feeds on a corpse. Of course I see the physical world as a corpse that is always decaying... but all evolution requires a random variable. That random variable is quite literally the unintended remains, the matter or energy that came from something that was once intended. So, evolution feeds on the corpse... the random variable. If a person walks into a casino and lets loose a potent fart, then they will have provided a great service to the gamblers that are there craving a perfectly random variable from something that was once intended, but is no longer needed.

Can knowledge come from evolution? Sure it does. If a soul decides to make use of brain-storms, random drug experimentation, etc... the point is, anything that makes use of an alledged random variable quite literally comes from the dead. It is often more healthy to wash the hands, avoid the casino, and avoid evolution in one's life, but a lot of brains most definitely feed on unintended garbage.

So maybe thats why dead ideas are raised from the dead... because a good portion quite literally come from their corpses.